
External interrupt pin 4 -C6455

Started by muneeb abid November 27, 2008
i am using dsk 6455. Can anyone guide me to configure HWI 4 using DSP bios . I have read on the forum if i am using DSP BIOS i cannot use intc.h and any fuction related to ti. Is that correct.
I have confgured HWI object in DSP bois . i have also linked my function _hwintrupt and also checked the box to use intrupt dipatcher .

what else configuration i have to do?. where is can find CIP CIE registers and how can i see if the relevant flags are set .

i have done ths above settings and gave the hardware intrupts . but my fuctions is not being called :(...i am new to DSP programming . ill be thankful if anyone can guide me for that
