Following you find the code of a demo script (Demo.m) and that of a function (nufft.m). Just place them in separate m files (Demo.m and nufft.m) and execute the first.
Code of file Demo.m
echo on
%Author: J. Selva.
%Date: April 2011.
%Define a random vector with 1024 elements.
M = 1024;
a = rand(M,1)+1i*rand(M,1);
%Call the nufft function. The output is a struct with some variable for later use.
st = nufft(a)
%The field st.aF is the fft of size st.K.
%Define a vector of random frequencies.
f = rand([2*M,1])-0.5;
%Compute the DFT at frequencies in f and the derivatives of first and second order using
%loops and direct evaluation. This takes a while
tic; outDL = nufft(st,f,2,'directLoop'); tDL = toc;
%The function returns the DFT values in the first column, the first derivatives in the
%second column, and so on.
%Do the same computation using interpolation. This is fast.
tic; outIL = nufft(st,f,2); tIL = toc;
%Compare the execution times
%The executions are faster if the code is vectorized. This is an example
tic; outDV = nufft(st,f,2,'directVec'); tDV = toc;
tic; outIV = nufft(st,f,2,'baryVec'); tIV = toc;
[tDV, tIV]
%For larger data sizes the difference is more significant. To check this, let us repeat
%the same experiment with M=1024*5.
M = 1024*5;
a = rand(M,1)+1i*rand(M,1);
st = nufft(a);
f = rand([2*M,1])-0.5;
tic; outDV = nufft(st,f,2,'directVec'); tDV = toc; %This line takes a while.
tic; outIV = nufft(st,f,2); tIV = toc;
%These are the timings:
%Finally, let us check the accuracy of the interpolated values
echo off
Code of file nufft.m.
function varargout = nufft(varargin)
%Author: J. Selva
%Date: April 2011.
%nufft computes the FFT at arbitrary frequencies using barycentric interpolation.
%For the interpolation method, see
%J. Selva, 'Design of barycentric interpolator for uniform and nonuniform sampling
% grids', IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 58, n. 3, pp. 1618-1627, March 2010.
% -First call nufft with the vector of samples as argument,
% st = nufft(a); %a is the vector of samples.
% The output is an struct. The field st.aF is the DFT of vector a, sampled with spacing
% 1/st.K.
% The DFT is defined using
% A_k = \sum_{n=m_1}^{m_1+M-1} a_n e^{-j 2 \pi n f}
% where m_1=-ceil(M/2) and M the number of samples.
% -Then call nufft with sintax
% out = nufft(st,f,nd,method)
% where
% f: Vector of frequencies where the DFT is evaluated. Its elements must follow
% abs(f(k))<=0.5
% nd: Derivative order. nufft computes derivatives up to order nd. At the output
% out(p,q) is the (q-1)-order derivative of the DFT at frequency f(p). The first
% column of out contains the zero-order derivatives, i.e, the values of the DFT at
% frequencies in vector f.
% method: If omitted, it is 'baryVec'. Four methods have been implemented:
% +'baryLoop': The output is interpolated using the barycentric method and a loop
% implementation.
% +'baryVec': The output is interpolated using the barycentric method and a
% vectorized implementation.
% +'directLoop': The output is computed using the DFT sum directly and a loop
% implementation.
% +'directVec': The output is computed using the DFT sum directly and a vectorized
% implementation.
if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
st = [];
st.a = varargin{1};
st.a = st.a(:);
st.M = length(st.a);
st.m1 = -ceil(st.M/2);
st.K = 2^ceil(log2(st.M)+1);
st.aF = fft([st.a(-st.m1+1:st.M); zeros(st.K-st.M,1); st.a(1:-st.m1)]);
errb = 10.^-13; %This is the interpolation accuracy. You can set any larger value, and ...
%this would reduce st.P. The number of interpolation samples is 2*st.P+1.
st.T = 1/st.K;
st.B = -2*st.m1;
st.P = ceil(acsch(errb)/(pi*(1-st.B*st.T)));
st.vt = MidElementToEnd((-st.P:st.P)*st.T);
st.alpha = MidElementToEnd(baryWeights(st.T,st.B,st.P));
varargout = {st};
[st,f] = deal(varargin{1:2});
nd = 0;
if nargin > 2
nd = varargin{3};
method = 'baryVec';
if nargin > 3
method = varargin{4};
Nf = length(f);
out = zeros(Nf,nd+1);
switch method
case 'baryLoop' %Interpolated method using loops
for k = 1:length(f)
x = f(k);
n = floor(x/st.T+0.5);
u = x - n * st.T;
da = MidElementToEnd(st.aF(1+mod(n-st.P:n+st.P,st.K)).');
out(k,:) = DerBarycentricInterp3(st.alpha,da,st.vt,u,nd);
case 'baryVec' %Vectorized interpolated method
f = f(:);
Nf = length(f);
n = floor(f/st.T+0.5);
u = f - n * st.T;
pr = [-st.P:-1 , 1:st.P , 0];
ms = st.aF(1+mod(n(:,ones(1,2*st.P+1)) + pr(ones(Nf,1),:),st.K));
if length(f) == 1
ms = ms.';
out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(st.alpha,ms,st.vt,u,nd);
case 'directLoop' % Direct method using loops
for k = 1:length(f)
out(k,1) = 0;
for r = st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1
out(k,1) = out(k,1)+exp(-1i*2*pi*r*f(k))*st.a(r-st.m1+1);
for kd = 1:nd
out(k,kd+1) = 0;
for r = st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1
out(k,kd+1) = out(k,kd+1) + ...
((-1i*2*pi*r).^kd .* exp(-1i*2*pi*r*f(k)))*st.a(r-st.m1+1);
case 'directVec' %Vectorized direct method
for k = 1:length(f)
out(k,1) = exp(-1i*2*pi*(st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1)*f(k))*st.a;
for kd = 1:nd
out(k,kd+1) = ...
((-1i*2*pi*(st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1)).^kd .* ...
varargout = {out};
function v = MidElementToEnd(v)
ind = ceil(length(v)/2);
v = [v(1:ind-1),v(ind+1:end),v(ind)];
function v = APPulse(t,B,TSL)
v = real(sinc(B*sqrt(t.^2-TSL^2)))/real(sinc(1i*pi*B*TSL));
function w = baryWeights(T,B,P)
vt = (-P:P)*T;
g = APPulse(vt,1/T-B,T*(P+1));
gam = gamma(vt/T+P+1) .* gamma(-vt/T+P+1) .* g;
N = length(vt);
LD = ones(1,N);
for k = 1:N
LD(k) = prod(vt(k)-vt(1:k-1))* prod(vt(k)-vt(k+1:N));
w = gam ./ LD;
w = w / max(abs(w));
function out = DerBarycentricInterp3(alpha,s,t,tau,nd)
vD = 0;
Nt = length(t);
LF = [1,zeros(1,Nt-1)];
out = zeros(1,nd+1);
for k = 1:Nt-1
vD = vD*(tau-t(k))+alpha(k)*LF(k);
LF(k+1) = LF(k)*(tau-t(k));
vD = vD * (tau-t(Nt)) + alpha(Nt) * LF(Nt);
z = s;
for kd = 0:nd
z1 = z-z(end); cN = 0;
for k = 1:Nt-1
cN = cN * (tau-t(k))+z1(k)*alpha(k)*LF(k);
cN = cN/vD;
ztau = z(end)+(tau-t(end))*cN;
out(kd+1) = ztau;
if kd < nd
z = [ (z(1:end-1)-ztau)./(t(1:end-1)-tau) , cN ] * (kd+1);
function out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(alpha,zL,t,tauL,nd)
NtauL = size(tauL,1);
LBtau = 200; %Block size for vectorized processing. Change this to adjust the memory
NBlock = 1+floor(NtauL/LBtau);
Nt = length(t);
out = zeros(NtauL,nd+1);
for r = 0:NBlock-1
ind1 = 1+r*LBtau;
ind2 = min([(r+1)*LBtau,NtauL]);
Ntau = ind2-ind1+1;
z = zL(ind1:ind2,:);
tau = tauL(ind1:ind2);
vD = zeros(Ntau,1);
LF = [1,zeros(1,Nt-1)];
LF = LF(ones(Ntau,1),:);
for k = 1:Nt-1
vD = vD .* (tau-t(k))+alpha(k)*LF(:,k);
LF(:,k+1) = LF(:,k) .* (tau-t(k));
vD = vD .* (tau-t(Nt)) + alpha(Nt) * LF(:,Nt);
for kd = 0:nd
pr = z(:,end); z1 = z-pr(:,ones(1,Nt)); cN = zeros(Ntau,1);
for k = 1:Nt-1
cN = cN .* (tau-t(k)) + z1(:,k) .* alpha(k) .* LF(:,k);
cN = cN ./ vD;
ztau = z(:,end)+(tau-t(end)) .* cN;
out(ind1:ind2,kd+1) = ztau;
if kd < nd
pr1 = ztau;
pr1 = z(:,1:end-1) - pr1(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
pr2 = t(1:end-1);
pr2 = pr2(ones(Ntau,1),:)-tau(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
z = [pr1 ./ pr2, cN] * (kd+1);
function thr = sureshrink(CD,T)
%function used to calculate threshold using sureshrink method
CD = CD(:)';
n = length(CD);
sx2 = sort(abs(CD)-T).^2; % sorting in descending order
b = cumsum(sx2); %cumulative sum
risks = (n-(2*(1:n))+b)/n;
[risk,best] = min(risks);
thr = sqrt(sx2(best));
% Filename: Bandpass_Sample_Rate_Calc.m
% Calculates acceptable Bandpass Sampling rate ranges
% based on an analog (continuous) signal's bandwidth
% and center freq.
