
Field programing of DM642 boot flash

Started by bans...@comcast.net June 22, 2005
We would like to be able to do remote field updates to the DM642 boot flash. Has anyone done this.
I was thinking we could have a base bootloader locked in flash that never will be overwritten that brings interface up, then runtime image can be in another sector of flash that can be overwritten. I am just worried if box is powered down during flash programing we may have problems.
thanks much,

Hello Bill,
You can get there [as long as the FLASH doesn't get into some 'stupid mode'].  Off the top of my head...
1. never modify the boot code or 'update FLASH code'.
2. put some signature info into your app at a constant offset from the beginning of the 'first application sector'.  This can be as simple or complex as you need.  The table could look something like:
<begining of app flash>
sum or crc from end_of_table+4 to last_address_used
firmware_revision (int)
3. sanity check firmware revision
4. check start_pattern1 [generated by algo from f/w rev]
5. check start_pattern2 [generated by algo from start_pattern1]
6. check end_patterns 1&2 [XOR of start_patterns at last 2 addresses]
7. run crc or checksum
8. if you get here, you are 'good to go'; if problem, post error and beg for reload

b...@comcast.net wrote:
We would like to be able to do remote field updates to the DM642 boot flash. Has anyone done this.
I was thinking we could have a base bootloader locked in flash that never will be overwritten that brings interface up, then runtime image can be in another sector of flash that can be overwritten. I am just worried if box is powered down during flash programing we may have problems.
thanks much,

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