
How to Use Vector Table?

Started by anser mehboob September 8, 2008
Hi everybody

I have a little problem. I am trying to write an EDMA program to copy data from one location to other. After copying; EDMA should generate an interrupt to the CPU and then CPU should run an ISR.
The EDMA sucessfully copies data and also generates an interrupt. I used following code to check that whether EDMA generates an interrupt or not

while(EDMA_intTest(8)!=1){} //works ok
But this interrupt doesnt reach CPU i.e. the CPU never calls ISR. I am also scaning IFR register using

I am using "HWI dispatcher" to set the interrupt. I think it is something related to "Vector Table". I never used "Vector Table" before. Anyone has any knowledge how to do it. Any help is very much appreciated.
Kind Regards
Try that
first reset it vectors
then set the address of it vectors table
IRQ_setVecs(vectors); /* point to the IRQ vector table */then map the EDMA event to an IT event
IRQ_map(IRQ_EVT_EDMAINT, 13);then you can set up your DMA and allow interrupt generation of the channel you selected
then allow this IT
IRQ_enable( IRQ_EVT_EDMAINT );then allow the NMI
IRQ_nmiEnable();This should be better