% Merely define bandwidth "Bw" and center frequency "Fc", in
% Hz, near line 22, for the analog bandpass signal and run the
% program. [Example: Bw = 5, Fc = 20.] Acceptable Fs sample
% rate ranges are shown in Figure 1 and displayed in Command window.
% If the User defines a value for the BP sample rate Fs, near
% near line 28, then Figure 2 will show the locations of the
% positive and negative-freq spectral components after
% bandpass sampling.
% Richard Lyons [November 2011]
clear, clc
Bw = 5; % Analog signal bandwidth in Hz
Fc = 20; % Analog signal center freq in Hz
% ##############################################
% Define an Fs sample rate value below
Fs = 11; % Selected Fs sample rate in Hz
% ##############################################
disp(' '), disp(['Analog Center Freq = ',num2str(Fc),' Hz.'])
disp(['Analog Bandwidth = ',num2str(Bw),' Hz.']), disp(' ')
% *****************************************************
% Compute % display the acceptable ranges of BP sample rate
% *****************************************************
disp('Acceptable Fs ranges in Hz:')
No_aliasing = 0; % Init a warning flag
M = 1; % Initialize a counter
while (2*Fc + Bw)/(M+1) >= 2*Bw
FsMin = (2*Fc + Bw)/(M+1);
FsMax = (2*Fc - Bw)/M;
Fs_ranges(M,1) = FsMin;
Fs_ranges(M,2) = FsMax;
M = M + 1;
disp([num2str(FsMin),' -to- ',num2str(FsMax)])
% *****************************************************
% Plot the acceptable ranges of BP sample rate
% *****************************************************
figure(1), clf
title('Acceptable Ranges of Bandpass Sampling Rate')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
ylabel('This axis has no meaning')
for K = 1:M-1
hold on
axis([0.8*(2*Bw),1.1*max(Fs_ranges(1,2)), 0.8, 1.55])
text(2*Bw,1.45,'Bold red lines show acceptable Fs ranges')
text(2*Bw,1.35,'Blue line = Twice analog signal Bandwidth (2 x Bw)')
text(2*Bw,1.25,'(You can zoom in, if you wish.)')
hold off, grid on, zoom on
% **************************************************************
% If Fs has been defined, plot spectrum of the sampled signal.
% **************************************************************
% Check if "Fs" has been defined
disp(' ')
if isempty(strmatch('Fs',who,'exact')) == 1;
disp('Fs sampling rate has NOT been defined.')
% Fs does NOT exist, do nothing further.
% Fs is defined, plot the spectrum of the sampled signal.
disp(['Fs defined as ',num2str(Fs),' Hz'])
% To determine intermediate frequency (IF), check integer
% part of "2Fc/Fs" for odd or even
Temp = floor(2*Fc/Fs);
if (Temp == 2*floor(Temp/2))
disp(' '), disp('Pos-freq sampled spectra is not inverted.')
Freq_IF = Fc -Fs*floor(Fc/Fs); % Computed IF frequency
disp(' '), disp('Pos-freq sampled spectra is inverted.')
Freq_IF = Fs*(1 + floor(Fc/Fs)) -Fc; % Computed IF frequency
disp(' '), disp(['Center of pos-freq sampled spectra = ',num2str(Freq_IF),' Hz.'])
% Prepare to plot sampled spectral range in Figure 2
IF_MinFreq = Freq_IF-Bw/2;
IF_MaxFreq = Freq_IF+Bw/2;
figure(2), clf
hold on
plot([IF_MinFreq,IF_MaxFreq],[0.95, 1],'-r','linewidth',4);
plot([Fs-IF_MaxFreq,Fs-IF_MinFreq],[1, 0.95],'-r','linewidth',4);
plot([Fs,Fs],[0.5, 1.02],'-b','linewidth',2);
plot([Fs/2,Fs/2],[0.5, 1.02],':b','linewidth',2);
plot([IF_MinFreq,IF_MinFreq],[0.5, 0.95],':r');
plot([IF_MaxFreq,IF_MaxFreq],[0.5, 1],':r');
plot([Fs-IF_MaxFreq,Fs-IF_MaxFreq],[0.5, 1],':r');
plot([Fs-IF_MinFreq,Fs-IF_MinFreq],[0.5, 0.95],':r');
text(0.9*Fs,1.03,['Fs = ',num2str(Fs),' Hz'])
text(0.8*Fs/2, 1.03,['Fs/2 = ',num2str(Fs/2),' Hz'])
text(Fs/10,1.07,'(You can zoom in, if you wish.)')
axis([0,1.2*Fs, 0.8, 1.1])
hold off
title('Red lines show spectral range of sampled signal')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
ylabel('This axis has no meaning')
grid on, zoom on
% ################################################################
% Check if Fs is NOT in an acceptable freq range (aliasing occurs)
Aliasing_Flag = 1; % Initialize a flag
for K = 1:M-1 % Check each individual acceptable Fs range
if Fs_ranges(K,1)<=Fs & Fs<=Fs_ranges(K,2)% & Fs<=Fs_ranges(K,2)
% No aliasing will occur
Aliasing_Flag = Aliasing_Flag -1;
else, end
end % End K loop
if Aliasing_Flag == 1; % Aliasing will occur
text(Fs/10, 0.91, 'WARNING! WARNING!')
text(Fs/10, 0.89, 'Aliasing will occur!')
else, end
zoom on
% ################################################################
function [Sdct] = matrix_dct(P) %where P is the vector to apply the dct
for f=0: N-1;
for x=0: N-1;
W(f+1, x+1)=cos((2*x+1)*pi*f/(2*N)); %matrix kernel
Sdct=sqrt(2/N)*Sdct.*Cf'; %constant product
function [time,amp] = minima(signal, len)
% Finds the local minimum values of the given signal.
% Usage: [IND,AMP] = MINIMA(X, N);
% N is the number of points that need to be evaluated
% (Normally equal to LENGTH(X))
% X is the data
% IND contains the indices of X that contain the minima data
% AMP contains the minima amplitudes
% Author: sparafucile17 10/02/2003
%Initialize data
index = 1;
prev = signal(1);
local_time = 0;
local_amp = 0;
prev_slope = 1; %allow a maxima point at the second sample
%prevent length error
if(len > length(signal))
len = length(signal)
%Loop through data and find local minimums
for loop_i=2:len
cur = signal(loop_i);
slope = cur - prev;
if((cur < prev) & (prev_slope > 0)) %Positive slope and amplitude dips
local_time(index) = loop_i-1;
local_amp(index) = prev;
index = index+1;
prev = cur;
prev_slope = slope;
%After loop assign data to output variables
time = local_time;
amp = local_amp;
% **************************************************************
% Efficient resampling of a cyclic signal on an arbitrary grid
% M. Nentwig, 2011
% => calculates Fourier series coefficients
% => Evaluates the series on an arbitrary grid
% => takes energy exactly on the Nyquist limit into account (even-
% size special case)
% => The required matrix calculation is vectorized, but conceptually
% much more CPU-intensive than an IFFT reconstruction on a regular grid
% **************************************************************
close all; clear all;
% **************************************************************
% example signals
% **************************************************************
sig = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0];
%sig = repmat([1 -1], 1, 8); % highlights the special case at the Nyquist limit
%sig = rand(1, 16);
nIn = size(sig, 2);
% **************************************************************
% example resampling grid
% **************************************************************
evalGrid = rand(1, 500);
evalGrid = cumsum(evalGrid);
evalGrid = evalGrid / max(evalGrid) * nIn;
nOut = size(evalGrid, 2);
% **************************************************************
% determine Fourier series coefficients of signal
% **************************************************************
fCoeff = fft(sig);
nCoeff = 0;
if mod(nIn, 2) == 0
% **************************************************************
% special case for even-sized length: There is ambiguity, whether
% the bin at the Nyquist limit corresponds to a positive or negative
% frequency. Both give a -1, 1, -1, 1, ... waveform on the
% regular sampling grid.
