
Disabling EOnCE

Started by Hardeep March 22, 2006

I am using the DSP56858. Is there a way to turn off the EOnCE module
once the board has been programmed? The reason I am asking this is to
determine whether and/or how much current is being consumed with it
on. I have created a project in which I put the DSP into Wait mode
(wait for interrupt) with no interrupts enabled (other than the core
interrupts that may occur) so that I can measure the current
consumption while it is in wait mode. However, the measured current
consumption does not fall within what is specified on the spec sheet.
Could the EOnCE be causing this extra current consumption as it is the
only other module actually running in my program?

Thank you.
1) Tie /TRST to ground and set EOnCE_EBL bit = 0 will
disable EOnCE.
2) To further reduce the current consumption, disable
PLL and clock the CPU core by prescale clock.


--- Hardeep wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the DSP56858. Is there a way to turn off
> the EOnCE module
> once the board has been programmed? The reason I am
> asking this is to
> determine whether and/or how much current is being
> consumed with it
> on. I have created a project in which I put the DSP
> into Wait mode
> (wait for interrupt) with no interrupts enabled
> (other than the core
> interrupts that may occur) so that I can measure the
> current
> consumption while it is in wait mode. However, the
> measured current
> consumption does not fall within what is specified
> on the spec sheet.
> Could the EOnCE be causing this extra current
> consumption as it is the
> only other module actually running in my program?
> Thank you.
> Hardeep