Constrained Integer Behavior
The wheels go round and round, round and round ...Integer arithmetic is ubiquitous in digital hardware implementations, it's prolific in the control and data-paths. When using fixed width (constrained) integers, overflow and underflow is business as usual.
Building with IntegersThe subtitle of this post mentions a wheel - before I get to the wheel I want to look at an example. The recursive-windowed-averager (rwa, a.k.a moving average)...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filtering: An Example
IntroductionIn the last posts I reviewed how to use the Python scipy.signal package to design digital infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, specifically, using the iirdesign function (IIR design I and IIR design II ). In this post I am going to conclude the IIR filter design review with an example.
Previous posts:
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design Cont.
In the previous post the Python scipy.signal iirdesign function was disected. We reviewed the basics of filter specification and reviewed how to use the iirdesign function to design IIR filters. The previous post I only demonstrated low pass filter designs. The following are examples how to use the iirdesign function for highpass, bandpass, and stopband filters designs.
Highpass FilterThe following is a highpass filter design for the different filter...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design
IntroductionThe following is an introduction on how to design an infinite impulse response (IIR) filters using the Python scipy.signal package. This post, mainly, covers how to use the scipy.signal package and is not a thorough introduction to IIR filter design. For complete coverage of IIR filter design and structure see one of the references.
Filter SpecificationBefore providing some examples lets review the specifications for a filter design. A filter...
Curse you, iPython Notebook!
First, I think ipython is great. I use it daily and always have an ipython terminal open. But just recently, I was showing off the ipython 0.12 notebook and in the process created a lengthy example while demonstrating the cool features of the ipython notebook. The example included LaTeX equations, plots, etc. Since the notebook session was on something of relevance I decided to clean up the session and use it for the beginning of a report.
scipy.signal calling all developers
There has been some chatter on the scipy-dev mailing list lately about enhancing the scipy.signal package. Unfortunately, there seems to be a split. Some are going off and starting a new package scikit-signal. The original developer, Travis Oliphant, appears to have strong interest in seeing the scipy.signal evovle. If you are interested in signal processing you should check out the mailing lists (
[Book Review] Numpy 1.5 Beginner's Guide
Full Disclosure: The publisher of this book, PACKT, was soliciting reviewers. I volunteered to review the book and the publisher sent me an e-version of the book.
IntroductionThe following is a review of "Numpy 1.5 Beginner's Guide", "Learn by doing: less theory, more results" by Ivan Idris. As the title suggests this book is for a beginner. Either someone who is new to numerical computing with high-level languages (HLL) or someone who is new to the Python...
Python number crunching faster? Part I
Everyone has their favorite computing platform, regardless if it is Matlab, Octave, Scilab, Mathematica, Mathcad, etc. I have been using Python and the common numerical and scientific packages available. Personally, I have found this to be very useful in my work. Lately there has been some chatter on speeding up Python.
From another project I follow, MyHDL, I was introduced to the Python JIT compiler,
Impulse Response Approximation
Recently, I stumbled upon a stepped-triangular (ST) approximation that can be implemented as a cascade of recursive running sum (RRS) filters. The following is a short introduction to the stepped-triangular approximation.The stepped-triangular approximation was introduced by Jovanovic-Dolecek and Mitra [1] as a quantized approximation of a low-pass filter (LPF). Figure 1 shows an example of the approximation.
[Figure 1: Stepped Approximation of a LPF...
A Fixed-Point Introduction by Example
IntroductionThe finite-word representation of fractional numbers is known as fixed-point. Fixed-point is an interpretation of a 2's compliment number usually signed but not limited to sign representation. It extends our finite-word length from a finite set of integers to a finite set of rational real numbers [1]. A fixed-point representation of a number consists of integer and fractional components. The bit length is defined...
A Fixed-Point Introduction by Example
IntroductionThe finite-word representation of fractional numbers is known as fixed-point. Fixed-point is an interpretation of a 2's compliment number usually signed but not limited to sign representation. It extends our finite-word length from a finite set of integers to a finite set of rational real numbers [1]. A fixed-point representation of a number consists of integer and fractional components. The bit length is defined...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design
IntroductionThe following is an introduction on how to design an infinite impulse response (IIR) filters using the Python scipy.signal package. This post, mainly, covers how to use the scipy.signal package and is not a thorough introduction to IIR filter design. For complete coverage of IIR filter design and structure see one of the references.
Filter SpecificationBefore providing some examples lets review the specifications for a filter design. A filter...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filtering: An Example
IntroductionIn the last posts I reviewed how to use the Python scipy.signal package to design digital infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, specifically, using the iirdesign function (IIR design I and IIR design II ). In this post I am going to conclude the IIR filter design review with an example.
Previous posts:
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design Cont.
In the previous post the Python scipy.signal iirdesign function was disected. We reviewed the basics of filter specification and reviewed how to use the iirdesign function to design IIR filters. The previous post I only demonstrated low pass filter designs. The following are examples how to use the iirdesign function for highpass, bandpass, and stopband filters designs.
Highpass FilterThe following is a highpass filter design for the different filter...
Impulse Response Approximation
Recently, I stumbled upon a stepped-triangular (ST) approximation that can be implemented as a cascade of recursive running sum (RRS) filters. The following is a short introduction to the stepped-triangular approximation.The stepped-triangular approximation was introduced by Jovanovic-Dolecek and Mitra [1] as a quantized approximation of a low-pass filter (LPF). Figure 1 shows an example of the approximation.
[Figure 1: Stepped Approximation of a LPF...