% This coefficient will be treated separately. Effectively, it will
% be interpreted as being half positive, half negative frequency.
% **************************************************************
bin = floor(nIn / 2) + 1;
nCoeff = fCoeff(bin);
fCoeff(bin) = 0; % remove it from the matrix-based evaluation
% **************************************************************
% indices for Fourier series
% since evaluation does not take place on a regular grid,
% one needs to distinguish between negative and positive frequencies
% **************************************************************
o = floor(nIn/2);
k = 0:nIn-1;
k = mod(k + o, nIn) - o;
% **************************************************************
% m(yi, xi) = exp(2i * pi * evalGrid(xi) * k(yi))
% each column of m evaluates the series for one requested output location
% **************************************************************
m = exp(2i * pi * transpose(repmat(transpose(evalGrid / nIn), 1, nIn) ...
* diag(k))) / nIn;
% each output point is the dot product between the Fourier series
% coefficients and the column in m that corresponds to the location of
% the output point
out = fCoeff * m;
out = out + nCoeff * cos(pi*evalGrid) / nIn;
% **************************************************************
% plot
% **************************************************************
out = real(out); % chop off roundoff error for plotting
figure(); grid on; hold on;
h = stem((0:nIn-1), sig, 'k'); set(h, 'lineWidth', 3);
h = plot(evalGrid, out, '+'); set(h, 'markersize', 2);
legend('input', 'output');
title('resampling of cyclic signal on arbitrary grid');
% *************************************************
% alias- and in-channel error analysis for root-raised
% cosine filter with upsampler FIR cascade
% Markus Nentwig, 25.12.2011
% * plots the aliases at the output of each stage
% * plots the error spectrum (deviation from ideal RRC-
% response)
% *************************************************
function eval_RRC_resampler()
% variant 1
% conventional RRC filter and FIR resampler
smode = 'evalConventional';
% export resampler frequency response to design equalizing RRC filter
%smode = 'evalIdeal';
% variant 2
% equalizing RRC filter and FIR resampler
% smode = 'evalEqualized';
% *************************************************
% load impulse responses
% *************************************************
switch smode
case 'evalConventional'
% conventionally designed RRC filter
h0 = load('RRC.dat');
case 'evalIdeal'
h0 = 1;
case 'evalEqualized'
% alternative RRC design that equalizes the known frequency
% response of the resampler
h0 = load('RRC_equalized.dat');
otherwise assert(false);
h1 = load('ip1.dat');
h2 = load('ip2.dat');
h3 = load('ip3.dat');
h4 = load('ip4.dat');
% *************************************************
% --- signal source ---
% *************************************************
n = 10000; % test signal, number of symbol lengths
rate = 1;
s = zeros(1, n);
s(1) = 1;
p = {};
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 5, 'sym stream r=1');
% *************************************************
% --- upsampling RRC filter ---
% *************************************************
rate = rate * 2;
s = upsample(s, 2); % insert one zero after every sample
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 2, 'sym stream r=2');
s = filter(h0, [1], s);
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'b', 3, 'sym stream r=2, filtered');
p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, 'error');
figure(1); clf; grid on; hold on;
doplot(p, 'interpolating pulse shaping filter');
ylim([-70, 2]);
p = {};
% *************************************************
% --- first interpolator by 2 ---
% *************************************************
rate = rate * 2;
s = upsample(s, 2); % insert one zero after every sample
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 3, 'interpolator 1 input');
s = filter(h1, [1], s);
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'b', 3, 'interpolator 1 output');
p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, 'error');
figure(2); clf; grid on; hold on;
doplot(p, 'first interpolator by 2');
ylim([-70, 2]);
p = {};
% *************************************************
% --- second interpolator by 2 ---
% *************************************************
rate = rate * 2;
s = upsample(s, 2); % insert one zero after every sample
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 3, 'interpolator 2 input');
s = filter(h2, [1], s);
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'b', 3, 'interpolator 2 output');
p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, 'error');
figure(3); clf; grid on; hold on;
doplot(p, 'second interpolator by 2');
ylim([-70, 2]);
p = {};
% *************************************************
% --- third interpolator by 2 ---
% *************************************************
rate = rate * 2;
s = upsample(s, 2); % insert one zero after every sample
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 3, 'interpolator 3 input');
s = filter(h3, [1], s);
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'b', 3, 'interpolator 3 output');
p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, 'error');
figure(4); clf; grid on; hold on;
doplot(p, 'third interpolator by 2');
ylim([-70, 2]);
p = {};
% *************************************************
% --- fourth interpolator by 4 ---
% *************************************************
rate = rate * 4;
s = upsample(s, 4); % insert three zeros after every sample
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'k', 3, 'interpolator 4 input');
s = filter(h4, [1], s);
p = addPlot(p, s, rate, 'b', 3, 'final output');
p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, 'error at output');
figure(5); clf; grid on; hold on;
doplot(p, 'fourth interpolator by 4');
ylim([-70, 2]);
% *************************************************
% export resampler frequency response
% *************************************************
switch smode
case 'evalIdeal'
exportFrequencyResponse(s, rate, 'interpolatorFrequencyResponse.mat');
% ************************************
% put frequency response plot data into p
% ************************************
function p = addPlot(p, s, rate, plotstyle, linewidth, legtext)
p{end+1} = struct('sig', s, 'rate', rate, 'plotstyle', plotstyle, 'linewidth', linewidth, 'legtext', legtext);
% ************************************
% determine the error spectrum, compared to an ideal filter (RRC)
% and add a plot to p
% ************************************
function p = addErrPlot(p, s, rate, legtext)
ref = RRC_impulseResponse(numel(s), rate);
% refB is scaled and shifted (sub-sample resolution) replica of ref
% that minimizes the energy in (s - refB)
[coeff, refB, deltaN] = fitSignal_FFT(s, ref);
err = s - refB;
err = brickwallFilter(err, rate, 1.15); % 1+alpha
% signal is divided into three parts:
% - A) wanted in-channel energy (correlated with ref)
% - B) unwanted in-channel energy (uncorrelated with ref)
% - C) unwanted out-of-channel energy (aliases)
% the error vector magnitude is B) relative to A)
energySig = refB * refB';
energyErr = err * err';
EVM_dB = 10*log10(energyErr / energySig);
legtext = sprintf('%s; EVM=%1.2f dB', legtext, EVM_dB);
p{end+1} = struct('sig', err, 'rate', rate, 'plotstyle', 'r', 'linewidth', 3, 'legtext', legtext);
% ************************************
% helper function, plot data in p
% ************************************
function doplot(p, t)
leg = {};
for ix = 1:numel(p)
pp = p{ix};
fb = FFT_frequencyBasis(numel(pp.sig), pp.rate);
fr = 20*log10(abs(fft(pp.sig) + eps));
h = plot(fftshift(fb), fftshift(fr), pp.plotstyle);
set(h, 'lineWidth', pp.linewidth);
xlabel('frequency, normalized to symbol rate');
leg{end+1} = pp.legtext;
% ************************************
% ideal RRC filter (impulse response is as
% long as test signal)
% ************************************
function ir = RRC_impulseResponse(n, rate)
alpha = 0.15;
fb = FFT_frequencyBasis(n, rate);
% bandwidth is 1
c = abs(fb / 0.5);
c = (c-1)/(alpha); % -1..1 in the transition region
c=min(c, 1);
c=max(c, -1);
RRC_h = sqrt(1/2+cos(pi/2*(c+1))/2);
ir = real(ifft(RRC_h));
% ************************************
% remove any energy at frequencies > BW/2
% ************************************
function s = brickwallFilter(s, rate, BW)
n = numel(s);
fb = FFT_frequencyBasis(n, rate);
ix = find(abs(fb) > BW / 2);
s = fft(s);
s(ix) = 0;
s = real(ifft(s));
% ************************************
% for an impulse response s at rate, write the
% frequency response to fname
% ************************************
function exportFrequencyResponse(s, rate, fname)
fb = fftshift(FFT_frequencyBasis(numel(s), rate));
fr = fftshift(fft(s));
figure(335); grid on;
plot(fb, 20*log10(abs(fr)));
title('exported frequency response');
xlabel('normalized frequency');
save(fname, 'fb', 'fr');
% ************************************
% calculates the frequency that corresponds to
% each FFT bin (negative, zero, positive)
% ************************************
function fb_Hz = FFT_frequencyBasis(n, rate_Hz)
fb = 0:(n - 1);
fb = fb + floor(n / 2);
fb = mod(fb, n);
fb = fb - floor(n / 2);
fb = fb / n; % now [0..0.5[, [-0.5..0[
fb_Hz = fb * rate_Hz;
% *******************************************************
% delay-matching between two signals (complex/real-valued)
% * matches the continuous-time equivalent waveforms
% of the signal vectors (reconstruction at Nyquist limit =>
% ideal lowpass filter)
% * Signals are considered cyclic. Use arbitrary-length
% zero-padding to turn a one-shot signal into a cyclic one.
