REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) unmoderated group comp.soft-sys.octave This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the unmoderated Usenet newsgroup, comp.soft-sys.octave. Discussion should take place in news.groups; see the PROCEDURE section, below, for more details. NEWSGROUPS LINE: comp.soft-sys.octave GNU Octave, language for numerical computations. RATIONALE: comp.soft-sys.octave This new newsgroup "comp.soft-sys.octave" will be a forum for discussing application and development issues related to the use of GNU Octave, the free, open-source software package for doing numerical computations. GNU Octave is very much similar to the commercial application "MATLAB" (from the MathWorks) in its syntax and function. GNU Octave does not have any single roof for discussion. New users are daunted at the very onset of their exposure to Octave due to its complexity (e.g., the 350 page manual). This group will serve as a central, standardized meeting place for the discussion of GNU Octave which will allow the exchange of ideas and flow of information on all aspects of GNU Octave by users of all experience levels. The establishment of a GNU Octave Usenet newsgroup will leverage the NNTP standard, which is a commercially independent and well-established standard that will provide a forum that is free from manipulation and advertisement (unlike many web-based forums) for all discussion of GNU Octave and will be easily interfaced from any Usenet news client application. Because of Octave's syntactical resemblance to MATLAB(R) (from Mathworks, Inc.), users read the MATLAB newsgroup (comp.soft-sys.matlab) to watch for a look-alike solution to their problems. Thus the establishment of a separate Octave newsgroup will partition Octave issues from MATLAB issues and reduce off-topic questions in the MATLAB newsgroup. Related questions have also appeared in comp.dsp Development issues such as crashes and errors that might not otherwise be reported can be posted here. Developers can scan the group for problems and post possible fixes or workarounds. A mailing list exists for GNU Octave (, but it is busy with development-related tasks. The daily general and application- specific issues can be more accurately dealt with a separate newsgroup for GNU Octave. The name comp.soft-sys.octave seems to be an appropriate choice. This newsgroup is meant for quick exchange of information about GNU Octave so the moderation of the group isn't necessary. CHARTER: comp.soft-sys.octave General GNU Octave questions and its application to specific fields such as digital signal processing, digital communications, medical imaging, etc., as well as development issues such as bugs, fixes, workarounds, etc., in the main Octave kernel as well as developer- and user-supplied scripts (.m files) which extend Octave's functionality. The general issues include: * Addressing new user queries. * Exchange of source code in public domain, especially .m scripts. * Addressing the applications of GNU Octave in various fields. Usage specific in fields like Signal Processing: * Exchange of public domain source code to strengthen the signal processing part of GNU Octave. * Addressing the beginner to advanced queries regarding various signal processing related function available with GNU Octave, as built-in or as separate packages. Commercial Postings Commercial advertising related to Octave from software vendors, publishers, etc. will be permitted in a very limited fashion. Unwelcome posts Flames and other non-constructive criticism are harmful when directed to new readers. The octave group is meant to be a friendlier place on the net for beginners, intermediate, advanced users. Flames and other non-constructive criticism aimed at those seeking help are unwelcome. END CHARTER. PROCEDURE: The newsgroup creation process is currently undergoing revision. Please refer to the newsgroup creation policies listed here: All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, comp.soft-sys.matlab, comp.dsp, comp.speech.research, comp.os.linux.development.apps PROPONENT: Himanshu Singh Chauhan <> HISTORY: 2006-03-20 Second RFD submitted; reformatted by Tim Skirvin. 2006-03-18 Added several more newsgroups. 2006-03-15 Reformatted by Tim Skirvin for posting as an RFD. 2006-03-14 Submitted by Himanshu Singh Chauhan.
2nd RFD: comp.soft-sys.octave
Started by ●May 21, 2006