
dsk5402 codec register programming

Started by Micah Caudle September 29, 2003
Pardon my last message. Something malfunctioned
somewhere and only half of the message text was sent.

I have a more burning question now. I am having
trouble programming the control registers of the AD50
codec on the 5402 DSK. If anyone has succesfully
programmed the codec on the 5402DSK could you please
forward me the macro or code segment or point me in
the direction of any example code?

I am working with the
c:\tieval22\examples\dsk5402\bios\audio example
program that was installed with the current version of
the full 54x Code Composer Studio 90-day trial. Has
anyone else noticed that the PROGREG macro (exhibit A)
that TI uses to program the codec in dss_dsk5402.s54
does not work? It may appear to work since the entire
program does function as expected, however this is not
due to any successful programming of the AD50's
registers. This program just happens to work with the
AD50 in its default state. I tested the PROGREG macro
by using it to set the software power down bit in
cntrl reg 1 which should disable audio output. It did
not disable the audio output. Next, I wrote my own
register programming code (exhibit B) inspired by
spru173 pg 3-15. This does not work either and I don't
know why. Hopefully I am testing the xrdy bit
correctly. My understanding is that whichever McBSP1
register's sub-address I have at 48h, it's value can
be accessed at 49h, right? The 3rd option I tried is
to use codec_write_reg() of the Codec API from the
board library dsk5402.lib. This would not build
because both rts.lib and biosi.a54 define '_c_int00'.
This makes me think that the Codec Api is not
compatible with DSP/BIOS. Now I have about given up on
programming the codec and any help would be greatly
appreciated. (see code below)

Exhibit A.
PROGREG .macro progword
;; Using the hardware method of requesting
;; secondary communication to codec
;; Set FC to request secondary communications
stm #dss_tmp, ar0
portr CPLD_CTRL2, *ar0
orm #CODEC1_FC_ON, *ar0 ;; that's #0x8
portw *ar0, CPLD_CTRL2

;; write command
stm #:progword:,DXR1_1

;; clear FC
stm #dss_tmp, ar0
portr CPLD_CTRL2, *ar0
andm #(~CODEC1_FC_ON), *ar0
portw *ar0, CPLD_CTRL2
;; returns CPLD_CTRL2 to its state before macro

;; write 0 for next primary slot
stm #0, DXR1_1

Exhibit B.
stm #0001h, SPSA ; SPSAHh
bitf SPAD, 0002h
; test 2nd bit at adress 49h (SPAD)
bc wait_xrdy, NTC
; if xrdy=0 wait and take branch
stm #1111h, DXR1_1
; send 2ndary request (LSB=1) when xrdy=1
bitf SPAD, 0002h
; test xrdy bit in SPCR2_1
bc wait_xrdy2, NTC
; if bit=0 wait=take branch
stm #0000000101100000b, DXR1_1
; send control word with s/w power down set
; don't let the program continue until control
; word has been safely transmitted to ensure nothing
; can overwrite it
bitf SPAD, 0002h
bc wait_xrdy3, NTC