% * output:
% => coeff: complex scaling factor that scales 'ref' into 'signal'
% => delay 'deltaN' in units of samples (subsample resolution)
% apply both to minimize the least-square residual
% => 'shiftedRef': a shifted and scaled version of 'ref' that
% matches 'signal'
% => (signal - shiftedRef) gives the residual (vector error)
% Example application
% - with a full-duplex soundcard, transmit an arbitrary cyclic test signal 'ref'
% - record 'signal' at the same time
% - extract one arbitrary cycle
% - run fitSignal
% - deltaN gives the delay between both with subsample precision
% - 'shiftedRef' is the reference signal fractionally resampled
% and scaled to optimally match 'signal'
% - to resample 'signal' instead, exchange the input arguments
% *******************************************************
function [coeff, shiftedRef, deltaN] = fitSignal_FFT(signal, ref)
% xyz_FD: Frequency Domain
% xyz_TD: Time Domain
% all references to 'time' and 'frequency' are for illustration only
forceReal = isreal(signal) && isreal(ref);
% *******************************************************
% Calculate the frequency that corresponds to each FFT bin
% [-0.5..0.5[
% *******************************************************
binFreq=(mod(((0:n-1)+floor(n/2)), n)-floor(n/2))/n;
% *******************************************************
% Delay calculation starts:
% Convert to frequency domain...
% *******************************************************
sig_FD = fft(signal);
ref_FD = fft(ref, n);
% *******************************************************
% ... calculate crosscorrelation between
% signal and reference...
% *******************************************************
u=sig_FD .* conj(ref_FD);
if mod(n, 2) == 0
% for an even sized FFT the center bin represents a signal
% [-1 1 -1 1 ...] (subject to interpretation). It cannot be delayed.
% The frequency component is therefore excluded from the calculation.
% figure(); plot(abs(Xcor));
% *******************************************************
% Each bin in Xcor corresponds to a given delay in samples.
% The bin with the highest absolute value corresponds to
% the delay where maximum correlation occurs.
% *******************************************************
integerDelay = find(Xcor==max(Xcor));
% (1): in case there are several bitwise identical peaks, use the first one
% Minus one: Delay 0 appears in bin 1
% Fourier transform of a pulse shifted by one sample
rotN = exp(2i*pi*integerDelay .* binFreq);
uDelayPhase = -2*pi*binFreq;
% *******************************************************
% Since the signal was multiplied with the conjugate of the
% reference, the phase is rotated back to 0 degrees in case
% of no delay. Delay appears as linear increase in phase, but
% it has discontinuities.
% Use the known phase (with +/- 1/2 sample accuracy) to
% rotate back the phase. This removes the discontinuities.
% *******************************************************
% figure(); plot(angle(u)); title('phase before rotation');
u=u .* rotN;
% figure(); plot(angle(u)); title('phase after rotation');
% *******************************************************
% Obtain the delay using linear least mean squares fit
% The phase is weighted according to the amplitude.
% This suppresses the error caused by frequencies with
% little power, that may have radically different phase.
% *******************************************************
weight = abs(u);
constRotPhase = 1 .* weight;
uDelayPhase = uDelayPhase .* weight;
ang = angle(u) .* weight;
r = [constRotPhase; uDelayPhase] .' \ ang.'; %linear mean square
%rotPhase=r(1); % constant phase rotation, not used.
% the same will be obtained via the phase of 'coeff' further down
% *******************************************************
% Finally, the total delay is the sum of integer part and
% fractional part.
% *******************************************************
deltaN = integerDelay + fractionalDelay;
% *******************************************************
% provide shifted and scaled 'ref' signal
% *******************************************************
% this is effectively time-convolution with a unit pulse shifted by deltaN
rotN = exp(-2i*pi*deltaN .* binFreq);
ref_FD = ref_FD .* rotN;
shiftedRef = ifft(ref_FD);
% *******************************************************
% Again, crosscorrelation with the now time-aligned signal
% *******************************************************
coeff=sum(signal .* conj(shiftedRef)) / sum(shiftedRef .* conj(shiftedRef));
shiftedRef=shiftedRef * coeff;
if forceReal
shiftedRef = real(shiftedRef);
% discrete-time model for Laplace-domain expression
% Markus Nentwig, 30.12.2011
function sn_model()
close all;
% ************************************
% Constructs a FIR model for a relatively
% narrow-band continuous-time IIR filter.
% At the edge of the first Nyquist zone
% (+/- fSample/2), the frequency response
% is down by about 70 dB, which makes
% the modeling unproblematic.
% The impact of different windowing options
% is visible both at high frequencies, but
% also as deviation between original frequency
% response and model at the passband edge.
% ************************************
function run_demo1(fig)
[b, a] = getContTimeExampleFilter();
fc_Hz = 0.5e6; % frequency corresponding to omegaNorm == 1
commonParameters = struct(...
's_a', a, ...
's_b', b, ...
'z_rate_Hz', 3e6, ...
's_fNorm_Hz', fc_Hz, ...
'fig', fig);
% sample impulse response without windowing
ir = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'plotstyle_s', 'k-', ...
'plotstyle_z', 'b-');
% use mild windowing
ir = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'plotstyle_z', 'r-', ...
'winLen_percent', 4);
% use heavy windowing - error shows at passband edge
ir = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'plotstyle_z', 'm-', ...
'winLen_percent', 100);
legend('s-domain', 'sampled, no window', 'sampled, 4% RC window', 'sampled, 100% RC window')
figure(33); clf;
h = stem(ir);
set(h, 'markersize', 2);
set(h, 'lineWidth', 2);
title('sampled impulse response');
% ************************************
% model for a continuous-time IIR filter
% that is relatively wide-band.
% The frequency response requires some
% manipulation at the edge of the Nyquist zone.
% Otherwise, there would be an abrupt change
% that would result in an excessively long impulse
% response.
% ************************************
function run_demo2(fig)
[b, a] = getContTimeExampleFilter();
fc_Hz = 1.4e6; % frequency corresponding to omegaNorm == 1
commonParameters = struct(...
's_a', a, ...
's_b', b, ...
'z_rate_Hz', 3e6, ...
's_fNorm_Hz', fc_Hz, ...
'fig', fig);
% sample impulse response without any manipulations
ir1 = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'aliasZones', 0, ...
'plotstyle_s', 'k-', ...
'plotstyle_z', 'b-');
% use artificial aliasing (introduces some passband error)
ir2 = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'aliasZones', 5, ...
'plotstyle_z', 'r-');
% use artificial low-pass filter (freq. response
% becomes invalid beyond +/- BW_Hz / 2)
ir3 = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(...
commonParameters, ...
'aliasZones', 0, ...
'BW_Hz', 2.7e6, ...
