

Started by Thomas Schwere October 3, 2000
Hi all,

If I create a DSP/BIOS configuration file, the code composer also
generates a linker command file. I have some user specific memory
section which I add manually into the linker command file. If I change
the DSP/BIOS configuration file, the linker command file will also be
changed and my user specific memory section are overwritten.
Where can I define this user specific memory section in the way that
they will not be overwritten each time I change my DSP/BIOS
configuration file?

Thanks in advance.


| ~ ~ |
( O O )
___________________________________oOOo______( )_____oOOo_______

Thomas Schwere Phone: +41 1 445 16 61
Supercomputing Systems AG Fax: +41 1 445 16 10
Technoparkstrasse 1 Url: www.scs.ch
CH-8005 Zurich Email:
_________________________________________oooO______( )_________
( ) ) /
\ ( (_/

See the section (or page 32) in TI's DSP/BIOS II Users Guide spru326C. That describes all your need.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Schwere
To: c...@egroups.com ; c...@egroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 7:15 AM
Subject: [code-comp] DSP/BIOS II

Hi all,

If I create a DSP/BIOS configuration file, the code composer also
generates a linker command file. I have some user specific memory
section which I add manually into the linker command file. If I change
the DSP/BIOS configuration file, the linker command file will also be
changed and my user specific memory section are overwritten.
Where can I define this user specific memory section in the way that
they will not be overwritten each time I change my DSP/BIOS
configuration file?

Thanks in advance.


                                           | ~ ~ |
                                          (  O O  )
___________________________________oOOo______( )_____oOOo_______

Thomas Schwere                 Phone:  +41 1 445 16 61
Supercomputing Systems AG      Fax:    +41 1 445 16 10
Technoparkstrasse 1            Url:    www.scs.ch
CH-8005 Zurich                 Email:  s...@scs.ch
_________________________________________oooO______(  )_________
                                         (  )       ) /
                                          \ (      (_/

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