Hi all,
Can anyone tell me if multiword frames work under SPI on this chip?
The data sheet spra551a says it should but a help note in the
knowledge base says:
C6000 McBSP in SPI Mode
Can the C6000 McBSP in SPI Mode be used with multi-word frames?
The C6000 McBSP in SPI Mode will work only with single-element single-
phase frames. A Frame Sync (a.k.a. Chip Select in SPI mode) signal is
required to be asserted and de-asserted for each element. Multi-word
frames cannot be used in SPI Mode. However, if four 8-b data needs to
be transacted on the SPI pins per Chip Select, the McbSP can be
programmed to do a single 32-b transfer. In this case, the FS/CS will
be asserted continuously for the 32-bits of data and then de-