Python number crunching faster? Part I
Everyone has their favorite computing platform, regardless if it is Matlab, Octave, Scilab, Mathematica, Mathcad, etc. I have been using Python and the common numerical and scientific packages available. Personally, I have found this to be very useful in my work. Lately there has been some chatter on speeding up Python.
From another project I follow, MyHDL, I was introduced to the Python JIT compiler,
Curse you, iPython Notebook!
First, I think ipython is great. I use it daily and always have an ipython terminal open. But just recently, I was showing off the ipython 0.12 notebook and in the process created a lengthy example while demonstrating the cool features of the ipython notebook. The example included LaTeX equations, plots, etc. Since the notebook session was on something of relevance I decided to clean up the session and use it for the beginning of a report.
Constrained Integer Behavior
The wheels go round and round, round and round ...Integer arithmetic is ubiquitous in digital hardware implementations, it's prolific in the control and data-paths. When using fixed width (constrained) integers, overflow and underflow is business as usual.
Building with IntegersThe subtitle of this post mentions a wheel - before I get to the wheel I want to look at an example. The recursive-windowed-averager (rwa, a.k.a moving average)...
Matlab Programming Contest
Every 6 months Mathworks hosts an online Matlab programming contest. If you love or hate Matlab check out the contest. The group does a really good job putting together the puzzles. The contest runs for a week and starts today at noon EST (10 Nov 2010).
If you are an experienced Matlab programmer or new to Matlab it is worth checking out. Even if you do not intend on submitting solutions. Also, the problems / puzzles only require the base Matlab...
scipy.signal calling all developers
There has been some chatter on the scipy-dev mailing list lately about enhancing the scipy.signal package. Unfortunately, there seems to be a split. Some are going off and starting a new package scikit-signal. The original developer, Travis Oliphant, appears to have strong interest in seeing the scipy.signal evovle. If you are interested in signal processing you should check out the mailing lists (
A Fixed-Point Introduction by Example
IntroductionThe finite-word representation of fractional numbers is known as fixed-point. Fixed-point is an interpretation of a 2's compliment number usually signed but not limited to sign representation. It extends our finite-word length from a finite set of integers to a finite set of rational real numbers [1]. A fixed-point representation of a number consists of integer and fractional components. The bit length is defined...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filtering: An Example
IntroductionIn the last posts I reviewed how to use the Python scipy.signal package to design digital infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, specifically, using the iirdesign function (IIR design I and IIR design II ). In this post I am going to conclude the IIR filter design review with an example.
Previous posts:
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design
IntroductionThe following is an introduction on how to design an infinite impulse response (IIR) filters using the Python scipy.signal package. This post, mainly, covers how to use the scipy.signal package and is not a thorough introduction to IIR filter design. For complete coverage of IIR filter design and structure see one of the references.
Filter SpecificationBefore providing some examples lets review the specifications for a filter design. A filter...
Python scipy.signal IIR Filter Design Cont.
In the previous post the Python scipy.signal iirdesign function was disected. We reviewed the basics of filter specification and reviewed how to use the iirdesign function to design IIR filters. The previous post I only demonstrated low pass filter designs. The following are examples how to use the iirdesign function for highpass, bandpass, and stopband filters designs.
Highpass FilterThe following is a highpass filter design for the different filter...
Curse you, iPython Notebook!
First, I think ipython is great. I use it daily and always have an ipython terminal open. But just recently, I was showing off the ipython 0.12 notebook and in the process created a lengthy example while demonstrating the cool features of the ipython notebook. The example included LaTeX equations, plots, etc. Since the notebook session was on something of relevance I decided to clean up the session and use it for the beginning of a report.
scipy.signal calling all developers
There has been some chatter on the scipy-dev mailing list lately about enhancing the scipy.signal package. Unfortunately, there seems to be a split. Some are going off and starting a new package scikit-signal. The original developer, Travis Oliphant, appears to have strong interest in seeing the scipy.signal evovle. If you are interested in signal processing you should check out the mailing lists (
Python number crunching faster? Part I
Everyone has their favorite computing platform, regardless if it is Matlab, Octave, Scilab, Mathematica, Mathcad, etc. I have been using Python and the common numerical and scientific packages available. Personally, I have found this to be very useful in my work. Lately there has been some chatter on speeding up Python.
From another project I follow, MyHDL, I was introduced to the Python JIT compiler,
Impulse Response Approximation
Recently, I stumbled upon a stepped-triangular (ST) approximation that can be implemented as a cascade of recursive running sum (RRS) filters. The following is a short introduction to the stepped-triangular approximation.The stepped-triangular approximation was introduced by Jovanovic-Dolecek and Mitra [1] as a quantized approximation of a low-pass filter (LPF). Figure 1 shows an example of the approximation.
[Figure 1: Stepped Approximation of a LPF...
Constrained Integer Behavior
The wheels go round and round, round and round ...Integer arithmetic is ubiquitous in digital hardware implementations, it's prolific in the control and data-paths. When using fixed width (constrained) integers, overflow and underflow is business as usual.
Building with IntegersThe subtitle of this post mentions a wheel - before I get to the wheel I want to look at an example. The recursive-windowed-averager (rwa, a.k.a moving average)...
[Book Review] Numpy 1.5 Beginner's Guide
Full Disclosure: The publisher of this book, PACKT, was soliciting reviewers. I volunteered to review the book and the publisher sent me an e-version of the book.
IntroductionThe following is a review of "Numpy 1.5 Beginner's Guide", "Learn by doing: less theory, more results" by Ivan Idris. As the title suggests this book is for a beginner. Either someone who is new to numerical computing with high-level languages (HLL) or someone who is new to the Python...