Wavelet Denoising for TDR Dynamic Range Improvement
A technique is presented for removing large amounts of noise present in time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) waveforms to increase the dynamic range of TDR waveforms and TDR based s-parameter measurements.
Bilinear Transformation Made Easy
A formula is derived and demonstrated that is capable of directly generating digital filter coefficients from an analog filter prototype using the bilinear transformation. This formula obviates the need for any algebraic manipulation of the analog prototype filter and is ideal for use in embedded systems that must take in any general analog filter specification and dynamically generate digital filter coefficients directly usable in difference equations.
Efficient convolutional coding and decoding algorithms are most crucial to successful operation of wireless communication systems in order to achieve high quality of service by reducing the overall bit error rate performance. A widely applied and well evaluated scheme for error correction purposes is well known as Viterbi algorithm [7]. Although the Viterbi algorithm has very good error correcting characteristics, computational effort required remains high. In this paper a novel approach is discussed introducing a convolutional decoder design based on fuzzy logic. A simplified version of this fuzzy based decoder is examined with respect to bit error rate (BER) performance. It can be shown that the fuzzy based convolutional decoder here proposed considerably reduces computational effort with only minor BER performance degradation when compared to the classical Viterbi approach.
Method to Calculate the Inverse of a Complex Matrix using Real Matrix Inversion
This paper describes a simple method to calculate the invers of a complex matrix. The key element of the method is to use a matrix inversion, which is available and optimised for real numbers. Some actual libraries used for digital signal processing only provide highly optimised methods to calculate the inverse of a real matrix, whereas no solution for complex matrices are available, like in [1]. The presented algorithm is very easy to implement, while still much more efficient than for example the method presented in [2]. [1] Visual DSP++ 4.0 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for TigerSHARC Processors; Analog Devices; 2005. [2] W. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.R. Flannery; Numerical Recipes in C++, The art of scientific computing, Second Edition; p52 : “Complex Systems of Equations”;Cambridge University Press 2002.
Real Time Implementation of Multi-Level Perfect Signal Reconstruction Filter Bank
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is an efficient tool for signal and image processing applications which has been utilized for perfect signal reconstruction. In this paper, twenty seven optimum combinations of three different wavelet filter types, three different filter reconstruction levels and three different kinds of signal for multi-level perfect reconstruction filter bank were implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. All the filters for different wavelet types were designed using Filter Design Analysis (FDA) and Wavelet toolbox. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) was calculated for each combination. Combination with best SNR was then implemented on TMS320C6713 DSP kit. Real time testing of perfect reconstruction on DSP kit was then carried out by two different methods. Experimental results accede with theory and simulations.
Algorithm Adaptation and Optimization of a Novel DSP Vector Co-processor
The Division of Computer Engineering at Linköping's university is currently researching the possibility to create a highly parallel DSP platform, that can keep up with the computational needs of upcoming standards for various applications, at low cost and low power consumption. The architecture is called ePUMA and it combines a general RISC DSP master processor with eight SIMD co-processors on a single chip. The master processor will act as the main processor for general tasks and execution control, while the co-processors will accelerate computing intensive and parallel DSP kernels.This thesis investigates the performance potential of the co-processors by implementing matrix algebra kernels for QR decomposition, LU decomposition, matrix determinant and matrix inverse, that run on a single co-processor. The kernels will then be evaluated to find possible problems with the co-processors' microarchitecture and suggest solutions to the problems that might exist. The evaluation shows that the performance potential is very good, but a few problems have been identified, that causes significant overhead in the kernels. Pipeline mismatches, that occurs due to different pipeline lengths for different instructions, causes pipeline hazards and the current solution to this, doesn't allow effective use of the pipeline. In some cases, the single port memories will cause bottlenecks, but the thesis suggests that the situation could be greatly improved by using buffered memory write-back. Also, the lack of register forwarding makes kernels with many data dependencies run unnecessarily slow.
Correlation and Power Spectrum
In the signals and systems course and in the first course in digital signal processing, a signal is, most often, characterized by its amplitude spectrum in the frequency-domain and its amplitude profile in the time-domain. So much a student gets used to this type of characterization, that the student finds it difficult to appreciate, when encountered in the ensuing statistical signal processing course, the fact that a signal can also be characterized by its autocorrelation function in the time-domain and the corresponding power spectrum in the frequency-domain and that the amplitude characterization is not available. In this article, the characterization of a signal by its autocorrelation function in the time-domain and the corresponding power spectrum in the frequency-domain is described. Cross-correlation of two signals is also presented.
Digital Signal Processing Maths
Modern digital signal processing makes use of a variety of mathematical techniques. These techniques are used to design and understand efficient filters for data processing and control.
Auditory Component Analysis Using Perceptual Pattern Recognition to Identify and Extract Independent Components From an Auditory Scene
The cocktail party effect, our ability to separate a sound source from a multitude of other sources, has been researched in detail over the past few decades, and many investigators have tried to model this on computers. Two of the major research areas currently being evaluated for the so-called sound source separation problem are Auditory Scene Analysis (Bregman 1990) and a class of statistical analysis techniques known as Independent Component Analysis (Hyvärinen 2001). This paper presents a methodology for combining these two techniques. It suggests a framework that first separates sounds by analyzing the incoming audio for patterns and synthesizing or filtering them accordingly, measures features of the resulting tracks, and finally separates sounds statistically by matching feature sets and making the output streams statistically independent. Artificial and acoustical mixes of sounds are used to evaluate the signal-to-noise ratio where the signal is the desired source and the noise is comprised of all other sources. The proposed system is found to successfully separate audio streams. The amount of separation is inversely proportional to the amount of reverberation present.
