
Best resampling approach for different types of data?

Started by chrah September 3, 2009
On 3 Sep, 18:12, Tim Wescott <t...@seemywebsite.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure what restrictions Rune is placing by saying "not quite > DSP".=A0If it's a signal, and you're processing it, and you're doing it > numerically, then it's DSP to me.
What we usually think of as DSP is only a subset of the methods available for data analysis. Kalman filters may be bordeline, but tools like ARIMA analysis, median filters and so on, are not covered by DSP. You don't need to go further than the 'academic sibling' of DSP, image processing, to see that one uses methods like morphology, that have no counterpart in DSP. As for the data, DSP usually covers anthropogenic data: The devices listen for signals that somebody deliberately emitted, be it for radar/sonar type of remote sensing, or for communication purposes. There are exceptions, like SETI or earthquake monitoring, but even these types of applications listen for the same *types* of data; data that propagate as waves into a world where they may or may not be expetcted to exist. To see what I mean, try to use, say, a Butterworth filter to clean up navigation data, the noisy position estimates from some vehicle that follows a meandering track. These types of data have fundamentally different characteristics from comm data or remote sensing data, so the methods designed for comm or remote sensing applications will fail. The OP has data that are sufficiently different from the data one usually deals with in DSP, so he should seek advice from people who deal with data with the same characteristics as his. Rune