
C6713 Chassaing Code - Cannot Build and Run Examples

Started by BobM March 12, 2006
I have a C6713 DSK and the Chassaing C6713 book. I followed the
instructions in the book for building the basic sine8_LED example. It
builds fine and I can load the output (.out file) to the DSK. However,
when running it there is no 1kHz tone.

But if I load the compiled sine8_LED.out file that came on the CD with
the book, the DSK produces the 1 kHz tone as expected.

It seems the DSK might be locking up on the output_sample() function in
the sine8_LED.c file. I say this because when running the .out file I
built, the LED lights up when DIP switch 0 is on, but continues to stay
lit when DIP switch 0 is off.

When running the .out file that came on the CD with the book, the LED
turns off when DIP switch 0 is off. This makes me think that the code
is hanging on the output_sample() statement, which comes just prior to
the statement for turning the LED off.

The only hangup I had when building the example code was that I had to
explicitly list the paths for the libraries (csl6713.lib,
dsk6713bsl.lib, rts6700.lib) in Project->Build Options. These files are
referenced by the sine8_LED example code, but are not included with
Chassaing's CD. These were included with the DSK. I also had to point
it to the file dsk6713_aic.h, which was also included with the DSK.
Could there be some difference in these that is causing an issue?

The only suspect thing I see in the output_sample() function is that it
uses MCBSP_write() to write output to the codec. In dsk6713_aic.h I see
a function DSK6713_AIC23_write(), but I do not see MCBSP_write(). Could
this be the problem?

I'm running CCS 3.1 and the C6713 DSK. Anyone that's familiar with
these and the Chassaing example code, I'd appreciate your help.


Hi Bob

>I have a C6713 DSK and the Chassaing C6713 book. I followed the > instructions in the book for building the basic sine8_LED example. It > builds fine and I can load the output (.out file) to the DSK. However, > when running it there is no 1kHz tone. > > But if I load the compiled sine8_LED.out file that came on the CD with > the book, the DSK produces the 1 kHz tone as expected.
Try setting the Project -> Build Options -> Compiler tab -> Category: Advanced -> Memory Models to "Far (--mem_model:data=far)". The BSL's definition of the AIC23 codec handle is defined as far. The other changes you made seem correct. Cheers, Howard
Howard, I thank you tremendously! That fixed it.

Thanks again!

> Howard, I thank you tremendously! That fixed it.
My pleasure. Glad I could help. Howard