
C6711 DSK connection problem

Started by rworne January 21, 2003
I have a C6711 DSK and a Spectrum Digital XDS510PP w/ a full Code
Composer Studio.

I was working on some interrupt code when the PC decided to take a
road trip and locked up the card.

Now when the card is reset, the three LEDS stay lit and I cannot get
the card go go through POST. CC Studio cannot talk to the card

Is there some way to unwedge the card, or does it have to be sent
back to TI?

Have you tried to disconect the XDS510PP ?? It might be the emulator
that has jamed and are holding
the board in reset.
I still have a XDS510PP somewhere that suddenly decided to corrupt its
eeprom just like that.

/Regards, P Ligander rworne wrote:

>I have a C6711 DSK and a Spectrum Digital XDS510PP w/ a full Code
>Composer Studio.
>I was working on some interrupt code when the PC decided to take a
>road trip and locked up the card.
>Now when the card is reset, the three LEDS stay lit and I cannot get
>the card go go through POST. CC Studio cannot talk to the card
>Is there some way to unwedge the card, or does it have to be sent
>back to TI? >
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