DSPers, Dear all, I am trying to receive serial data using McBSP in DSP/BIOS. The problem is when the DSK6711 doesn't connect to serial stream, the McBSP0_Receive interrupt that map to HWI11 unusually invoke. I would like to add that I haven't use Sample-Rate Generator, but use external Frame Sync(connect to FSR0) and CLK(connect to CLKR0). What is this problem, please help? Here is the code : #include <std.h> #include <swi.h> #include "MyReceive1_Bioscfg.h" int a=0,b=0; static Uint32 McbspEventId0; void main (void) { a = 1; b = 1; SWI_post(&SWI0); } /* SWI0 */ void MyMcBSP0_Init (void) { a++; McbspEventId0 = MCBSP_getRcvEventId(hMcbsp0); IRQ_enable(McbspEventId0); MCBSP_enableRcv(hMcbsp0); } /* HWI11 */ void MyMcBSP0_Receive (void) { b++; } Thank in advance, TR. |
McBSP, please help
Started by ●August 21, 2002