'plotstyle_z', 'm-');
line([0, 2.7e6/2, 2.7e6/2], [-10, -10, -50]);
legend('s-domain', ...
sprintf('unmodified (%i taps)', numel(ir1)), ...
sprintf('artificial aliasing (%i taps)', numel(ir2)), ...
sprintf('artificial LP filter (%i taps)', numel(ir3)));
title('2nd example: wide-band filter model frequency response');
figure(350); grid on; hold on;
subplot(3, 1, 1);
stem(ir1, 'b'); xlim([1, numel(ir1)])
title('wide-band filter model: unmodified');
subplot(3, 1, 2);
stem(ir2, 'r');xlim([1, numel(ir1)]);
title('wide-band filter model: art. aliasing');
subplot(3, 1, 3);
stem(ir3, 'm');xlim([1, numel(ir1)]);
title('wide-band filter model: art. LP filter');
% Build example Laplace-domain model
function [b, a] = getContTimeExampleFilter()
if true
order = 6;
ripple_dB = 1.2;
omegaNorm = 1;
[b, a] = cheby1(order, ripple_dB, omegaNorm, 's');
% same as above, if cheby1 is not available
b = 0.055394;
a = [1.000000 0.868142 1.876836 1.109439 0.889395 0.279242 0.063601];
% ************************************
% * Samples the impulse response of a Laplace-domain
% component
% * Adjusts group delay and impulse response length so that
% the discarded part of the impulse response is
% below a threshold.
% * Applies windowing
% Mandatory arguments:
% s_a, s_b: Laplace-domain coefficients
% s_fNorm_Hz: normalization frequency for a, b coefficients
% z_rate_Hz: Sampling rate of impulse response
% optional arguments:
% truncErr_dB: Maximum truncation error of impulse response
% nPts: Computed impulse response length before truncation
% winLen_percent: Part of the IR where windowing is applied
% BW_Hz: Apply artificical lowpass filter for |f| > +/- BW_Hz / 2
% plotting:
% fig: Figure number
% plotstyle_s: set to plot Laplace-domain frequency response
% plotstyle_z: set to plot z-domain model freq. response
% ************************************
function ir = sampleLaplaceDomainImpulseResponse(varargin)
def = {'nPts', 2^18, ...
'truncErr_dB', -60, ...
'winLen_percent', -1, ...
'fig', 99, ...
'plotstyle_s', [], ...
'plotstyle_z', [], ...
'aliasZones', 1, ...
'BW_Hz', []};
p = vararginToStruct(def, varargin);
% FFT bin frequencies
fbase_Hz = FFT_frequencyBasis(p.nPts, p.z_rate_Hz);
% instead of truncating the frequency response at +/- z_rate_Hz,
% fold the aliases back into the fundamental Nyquist zone.
% Otherwise, we'd try to build a near-ideal lowpass filter,
% which is essentially non-causal and requires a long impulse
% response with artificially introduced group delay.
H = 0;
for alias = -p.aliasZones:p.aliasZones
% Laplace-domain "s" in normalized frequency
s = 1i * (fbase_Hz + alias * p.z_rate_Hz) / p.s_fNorm_Hz;
% evaluate polynomial in s
H_num = polyval(p.s_b, s);
H_denom = polyval(p.s_a, s);
Ha = H_num ./ H_denom;
H = H + Ha;
% plot |H(f)| if requested
if ~isempty(p.plotstyle_s)
figure(p.fig); hold on; grid on;
fr = fftshift(20*log10(abs(H) + eps));
h = plot(fftshift(fbase_Hz), fr, p.plotstyle_s);
set(h, 'lineWidth', 3);
xlabel('f/Hz'); ylabel('|H(f)| / dB');
xlim([0, p.z_rate_Hz/2]);
% apply artificial lowpass filter
if ~isempty(p.BW_Hz)
% calculate RC transition bandwidth
BW_RC_trans_Hz = p.z_rate_Hz - p.BW_Hz;
% alpha (RC filter parameter) implements the
% RC transition bandwidth:
alpha_RC = BW_RC_trans_Hz / p.z_rate_Hz / 2;
% With a cutoff frequency of BW_RC, the RC filter
% reaches |H(f)| = 0 at f = z_rate_Hz / 2
% BW * (1+alpha) = z_rate_Hz / 2
BW_RC_Hz = p.z_rate_Hz / ((1+alpha_RC));
HRC = raisedCosine(fbase_Hz, BW_RC_Hz, alpha_RC);
H = H .* HRC;
% frequency response => impulse response
ir = ifft(H);
% assume s_a, s_b describe a real-valued impulse response
ir = real(ir);
% the impulse response peak is near the first bin.
% there is some earlier ringing, because evaluating the s-domain
% expression only for s < +/- z_rate_Hz / 2 implies an ideal,
% non-causal low-pass filter.
ir = fftshift(ir);
% now the peak is near the center
% threshold for discarding samples
peak = max(abs(ir));
thr = peak * 10 ^ (p.truncErr_dB / 20);
% first sample that is above threshold
% determines the group delay of the model
ixFirst = find(abs(ir) > thr, 1, 'first');
% last sample above threshold
% determines the length of the impulse response
ixLast = find(abs(ir) > thr, 1, 'last');
% truncate
ir = ir(ixFirst:ixLast);
% apply windowing
if p.winLen_percent > 0
% note: The window drops to zero for the first sample that
% is NOT included in the impulse response.
v = linspace(-1, 0, numel(ir)+1);
v = v(1:end-1);
v = v * 100 / p.winLen_percent;
v = v + 1;
v = max(v, 0);
win = (cos(v*pi) + 1) / 2;
ir = ir .* win;
% plot frequency response, if requested
if ~isempty(p.plotstyle_z)
irPlot = zeros(1, p.nPts);
irPlot(1:numel(ir)) = ir;
figure(p.fig); hold on;
fr = fftshift(20*log10(abs(fft(irPlot)) + eps));
h = plot(fftshift(fbase_Hz), fr, p.plotstyle_z);
set(h, 'lineWidth', 3);
xlabel('f/Hz'); ylabel('|H(f)| / dB');
xlim([0, p.z_rate_Hz/2]);
% ************************************
% raised cosine frequency response
% ************************************
function H = raisedCosine(f, BW, alpha)
c=abs(f * 2 / BW);
% c=-1 for lower end of transition region
% c=1 for upper end of transition region
c=(c-1) / alpha;
% clip to -1..1 range
c=min(c, 1);
c=max(c, -1);
H = 1/2+cos(pi/2*(c+1))/2;
% ************************************
% calculates the frequency that corresponds to each
% FFT bin (negative, zero, positive)
% ************************************
function fb_Hz = FFT_frequencyBasis(n, rate_Hz)
fb = 0:(n - 1);
fb = fb + floor(n / 2);
fb = mod(fb, n);
fb = fb - floor(n / 2);
fb = fb / n; % now [0..0.5[, [-0.5..0[
fb_Hz = fb * rate_Hz;
% *************************************************************
% helper function: Parse varargin argument list
% allows calling myFunc(A, A, A, ...)
% where A is
% - key (string), value (arbitrary) => result.key = value
% - a struct => fields of A are copied to result
% - a cell array => recursive handling using above rules
% *************************************************************
function r = vararginToStruct(varargin)
% note: use of varargin implicitly packs the caller's arguments into a cell array
% that is, calling vararginToStruct('hello') results in
% varargin = {'hello'}
r = flattenCellArray(varargin, struct());
function r = flattenCellArray(arr, r)
ixMax = numel(arr);
while ix <= ixMax
e = arr{ix};
if iscell(e)
% cell array at 'key' position gets recursively flattened
% becomes struct
r = flattenCellArray(e, r);
elseif ischar(e)
% string => key.
% The following entry is a value
ix = ix + 1;
v = arr{ix};
% store key-value pair
r.(e) = v;
elseif isstruct(e)
names = fieldnames(e);
for ix2 = 1:numel(names)
k = names{ix2};
r.(k) = e.(k);
end % while
function set_fig_position(h, top, left, height, width)
% Matlab has a wierd way of positioning figures so this function
% simplifies the poisitioning scheme in a more conventional way.
% Usage: SET_FIG_POISITION(h, top, left, height, width);
% H is the handle to the figure. This can be obtain in the
% following manner: H = figure(1);
% TOP is the "y" screen coordinate for the top of the figure
% LEFT is the "x" screen coordinate for the left side of the figure
% HEIGHT is how tall you want the figure
% WIDTH is how wide you want the figure
% Author: sparafucile17
% PC's active screen size
screen_size = get(0,'ScreenSize');
pc_width = screen_size(3);
pc_height = screen_size(4);
%Matlab also does not consider the height of the figure's toolbar...
