
program debug/execution not entering main

Started by k seshu babu October 11, 2002
hi all

i am using a DSK6711 kit.
The problem is the program execution does not go to main
instead it executes some assembly intructions before main
and ultimately lands up at a memory location containing only NOPs

plz let me know about this


I am using DSK5416 kit
Boot.c is in rts.lib
1.Initializes global and static variables
2. Initialize the c environment variables
3.set up stack
4.call's main
ON RESTET CPU starts at _int_00
case 1 :
please check whether u added rtslib or rts_ext.lib....
let me share,,,,little bitof knowledge i have...I am new to

case 2:
If u have any exits in u r code .....ie....exit(0) , that
may go to NOP...
Thanking u
Kind regards
Ts sudhakar

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 k seshu babu wrote :
>hi all
>i am using a DSK6711 kit.
>The problem is the program execution does not go to main
>instead it executes some assembly intructions before main
>and ultimately lands up at a memory location containing only
>plz let me know about this
>seshu >
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