Dear all,
I have a problem computing the variance of a Brownian motion vector and matching
it to the expression in Papoulis's "Probability, Random Variable, and
Stochastic Processes" for the variance of Brownian motion process.
The code (below) results in a variance (averaged over 10000 realizations) that
is approximately 2*pi smaller than what I expected from the book formula
var(Brownian)=sequence_length*variance(RV vector).
I would appreciate very much your pointers to what I am doing wrong. Thank you
in advance!
var_Wei=zeros(1, runs);
for II=1:runs
RV_vector=1*randn(1, seq_length);
varWei_over_varRV_over_Length=mean(var_phase) / 1 / seq_length;
variance of Brownian motion vector in Matlab
Started by ●September 18, 2008