
Re: absolute beginner

Started by Bhooshan Iyer April 5, 2006
If you are adamant that you are an absolute beginer, I think you should get
yourself a copy of *Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the
C6713 and C6416 DSK (Topics in Digital Signal
Rulph Chassaing (
*Hardcover* - Dec 13, 2004). This book starts with some basic stuffs.

Hope this helps.

On 2/27/06, murselonder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am absolute beginner to c6x programming. After C programming
> knowledge, CCS IDE knowledge , I need step by step learning DSP
> pogramming tutorials.
> Many books start with example like that: "add this file to
> project ...": But I want to create that file myself.
> How and where can I learn this? ( i.e. structure of C6x processor and
> appropriate way(commands register adress numbers ...) programming
> tools.
> thanks a lot.
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I've failed over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed."
-- Michael Jordan