
Re: C6713 and DAC8581EVM interfacing Urgent help needed please !! [2 Attachments]

Started by kamran khan August 4, 2009
I think there is
some confusion in explaining the problem. I am sorry for this. In short, the
issue is that, the attached sample code is complied and built without any error
or warning but there is no DAC output. The main concern is that, this code
sample is provided by TI support center and I am using all the hardware and
software settings as told by them so normally there should be some output (Snapshots
of all the settings are given in the attached file). My query is that am I missing
some important thing/step or there is some flaw in the code itself!!
Secondly, What is basic purpose of exposed
function? How the exposed function “DAC8581_getFinishedBufferParams()” (as
described in the DAC8581_dsk6713.html in the project folder ) will be used in
this case.
- Kamran

I am not the group, please don't post to me. Post to the group -- you should ask yourself why the e-mail address
"C..." contains the word "group". Also for me personally, my job does not permit me to provide tech
advice to unsolicited or non-contractual inquiries -- exceptions being online forums and tech groups. I'm sure other
companies have this policy also.

My comment about lack of group response: when I see someone say "please look over my code" I tend to think "uh oh, I
have to find the *the problem and the answer*, not just the answer" or even worse "he/she wants someone to do their
project for them". It's your job to find a specific bug or something that not's happening correctly, explain in
detail the problem, your test conditions and results, and maybe give a small snippet of source code, preferably justa
few lines. Then it's easier for group members to help you.

In this case, you say "I guess there is some flaw in main.c". What? What is the first specific thing that goes
wrong? How far does the code run? What is the first line of code that appears not to work? Those type of questions
are not DSP specific -- they apply to any C/C++ code environment, on any type of CPU.


> I am using
> TMS320C6713, 5-6 K interface board and DAC 8581EVM to generate high frequency
> signals up to 1 Mhz. Currently I am using CCS V3.1 but I can switch to CCS
> V3.3, if required. Few days ago I posted
> some queries pertinent to my project on the group and got some helpful replies.
> I also contacted TI support for this purpose and they sent me a sample code.
> Currently the issue is that even that sample code is not running. I guess there
> is some flaw in “main.c” file.
> I don’t
> wont to spam the group by posting same sort of question again and again, I
> shall be very thankful to you, if you could please have a look at the code and
> identify any mistake in the code or files to be included. Secondly, in “DAC8581_dsk6713.htm”
> included within the project folder, TI support has talked about some “exposed
> functions”. I don’t understand what this function is doing and what should I do
> with it? I didn’t found it any where in .c or .h files.
> Please find
> attached the sample code provided by Ti support and detailed PDF file which I
> have created to address this issue to Ti support.
> Regards,
> Kamran