%Or the width of the border... they only care about the contents!
toolbar_height = 77;
window_border = 5;
% The Format of Matlab is this:
%[left, bottom, width, height]
m_left = left + window_border;
m_bottom = pc_height - height - top - toolbar_height - 1;
m_height = height;
m_width = width - 1;
%Set the correct position of the figure
set(h, 'Position', [m_left, m_bottom, m_width, m_height]);
%If you want it to print to file correctly, this must also be set
% and you must use the "-r72" scaling to get the proper format
set(h, 'PaperUnits', 'points');
set(h, 'PaperSize', [width, height]);
set(h, 'PaperPosition', [0, 0, width, height]); %[ left, bottom, width, height]
% *************************************************************
% Peak-to-average analyzis of complex baseband-equivalent signal
% Markus Nentwig, 10/12/2011
% Determines the magnitude relative to the RMS average
% which is exceeded with a given (small) probability
% A typical probability value is 99.9 %, which is very loosely related
% to an uncoded bit error rate target of 0.1 %.
% *************************************************************
function sn_headroom()
% number of samples for example signals
n = 1e6;
% *************************************************************
% example: 99.9% PAR for white Gaussian noise
% *************************************************************
signal = 12345 * (randn(1, n) + 1i * randn(1, n));
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 0.999, false);
printf('white Gaussian noise: %1.1f dB PAR at radio frequency\n', PAR_dB);
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 0.999, true);
printf('white Gaussian noise: %1.1f dB PAR at baseband\n', PAR_dB);
% *************************************************************
% example: PAR of continuous-wave signal
% *************************************************************
% a quarter cycle gives the best coverage of amplitude values
% the statistics of the remaining three quarters are identical (symmetry)
signal = 12345 * exp(1i*2*pi*(0:n-1) / n / 4);
% Note: peaks can be below the average, depending on the given probability
% a possible peak-to-average ratio < 1 (< 0 dB) is a consequence of the
% peak definition and not unphysical.
% For a continuous-wave signal, the average value equals the peak value,
% and PAR results slightly below 0 dB are to be expected.
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 0.999, false);
printf('continuous-wave: %1.1f dB PAR at radio frequency\n', PAR_dB);
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 0.999, true);
printf('continuous-wave: %1.1f dB PAR at baseband\n', PAR_dB);
% *************************************************************
% self test:
% For a real-valued Gaussian random variable, the probability
% to not exceed n sigma is
% n = 1: 68.27 percent
% n = 2: 95.5 percent
% n = 3: 99.73 percent
% see
% section "confidence intervals"
% *************************************************************
signal = 12345 * randn(1, n);
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 68.2689/100, false);
printf('expecting %1.3f dB PAR, got %1.3f dB\n', 20*log10(1), PAR_dB);
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 95.44997/100, false);
printf('expecting %1.3f dB PAR, got %1.3f dB\n', 20*log10(2), PAR_dB);
[PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, 99.7300/100, false);
printf('expecting %1.3f dB PAR, got %1.3f dB\n', 20*log10(3), PAR_dB);
function [PAR, PAR_dB] = peakToAverageRatio(signal, peakProbability, independentIQ)
% force row vector
assert(min(size(signal)) == 1, 'matrix not allowed');
signal = signal(:) .';
assert(peakProbability > 0);
assert(peakProbability <= 1);
% *************************************************************
% determine RMS average and normalize signal to unity
% *************************************************************
nSamples = numel(signal);
sAverage = sqrt(signal * signal' / nSamples);
signal = signal / sAverage;
% *************************************************************
% "Peaks" in a complex-valued signal can be defined in two
% different ways:
% *************************************************************
if ~independentIQ
% *************************************************************
% Radio-frequency definition:
% ---------------------------
% The baseband-equivalent signal represents the modulation on
% a radio frequency carrier
% The instantaneous magnitude of the modulated radio frequency
% wave causes clipping, for example in a radio frequency
% power amplifier.
% The -combined- magnitude of in-phase and quadrature signal
% (that is, real- and imaginary part) is relevant.
% This is the default definition, when working with radio
% frequency (or intermediate frequency) signals, as long as a
% single, real-valued waveform is being processed.
% *************************************************************
sMag = abs(signal);
t = 'mag(s) := |s|; cdf(mag(s))';
% *************************************************************
% Baseband definition
% -------------------
% The baseband-equivalent signal is explicitly separated into
% an in-phase and a quadrature branch that are processed
% independently.
% The -individual- magnitudes of in-phase and quadrature branch
% cause clipping.
% For example, the definition applies when a complex-valued
% baseband signal is processed in a digital filter with real-
% valued coefficients, which is implemented as two independent,
% real-valued filters on real part and imaginary part.
% *************************************************************
% for each sample, use the maximum of in-phase / quadrature.
% If both clip in the same sample, it's counted only once.
sMag = max(abs(real(signal)), abs(imag(signal)));
t = 'mag(s) := max(|real(s)|, |imag(s)|); cdf(mag(s))';
% *************************************************************
% determine number of samples with magnitude below the "peak"
% level, based on the given peak probability
% for example: probability = 0.5 => nBelowPeakLevel = nSamples/2
% typically, this will be a floating point number
% *************************************************************
nBelowPeakLevel = peakProbability * nSamples;
% *************************************************************
% interpolate the magnitude between the two closest samples
% *************************************************************
sMagSorted = sort(sMag);
x = [0 1:nSamples nSamples+1];
y = [0 sMagSorted sMagSorted(end)];
magAtPeakLevel = interp1(x, y, nBelowPeakLevel, 'linear');
% *************************************************************
% Peak-to-average ratio
% signal is normalized, average is 1
% the ratio relates to the sample magnitude
% "power" is square of magnitude => use 20*log10 for dB conversion.
% *************************************************************
PAR = magAtPeakLevel;
PAR_dB = 20*log10(PAR + eps);
% *************************************************************
% illustrate the CDF and the result
% *************************************************************
if true
plot(y, x / max(x));
xlabel('normalized magnitude m');
ylabel('prob(mag(s) < m)');
line([1, 1] * magAtPeakLevel, [0, 1]);
line([0, max(y)], [1, 1] * peakProbability);
clear all; close all;
test = 1; %see comments below
n = 10000; %number of test samples
switch test
case 1, z = linspace(.02,-.01,n); %gentle zero crossing
case 2, z = linspace(.0005,-.0005,n); %excess dc at zero crossing
case 3, z = randsrc(1,n,[.25 -.25]); %random sweep, creates messy signal
case 4, z = randsrc(1,n,[-.25:.001,.25]); %random sweep, creates messy signal
case 5, z = ones(1,n/4)*.01; z = [z -z z -z]; %discontinuity at zero crossing
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finite NCO model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
A = 2^15 - 1; %max amplitude
M = 2^12; %NCO accumulator phase resolution
inc = round(M*z); %NCO accumulator phase increment
k = 2^12; %lut phase resolution (lut size),
lsb = log2(M) - log2(k); %LSBs discarded when addressing
lut = round(A*exp(j*2*pi*(0:k-1)/k)); %lut, one cycle cos/sin data
ptr = 0;
addr = 0;
for i = 1:n
y(i) = lut(addr+1); %add 1 for matlab LUT
ptr = mod(ptr + inc(i), M); %phase accumulator(ramp)
addr = round(ptr/2^lsb); %discard LSBs
addr(addr >= k) = addr - k; %check address overflow
%display output
function Demo
close all
T = 1; %Sampling period.
B = 0.7; %Two-sided bandwidth.
%Plot error spectrum for P = 10, 20, and 30.
function PlotErrorSpectrum(T,B,P)
% Frequency grid specification in figure.
f0 = 0;
M = (2*P+1)*10;
Df = B/(2*M);
f = f0+Df*(0:M-1);
ESinc = zeros(size(f));
Eg = zeros(size(f));
%Look for the maximum error among different shifts u for each frequency in f.
for u = -0.5:1/((2*P+1)*5):0.5
HRef = exp(1i*2*pi*f*u); %Ideal spectrum.
HSinc = chirpzDFT(sinc((-P:P)+u/T),-P*T,T,f0,Df,M); %Sinc spectrum.
