Hi Cynthia,
My name is Miguel Cotanilla and I am currently studying Telecommunications
Engineering at a Spanish University.
I have the same problem of you, I am trying to put in practice an Active Noise
Control with a 6711 dsk and PCM3003 Audio Dauhther Card of Texas
Instruments. I found a Mr. Kanglin Wangs C Code in his website of RLS
algorithm, and I tried to use this in my DSP, but unfortunately I was not able
to do it.
I was wondering I you would be so kind to give me the code to initialize my
Thanks in advance for your help.
Miguel Cotanilla.
> Hi all,
>I'm trying to implement the RLS alogrithm for noise cancellation in C
>with the TMS320C6711DSK but dont know how to initialize and set
>parameters like the P matrix using C. All the examples i have seen
>implement it in MATLAB. I have already implemented the LMS algorithm
>using C but the more complex RLS is posing a problem. Any help would be
>greatly appreciated.
Re: Adaptive Noise Cancellation using the RLS algorithm.
Started by ●March 14, 2007