
adt Sport and DMA

Started by shwetha shwetha October 25, 2004

We are using 21065L's, we have up to 5 in a system. You first need to go
into the configurator in you VDSP program group and create a new platform
with as many DSPS as you will want in your system. You need to create a
session using that platform.. You can specify specific projects, or the
same project for loading in each DSP. In the version of VDSP we are are
running you can create the new session by holding down the CTRL key while
starting the VDSP environment.

You will need a special board for your BDM that chains BDM signals. The
chining of the signils determines which DSP is which in the VDSP
environment. The details should be in the TS101 manual. We buffered the
signals as per recommendations in the manual and would be glad to share the
schematic with you if you would like.

At 03:22 AM 10/29/2004, adsp ts wrote:

>I use a ADSP-TS101 and I have a different program for each DSP of the
>card. So I have created four project but I don't know how I shall do to
>load the 4 program on the card ?
>Shall I create a new project with dependenties ??? >
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Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT 59101