
NewMicros JTAG

Started by Jacob Christ December 11, 2003
I just got my NewMicros 14-Pin JTAG port and was disapointed that it
didn't come with any documentation (nor could I find any on the New
Micros web page). Does anyone know that has used it know if the 14
pin connector matches the pinout of the Motorola Eval boards?

Jacob Christ

Hello Jacob

We use the NewMicros as a replacement for Motorola JTAG converter for a long
time without any problem (completely connector-compatible).
If I well remember, you must insert the key-pin (pin 8) in the connector

Kind regards,
Wim de Haan Exendis B.V.
W.J. de Haan
P.O.box 56, 6710 BB Ede
Keesomstraat 4, 6716 AB Ede
The Netherlands.
Tel: +31-(0)318 - 676305
Fax: +31-(0)318 - 676319
URL: http://www.exendis.com <http://www.exendis.com/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Christ [mailto:]
Sent: donderdag 11 december 2003 15:25
Subject: [motoroladsp] NewMicros JTAG I just got my NewMicros 14-Pin JTAG port and was disapointed that it
didn't come with any documentation (nor could I find any on the New
Micros web page). Does anyone know that has used it know if the 14
pin connector matches the pinout of the Motorola Eval boards?

Jacob Christ
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If go in the New Micros site, you will find that the JTAG port is
suggested for some New Micros specifical products (for example,
In the NMIN-0803-H3 PDF schematics, the J7 connector will let you
derivate the JTAG port pinout.

Roberto Bonacina

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Jacob Christ [mailto:]
Inviato: gioved11 dicembre 2003 15.25
Oggetto: [motoroladsp] NewMicros JTAG I just got my NewMicros 14-Pin JTAG port and was disapointed that it
didn't come with any documentation (nor could I find any on the New
Micros web page). Does anyone know that has used it know if the 14
pin connector matches the pinout of the Motorola Eval boards?

Jacob Christ
.com/Default?mqso`178356&partidA16730> click here


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I have been using the New Micros JTAG 14-Pin cable for about a month now without a problem.  I am using it with my DSP56858EVM.  The only thing that I had to do was disable the on-board Parallel JTAG Host/Target Interface by placing a jumper on JG5 (DSP56858EVM).
I was also a little disappointed in the lack of any documentation.  It works great though and I have no complaints.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Christ [mailto:j...@pontech.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:25 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [motoroladsp] NewMicros JTAG

I just got my NewMicros 14-Pin JTAG port and was disapointed that it
didn't come with any documentation (nor could I find any on the New
Micros web page).  Does anyone know that has used it know if the 14
pin connector matches the pinout of the Motorola Eval boards?

Jacob Christ

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