
TMS320C6416 - Write Operation , problem

Started by ramya_m October 15, 2004

Hi ,

This is with regard to a problem that we are facing with our board ,
TMS320C6416 , version E.
When interfaced with a peripheral , BU 61580, we are able to view the
CE pulses during subsequent reads.But , during the write operation ,
the CE pulses occurr only when Nops are introduced after every
write.Without the delay , the CE goes low and remains low during
subsequent writes.

Please send us a solution at the earliest

Thanks and Best regards,

I am not sure about your problem. However, how are you writing. If you are using FILE I/O, try this.
FILE*        fptr; /* This is your file pointer */
fptr->flags |= 0x4;
This should help.
With Warm Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: ramya_m
To: c...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: [c6x] TMS320C6416 - Write Operation , problem

Hi ,

This is with regard to a problem that we are facing with our board ,
TMS320C6416 , version E.
When interfaced with a peripheral , BU 61580, we are able to view the
CE  pulses during subsequent reads.But , during the write operation ,
the CE pulses occurr only when Nops are introduced after every
write.Without the delay , the CE goes low and remains low during
subsequent writes.

Please send us a solution at the earliest

Thanks and Best regards,
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