Hg = chirpzDFT(gPulseCoefs(u,T,B,P),-P*T,T,f0,Df,M); %g-pulse spectrum.
ESinc = max([ESinc;abs(HRef-HSinc)]); %Compute current max. error for sinc.
Eg = max([Eg;abs(HRef-Hg)]); %Compute current max. error for g.
xlabel('Freq. (f*T)')
ylabel('Maximum error (dB)')
legend('sinc pulse','g pulse','Location','NorthOutside')
pr = get(gca,'YTick');
text(0,2*pr(end)-pr(end-1),['B*T = ',num2str(B*T),', P = ',num2str(P)])
title('Error spectrum (maximum for all possible shifts u)')
grid on
function c = gPulseCoefs(u,T,B,P)
t = (-P:P)*T+u;
c = sinc(t/T).*real(sinc((1-B*T)*sqrt((t/T).^2-P^2)))/real(sinc(1i*(1-B*T)*P));
function X = chirpzDFT(x,to,Dt,fo,Df,M)
%Author: J. Selva.
%Date: November 2011.
%This function computes the DFT for two regular time and frequency grids with arbitrary
%starting points and spacings, using the Chirp-z Transform. Specifically, it computes
% N
% X(k) = sum x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(fo+Df*(k-1))*(to+Dt*(n-1))), 1 <= k <= M.
% n=1
%Input parameters:
% x: Signal samples.
% to: Instant of first sample in x.
% Dt: Time spacing between consecutive samples of x.
% fo: First frequency in which the Fourier sum is computed.
% Df: Spacing of the desired frequency grid.
% M: Desired number of output samples.
%The algorithm is explained in Sec. 9.6.2, page 656 of
% A.V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, J. R. Buck, "Discrete-time signal processing," second
% edition, 1998.
x = x(:).';
N = numel(x);
P = 2^ceil(log2(M+N-1));
%The next three lines do not depend on the vector x, and so they can be pre-computed if
%the time and frequency grids do not change, (i.e, for computing the transform of
%additional vectors). Thus, this algorithm just involves two FFTs for fixed grids and
%three if the grids change.
a = exp(-1i*2*pi*((1:N)*Dt*(fo-Df)+Dt*Df*(1:N).^2/2));
b = exp(-1i*2*pi*((to-Dt)*(fo+(0:M-1)*Df)+Dt*Df*(1:M).^2/2));
phi = fft(exp(1i*2*pi*Dt*Df*(1-N:M-1).^2/2),P); %FFT of chirp pulse.
%Weigh x using a and perform FFT convolution with phi.
X = ifft( fft(x.*a,P) .* phi );
%Truncate the convolution tails and weigh using b.
X = X(N:M+N-1) .* b;
% Filename: FFT_Twiddles_Find_DSPrelated.m
% Computes 'Decimation in Frequency' or 'Decimation
% in Time' Butterfly twiddle factors, for radix-2 FFTs
% with in-order input indices and scrambled output indices.
% To use, do two things: (1) define FFT size 'N'; and
% (2) define the desired 'Structure', near line 17-18,
% as 'Dec_in_Time' or 'Dec_in_Freq'.
% Author: Richard Lyons, November, 2011
clear, clc
% Define input parameters
N = 8; % FFT size (Must be an integer power of 2)
Structure = 'Dec_in_Time'; % Choose Dec-in-time butterflies
%Structure = 'Dec_in_Freq'; % Choose Dec-in-frequency butterflies
% Start of processing
Num_Stages = log2(N); % Number of stages
StageStart = 1; % First stage to compute
StageStop = Num_Stages; % Last stage to compute
ButterStart = 1; %First butterfly to compute
ButterStop = N/2; %Last butterfly to compute
Pointer = 0; %Init 'results' row pointer
for Stage_Num = StageStart:StageStop
if Structure == 'Dec_in_Time'
for Butter_Num = ButterStart:ButterStop
Twid = floor((2^Stage_Num*(Butter_Num-1))/N);
% Compute bit reversal of Twid
Twid_Bit_Rev = 0;
for I = Num_Stages-2:-1:0
if Twid>=2^I
Twid_Bit_Rev = Twid_Bit_Rev + 2^(Num_Stages-I-2);
Twid = Twid -2^I;
else, end
end %End bit reversal 'I' loop
A1 = Twid_Bit_Rev; %Angle A1
A2 = Twid_Bit_Rev + N/2; %Angle A2
Pointer = Pointer +1;
Results(Pointer,:) = [Stage_Num,Butter_Num,A1,A2];
for Twiddle_Num = 1:N/2^Stage_Num
Twid = (2^Stage_Num*(Twiddle_Num-1))/2; %Compute integer
Pointer = Pointer +1;
Results(Pointer,:) = [Stage_Num,Twiddle_Num,Twid];
end % End 'if'
end % End Stage_Num loop
Results(:,1:3), disp(' Stage# Twid# A'), disp(' ')
% Filename: Bandpass_Sample_Rate_Calc.m
% Calculates acceptable Bandpass Sampling rate ranges
% based on an analog (continuous) signal's bandwidth
% and center freq.
% Merely define bandwidth "Bw" and center frequency "Fc", in
% Hz, near line 22, for the analog bandpass signal and run the
% program. [Example: Bw = 5, Fc = 20.] Acceptable Fs sample
% rate ranges are shown in Figure 1 and displayed in Command window.
% If the User defines a value for the BP sample rate Fs, near
% near line 28, then Figure 2 will show the locations of the
% positive and negative-freq spectral components after
% bandpass sampling.
% Richard Lyons [November 2011]
clear, clc
Bw = 5; % Analog signal bandwidth in Hz
Fc = 20; % Analog signal center freq in Hz
% ##############################################
% Define an Fs sample rate value below
Fs = 11; % Selected Fs sample rate in Hz
% ##############################################
disp(' '), disp(['Analog Center Freq = ',num2str(Fc),' Hz.'])
disp(['Analog Bandwidth = ',num2str(Bw),' Hz.']), disp(' ')
% *****************************************************
% Compute % display the acceptable ranges of BP sample rate
% *****************************************************
disp('Acceptable Fs ranges in Hz:')
No_aliasing = 0; % Init a warning flag
M = 1; % Initialize a counter
while (2*Fc + Bw)/(M+1) >= 2*Bw
FsMin = (2*Fc + Bw)/(M+1);
FsMax = (2*Fc - Bw)/M;
Fs_ranges(M,1) = FsMin;
Fs_ranges(M,2) = FsMax;
M = M + 1;
disp([num2str(FsMin),' -to- ',num2str(FsMax)])
% *****************************************************
% Plot the acceptable ranges of BP sample rate
% *****************************************************
figure(1), clf
title('Acceptable Ranges of Bandpass Sampling Rate')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
ylabel('This axis has no meaning')
for K = 1:M-1
hold on
axis([0.8*(2*Bw),1.1*max(Fs_ranges(1,2)), 0.8, 1.55])
text(2*Bw,1.45,'Bold red lines show acceptable Fs ranges')
text(2*Bw,1.35,'Blue line = Twice analog signal Bandwidth (2 x Bw)')
text(2*Bw,1.25,'(You can zoom in, if you wish.)')
hold off, grid on, zoom on
% **************************************************************
% If Fs has been defined, plot spectrum of the sampled signal.
% **************************************************************
% Check if "Fs" has been defined
disp(' ')
if isempty(strmatch('Fs',who,'exact')) == 1;
disp('Fs sampling rate has NOT been defined.')
% Fs does NOT exist, do nothing further.
% Fs is defined, plot the spectrum of the sampled signal.
disp(['Fs defined as ',num2str(Fs),' Hz'])
% To determine intermediate frequency (IF), check integer
% part of "2Fc/Fs" for odd or even
Temp = floor(2*Fc/Fs);
if (Temp == 2*floor(Temp/2))
disp(' '), disp('Pos-freq sampled spectra is not inverted.')
Freq_IF = Fc -Fs*floor(Fc/Fs); % Computed IF frequency
disp(' '), disp('Pos-freq sampled spectra is inverted.')
Freq_IF = Fs*(1 + floor(Fc/Fs)) -Fc; % Computed IF frequency
disp(' '), disp(['Center of pos-freq sampled spectra = ',num2str(Freq_IF),' Hz.'])
