
program memory data access

Started by AbhinawP August 29, 2002
I am running the following instructions on adsp-2106x simulator (targetsp-21060). Even though cache is enabled the instruction in line#4 is taking two cycles (it must take one cycle 'coz instruction will be in cache after cache miss during line#1).  
How to view cache contents while running code in simulator?

[please reply to only]

I don't know what tool versions you are using but this should be
Go to Register->Core->Other
You should be able to select Cache Contents and view it.

--- In adsp@y..., "AbhinawP" <abhinawp@s...> wrote:
> hi,
> I am running the following instructions on adsp-2106x simulator
(targetsp-21060). Even though cache is enabled the instruction in
line#4 is taking two cycles (it must take one cycle 'coz instruction
will be in cache after cache miss during line#1).
> //*--------------
> r1=PM(i8,m8);
> nop;
> nop;
> r1=PM(i8,m8);
> //*---------
> How to view cache contents while running code in simulator?
> thanx
> Abhinaw