
audio example for dsk6711

Started by waqar ahmed April 5, 2003

i am new to dsp programming and trying to use audio
example code packaged with code composer studio on
dsk6711. but it seems like input jack for mic is not
working.... there is no valid incoming signal from the

plz can anyone point out a way through which i can
verify whether my mic input jack on dsk6711 is working
or not?

or if someone has some knowledge about this sort of
problem.. may be caused by some logical fault in

--- In , waqar ahmed <realyvirtual@y...> wrote:
> Hi!
> i am new to dsp programming and trying to use audio
> example code packaged with code composer studio on
> dsk6711. but it seems like input jack for mic is not
> working.... there is no valid incoming signal from the
> codec......
> plz can anyone point out a way through which i can
> verify whether my mic input jack on dsk6711 is working
> or not?
> or if someone has some knowledge about this sort of
> problem.. may be caused by some logical fault in
> code...?Hi
I had the same problem with you. The problem which I know is it
needs Pre-Amp in front of the Connecter.
You might use the pre-amp box (Mr. Rulph Chassaing told me)or
the "dynamic microphone " to amplify the voice. But I am not sure it
is feasible or not about codec programming in CCS.
In my way , I plugged the mic to PC ,then connent the output from
the PC (All with Audio Card)to J7 .I found it
could work. The speaker connected with J6 could heard my voice. So
please try again!
The loop is "Mic -->PC-->J7-->DSP-->J6-->Speaker".Good Lucky!

Ke-Han Su

RE: [c6x] audio example for dsk6711

There is no microphone pre-amp circuit ... so you need to use a powered microphone.  Most standard PC type microphones do not come powered.  Radio Shack has a powered version that requires two AA batteries.

Tom Dillon

-----Original Message-----
From: waqar ahmed [mailto:r...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 5:33 AM
To: c...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: c...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [c6x] audio example for dsk6711


i am new to dsp programming and trying to use audio
example code packaged with code composer studio on
dsk6711. but it seems like input jack for mic is not
working.... there is no valid incoming signal from the

plz can anyone point out a way through which i can
verify whether my mic input jack on dsk6711 is working
or not?

or if someone has some knowledge about this sort of
problem.. may be caused by some logical fault in

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