% Prepare to plot sampled spectral range in Figure 2
IF_MinFreq = Freq_IF-Bw/2;
IF_MaxFreq = Freq_IF+Bw/2;
figure(2), clf
hold on
plot([IF_MinFreq,IF_MaxFreq],[0.95, 1],'-r','linewidth',4);
plot([Fs-IF_MaxFreq,Fs-IF_MinFreq],[1, 0.95],'-r','linewidth',4);
plot([Fs,Fs],[0.5, 1.02],'-b','linewidth',2);
plot([Fs/2,Fs/2],[0.5, 1.02],':b','linewidth',2);
plot([IF_MinFreq,IF_MinFreq],[0.5, 0.95],':r');
plot([IF_MaxFreq,IF_MaxFreq],[0.5, 1],':r');
plot([Fs-IF_MaxFreq,Fs-IF_MaxFreq],[0.5, 1],':r');
plot([Fs-IF_MinFreq,Fs-IF_MinFreq],[0.5, 0.95],':r');
text(0.9*Fs,1.03,['Fs = ',num2str(Fs),' Hz'])
text(0.8*Fs/2, 1.03,['Fs/2 = ',num2str(Fs/2),' Hz'])
text(Fs/10,1.07,'(You can zoom in, if you wish.)')
axis([0,1.2*Fs, 0.8, 1.1])
hold off
title('Red lines show spectral range of sampled signal')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
ylabel('This axis has no meaning')
grid on, zoom on
% ################################################################
% Check if Fs is NOT in an acceptable freq range (aliasing occurs)
Aliasing_Flag = 1; % Initialize a flag
for K = 1:M-1 % Check each individual acceptable Fs range
if Fs_ranges(K,1)<=Fs & Fs<=Fs_ranges(K,2)% & Fs<=Fs_ranges(K,2)
% No aliasing will occur
Aliasing_Flag = Aliasing_Flag -1;
else, end
end % End K loop
if Aliasing_Flag == 1; % Aliasing will occur
text(Fs/10, 0.91, 'WARNING! WARNING!')
text(Fs/10, 0.89, 'Aliasing will occur!')
else, end
zoom on
% ################################################################
function [D1,D2] = Dec_OptimTwoStage_Factors(D_Total,Passband_width,Fstop)
% When breaking a single large decimation factor (D_Total) into
% two stages of decimation (to minimize the orders of the
% necessary lowpass digital filtering), an optimum first
% stage of decimation factor (D1) can be found. The second
% stage's decimation factor is then D_Total/D1.
% Inputs:
% D_Total = original single-stage decimation factor.
% Passband_width = desired passband width of original
% single-stage lowpass filter (Hz).
% Fstop = desired beginning of stopband freq of original
% single-stage lowpass filter (Hz).
% Outputs:
% D1 = optimum first-stage decimation factor.
% D2 = optimum second-stage decimation factor.
% Example: Assume you want to decimate a sequence by D_Total=100,
% your original single-stage lowpass filter's passband
% width and stopband frequency are 1800 and 2200 Hz
% respectively. We use:
% [D1,D2] = Dec_OptimTwoStage_Factors(100, 1800, 2200)
% giving us the desired D1 = 25, and D2 = 4.
% (That is, D1*D2 = 25*4 = 100 = D_Total.)
% Author: Richard Lyons, November, 2011
% Start of processing
DeltaF = (Fstop -Passband_width)/Fstop;
Radical = (D_Total*DeltaF)/(2 -DeltaF); % Terms under sqrt sign.
Numer = 2*D_Total*(1 -sqrt(Radical)); % Numerator.
Denom = 2 -DeltaF*(D_Total + 1); % Denominator.
D1_estimated = Numer/Denom; %Optimum D1 factor, but not
% an integer.
% Find all factors of 'D_Total'
Factors_of_D_Total = Find_Factors_of_D_Total(D_Total);
% Find the one factor of 'D_Total' that's closest to 'D1_estimated'
Temp = abs(Factors_of_D_Total -D1_estimated);
Index_of_Min = find(Temp == min(Temp)); % Index of optim. D1
D1 = Factors_of_D_Total(Index_of_Min); % Optimum first
% decimation factor
D2 = D_Total/D1; % Second decimation factor.
function [allfactors] = Find_Factors_of_D_Total(X)
% Finds all integer factors of intger X.
% Filename was originally 'listfactors.m', written
% by Jeff Miller. Downloaded from Matlab Central.
[b,m,n] = unique(factor(X));
%b is all prime factors
occurences = [m(1) diff(m)];
current_factors = [b(1).^(0:occurences(1))]';
for index = 2:length(b)
currentprime = b(index).^(0:occurences(index));
current_factors = current_factors*currentprime;
current_factors = current_factors(:);
allfactors = sort(current_factors);
function Demo
while 1
%Frequency grid with arbitrary start value, spacing, and number of elements. ...
%Mathematically, the grid is
% fo+Df*m, m=0, 1,...,M-1.
fo = 10*rand(1)-0.5; %Start value.
Df = rand(1)+0.01; %Frequency spacing.
M = round(rand(1)*1000); %Number of frequencies.
%Time grid with arbitrary start value, spacing, and number of elements. Mathematically, ...
%the grid is
% to+Dt*n, n=0, 1,...,N-1.
to = 10*rand(1)-0.5; %Start value; (instant of first sample).
Dt = rand(1)+0.01; %Time spacing.
N = round(rand(1)*1000); %Number of samples.
%Random vector of samples.
x = randn(1,N)+1i*randn(1,N);
%x(n) is the sample at instant to+Dt*(n-1), n=1,2,...,N.
%We proceed to compute the DFT of x at frequencies fo+m*Df, m=0, 1,..., M-1.
%Compute DFT using the direct and chirp-z methods.
tic, XD = DirectGridDFT(x,to,Dt,fo,Df,M); tmD = toc;
tic, XF = chirpzDFT(x,to,Dt,fo,Df,M); tmF = toc;
disp(['Timing direct method: ', num2str(tmD), ' sec.'])
disp(['Timing chirp z: ',num2str(tmF),' sec.'])
disp(['Relative difference: ', num2str(max(abs(XD-XF))/max(abs(XD)))])
disp(' ')
input('(Press a key for another trial or Ctrl-C) ')
disp(' ')
function X = chirpzDFT(x,to,Dt,fo,Df,M)
%Author: J. Selva.
%Date: November 2011.
%This function computes the DFT for two regular time and frequency grids with arbitrary
%starting points and spacings, using the Chirp-z Transform. Specifically, it computes
% N
% X(k) = sum x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(fo+Df*(k-1))*(to+Dt*(n-1))), 1 <= k <= M.
% n=1
%Input parameters:
% x: Signal samples.
% to: Instant of first sample in x.
% Dt: Time spacing between consecutive samples of x.
% fo: First frequency in which the Fourier sum is computed.
% Df: Spacing of the desired frequency grid.
% M: Desired number of output samples.
%The algorithm is explained in Sec. 9.6.2, page 656 of
% A.V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, J. R. Buck, "Discrete-time signal processing," second
% edition, 1998.
x = x(:).';
N = numel(x);
P = 2^ceil(log2(M+N-1));
%The next three lines do not depend on the vector x, and so they can be pre-computed if
%the time and frequency grids do not change, (i.e, for computing the transform of
%additional vectors). Thus, this algorithm just involves two FFTs for fixed grids and
%three if the grids change.
a = exp(-1i*2*pi*((1:N)*Dt*(fo-Df)+Dt*Df*(1:N).^2/2));
b = exp(-1i*2*pi*((to-Dt)*(fo+(0:M-1)*Df)+Dt*Df*(1:M).^2/2));
phi = fft(exp(1i*2*pi*Dt*Df*(1-N:M-1).^2/2),P); %FFT of chirp pulse.
%Weigh x using a and perform FFT convolution with phi.
X = ifft( fft(x.*a,P) .* phi );
%Truncate the convolution tails and weigh using b.
X = X(N:M+N-1) .* b;
function X = DirectGridDFT(x,to,Dt,fo,Df,M)
%Direct (and slow) version of the Fourier sum with arbitrary and regular time and
%frequency grids. Used for validation of chirpzDFT.
x = x(:).';
N = length(x);
X = zeros(1,M);
for k = 1:M
for n = 1:N
X(k) = X(k) + x(n)*exp(-1i*2*pi*(to+Dt*(n-1))*(fo+Df*(k-1)));