
question about FIR filters

Started by Unknown October 25, 2006

Hi, Im writing because Im trying to work with a MC56f8323. Im trying to
make a fir filter and I cant understand an example code that I have. My
idea Is to acquire continuously, pass signal trough a filter and then
transmit it via RS232. Im going to copy code that I have. Please, need
comments. Thanks.


PD: I dont understand why increment pfirRead in 4

while (adquiere)


pTempWrtPtr = pAdcRxBuffWrt; // voy almacenando los datos adq.

/****** HERE IS THE FIR CODE *******************/


#if (SAMPLE_RATE != 1000)



if(pTempWrtPtr >= pFirRead)


Size = pTempWrtPtr - pFirRead;




Size = ADC_RX_BUFF_SIZE - (pFirRead - pTempWrtPtr);


if (Size >= 4)


dfr16FIR (pFir, (Frac16 *) pFirRead, (Frac16 *)

// increment pointer

pFirRead += 4;

// check to see if at end of fifo

if(pFirRead > &AdcRxBuff[ADC_RX_BUFF_SIZE-1])


pFirRead = &AdcRxBuff[0];




2006/10/25, C. Rodolfo Ramez :
> Hi, I'm writing because I'm trying to work with a MC56f8323.
I'm trying to do a FIR filter with a MC56F8323 too.

I'm trying to
> make a fir filter and I can't understand an example code that I have.
You shouldn't look this example anymore (it drove me crazy).

> idea Is to acquire continuously, pass signal trough a filter and then
> transmit it via RS232. I'm going to copy code that I have. Please, need
> comments. Thanks.
> Rodolfo
> PD: I don't understand why increment pfirRead in 4
> while (adquiere)
> {
> pTempWrtPtr = pAdcRxBuffWrt; // voy almacenando los datos adq.
> /****** HERE IS THE FIR CODE *******************/
> #ifdef FIR_ENABLED
> #if (SAMPLE_RATE != 1000)
> #endif
> if(pTempWrtPtr >= pFirRead)
> {
> Size = pTempWrtPtr - pFirRead;
> }
> else
> {
> Size = ADC_RX_BUFF_SIZE - (pFirRead - pTempWrtPtr);
> }
> if (Size >= 4)
> {
> dfr16FIR (pFir, (Frac16 *) pFirRead, (Frac16
> *)
> pFirRead, NUM_SAMPLES);
> // increment pointer
> pFirRead += 4;
> // check to see if at end of fifo
> if(pFirRead > &AdcRxBuff[ADC_RX_BUFF_SIZE-1])
> {
> pFirRead = &AdcRxBuff[0];
> }
> }
> #endif
what I'm doing is to use the DSP_Func_DFR bean library. But I can't
initialize the FIR filter with a DFR1_dfr16FIRIntCreate() because it uses
malloc which always returns NULL. In order to work-around this I create the
fir structure as static memory
This is my main code:

#include "Coef_prueba1.h" /* Including QEDesign Coef*/

/* VAR */ //This are global vars
word primer_tros,segon_tros,la_dada;
Frac16 resultat;

dfr16_tFirStruct Fir;
//Frac16 HistoryBuffer[sizeof(Coef_prueba1)];
Frac16 Buff[sizeof(Coef_prueba1)];
dfr16_tFirStruct *pFir= &Fir;

/*fVAR */
void main(void)
/* VAR */
Frac16 HistoryBuffer[sizeof(Coef_prueba1)*2],*pHistory;
/*fVAR */

.........MY INIT CODE HERE........


while (!memIsAligned(pHistory,sizeof(Coef_prueba1)))

pFir->pC = (Frac16 *) &Buff[0];
pFir->pHistory = pHistory;

dfr16FIRInit (pFir, (Frac16 *)(&Coef_prueba1[0]),
T_mostreig_EnableEvent(); //Init interrupts



As you can see I create a HistoryBuffer two times longer than its own size.
Also I create a pointer which at end will point to the first memory position
aligned. After that I fill pFir and call dfr16FIRInit.

Then you can call dfr16FIRs with no problem as I do in my ADC_RSI:

void ADC1_OnEnd(void)

/* VAR */

/*fVAR */
la_dada = getReg(ADCA_ADRSLT0);

resultat = DFR1_dfr16FIRs (pFir,(Frac16) la_dada); /* colocamos la
dada filtrada en una variable global */

At the moment I'm looking to align the memory with .cmd linker file (Anyone
know how it works??).
On the other hand, I'm trying to make this code work :

#define SIK_SIZE 4

void main(void)
/* VAR */
word *p;
/*fVAR */

/*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!!

/*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization.

/* Write your code here */
p = MEM1_memMallocAlignedIM(SIK_SIZE);

if( p == NULL)
printf_console("Can't create the buffer\n");
printf_console("Buffer crated\n");
printf_console("Memory is aligned\n");
printf_console("Memory is NOT aligned\n");


// for(;;) {}
Any help would be appreciated.
Thx (and sorry for my english).