
implement biquad filter in octave or matlab

Started by katwalatapan March 24, 2010

I'm very new to the implementation of the biquad filter.  It would really
help if someone could post links where I can learn how to implement a
biquad filter as well as cascaded biquad filter in octave or matlab.  I'd
appreciate if someone could point me as to how do I decide the filter
co-efficient and test them with respect to the desired frequency response. 

Thank you.

Partial code is printed. This I had done two years back in 
Octave. In case if you need full listing get in touch on
bharat at arithos dot com. 

Bharat Pathak

function [w1 w2 w3 yout smin smax] = biquad_3stage(sos, xin)

% This function implements 3 biquads in time domain.  
% Basically by means of difference equation. 
% This program can be used to 3 reasons.
% 1. perform fractional bits analysis.
% 2. find overflow at critical adder nodes.
% 3. fixing of limit cycle oscillations.

fb_sel1 = 1;	% 0 means floor, 1 means round and 2 means fix
fb_sel2 = 1;	% 0 means floor, 1 means round and 2 means fix
fb_sel3 = 2;	% 0 means floor, 1 means round and 2 means fix

b0c 	= sos(3,1); 
b1c 	= sos(3,2); 
b2c 	= sos(3,3);
a1c 	= sos(3,5); 
a2c 	= sos(3,6);

for i = 1 : length(xin)
	%------------------ first stage --------------------------

	sum1 = b0a*xin(i) + b1a*xp  + b2a*xpp - a1a*w1p - a2a*w1pp;
	if(sum1 < s1min)
		s1min = sum1;
	elseif(sum1 > s1max)
		s1max  = sum1;
	%------------------ second stage --------------------------

	sum2 = b0b*w1(i) + b1b*w1p  + b2b*w1pp - a1b*w2p - a2b*w2pp;
	if(sum2 < s2min)
		s2min = sum2;
	elseif(sum2 > s2max)
		s2max  = sum2;
	%------------------ third stage --------------------------

	if(fb_sel3 == 0)
		w3(i)	= floor(sum3 * k)/k;
	elseif(fb_sel3 == 1)
		w3(i)   = round(sum3 * k)/k;
		w3(i)   = fix(sum3 * k)/k;
	xpp  	= xp;
	xp   	= xin(i);

	w1pp  	= w1p;
	w1p   	= w1(i);

	yout(i) = round(sum3 * k1)/k1;

smin = [s1min s2min s3min];
smax = [s1max s2max s3max];
