I've trying to use the FFT Accelerator on a 21469 processor, everything is
working fine in NOREPEAT mode but when I try to use the REPEAT mode I only get
the two first interrupts (one for the input DMA and the other for the output
DMA). My hardware is a ADSP-21469 EZ-Kit and the processor is a ENG version
(thought that could be relevant).
My original project is a VDK project but I modified the example in EE322 to make
things simpler but whith the same "no-morking" results. Please, any help will be
appreciated. The code is as follows:
In file FIR_IIR_FFT_Init.c : (modified lines are in bold text)
/* This file includes the initialization codes for FIR, IIR and FFT Accelerators
#include "def21469.h"
#include "Cdef21469.h"
void Init_FFT();
/* Declaring the external buffers needed for FFT Accelerator*/
extern int FFT_IP_buff[];
extern int FFT_OP_buff[];
extern int FFT_CF_buff[];
/*Adding the TCB for FFT Accelerator*/
int FFT_IP_TCB[6]={
int FFT_OP_TCB[6]={
int FFT_CF_TCB[6]={
/* Adding the FFT Initialization Code Now */
void Init_FFT()
int temp;
//Mapping the FFT DMA interrupt
//PMCTL1 effect latency
//Clearing the FFTCTL registers
And in file main.C : (modified lines are in bold)
/* This is to test working of the GUI Generated Code for FFT Accelerator N%6
Points */
extern void Init_FFT();
void FFT_DMA_ISR();
#define N 256
float FFT_IP_buff[2*N]={
#include "fft_input.dat"
float FFT_OP_buff[2*N];
float FFT_OP1_buff[N/2];
float FFT_CF_buff[2*N]={
#include "twiddle_256.dat"
int fft_done=0;
int isr = 0;
int main()
int i = 0;
return 0;
void FFT_DMA_ISR()
I kept the program running for a little while and then stopped and saw the value
on isr, I expected a value greater than 2 but the value was exactly 2.
Thanks a lot,
FFT Accelerator Repeat mode
Started by ●October 5, 2011
Reply by ●October 5, 20112011-10-05
If you don't get an answer here you might try the ADI Engineer Zone
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, Galvez wrote:
> Hello,
> I've trying to use the FFT Accelerator on a 21469 processor, everything is working fine in NOREPEAT mode but when I try to use the REPEAT mode I only get the two first interrupts (one for the input DMA and the other for the output DMA). My hardware is a ADSP-21469 EZ-Kit and the processor is a ENG version (thought that could be relevant).
> My original project is a VDK project but I modified the example in EE322 to make things simpler but whith the same "no-morking" results. Please, any help will be appreciated. The code is as follows:
> In file FIR_IIR_FFT_Init.c : (modified lines are in bold text)
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, Galvez wrote:
> Hello,
> I've trying to use the FFT Accelerator on a 21469 processor, everything is working fine in NOREPEAT mode but when I try to use the REPEAT mode I only get the two first interrupts (one for the input DMA and the other for the output DMA). My hardware is a ADSP-21469 EZ-Kit and the processor is a ENG version (thought that could be relevant).
> My original project is a VDK project but I modified the example in EE322 to make things simpler but whith the same "no-morking" results. Please, any help will be appreciated. The code is as follows:
> In file FIR_IIR_FFT_Init.c : (modified lines are in bold text)