Fundamentals of the DFT (fft) Algorithms
In this article, a physical explanation of the fundamentals of the DFT (fft) algorithms is presented in terms of waveform decomposition. After reading the article and trying the examples, the reader is expected to gain a clear understanding of the basics of the mysterious DFT (fft) algorithms.
Noise covariance properties in Dual-Tree Wavelet Decompositions
Dual-tree wavelet decompositions have recently gained much popularity, mainly due to their ability to provide an accurate directional analysis of images combined with a reduced redundancy. When the decomposition of a random process is performed – which occurs in particular when an additive noise is corrupting the signal to be analyzed – it is useful to characterize the statistical properties of the dual-tree wavelet coefficients of this process. As dual-tree decompositions constitute overcomplete frame expansions, correlation structures are introduced among the coefficients, even when a white noise is analyzed. In this paper, we show that it is possible to provide an accurate description of the covariance properties of the dual-tree coefficients of a wide-sense stationary process. The expressions of the (cross-) covariance sequences of the coefficients are derived in the one and two-dimensional cases. Asymptotic results are also provided, allowing to predict the behaviour of the second-order moments for large lag values or at coarse resolution. In addition, the crosscorrelations between the primal and dual wavelets, which play a primary role in our theoretical analysis, are calculated for a number of classical wavelet families. Simulation results are finally provided to validate these results.
A Nonlinear Stein Based Estimator for Multichannel Image Denoising
The use of multicomponent images has become widespread with the improvement of multisensor systems having increased spatial and spectral resolutions. However, the observed images are often corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise. In this paper, we are interested in multichannel image denoising based on a multiscale representation of the images. A multivariate statistical approach is adopted to take into account both the spatial and the inter-component correlations existing between the different wavelet subbands. More precisely, we propose a new parametric nonlinear estimator which generalizes many reported denoising methods. The derivation of the optimal parameters is achieved by applying Stein’s principle in the multivariate case. Experiments performed on multispectral remote sensing images clearly indicate that our method outperforms conventional wavelet denoising techniques.
Energy Profiling of DSP Applications, A Case Study of an Intelligent ECG Monitor
Proper balance of power and performance for optimum system organization requires precise profiling of the power consumption of different hardware subsystems as well as software functions. Moreover, power consumption of mobile systems is even more important, since the battery is a large portion of the overall size and weight of the system. Average power consumption is only a crude estimate of power requirements and battery life; a much better estimate can be made using dynamic power consumption. Dynamic power consumption is a function of the execution profile of the given application running on specific hardware platform. In this paper we introduce a new environment for energy profiling of DSP applications. The environment consists of a JTAG emulator, a high-resolution HP 3583A multimeter and a workstation that controls devices and stores the traces. We use Texas Instruments’ Real Time Data Exchange mechanism (RTDXÔ) to generate an execution profile and custom procedures for energy profile data acquisition using GPIB interface. We developed custom procedures to correlate and analyze both energy and execution profiles. The environment allows us to improve the system power consumption through changes in software organization and to measure real battery life for the given hardware, software and battery configuration. As a case study, we present the analysis of a real-time portable ECG monitor implemented using a Texas Instruments TMS320C5410-100 processor board, and a Del Mar PWA ECG Amplifier.
Using the DFT as a Filter: Correcting a Misconception
I have read, in some of the literature of DSP, that when the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is used as a filter the process of performing a DFT causes an input signal's spectrum to be frequency translated down to zero Hz (DC). I can understand why someone might say that, but I challenge that statement as being incorrect. Here are my thoughts.
A New Contender in the Digital Differentiator Race
This blog proposes a novel differentiator worth your consideration. Although simple, the differentiator provides a fairly wide 'frequency range of linear operation' and can be implemented, if need be, without performing numerical multiplications.
An Introduction To Compressive Sampling
This article surveys the theory of compressive sensing, also known as compressed sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data acquisition.
Voice Activity Detection. Fundamentals and Speech Recognition System Robustness
An important drawback affecting most of the speech processing systems is the environmental noise and its harmful effect on the system performance. Examples of such systems are the new wireless communications voice services or digital hearing aid devices. In speech recognition, there are still technical barriers inhibiting such systems from meeting the demands of modern applications. Numerous noise reduction techniques have been developed to palliate the effect of the noise on the system performance and often require an estimate of the noise statistics obtained by means of a precise voice activity detector (VAD). Speech/non-speech detection is an unsolved problem in speech processing and affects numerous applications including robust speech recognition, discontinuous transmission, real-time speech transmission on the Internet or combined noise reduction and echo cancellation schemes in the context of telephony. The speech/non-speech classification task is not as trivial as it appears, and most of the VAD algorithms fail when the level of background noise increases. During the last decade, numerous researchers have developed different strategies for detecting speech on a noisy signal and have evaluated the influence of the VAD effectiveness on the performance of speech processing systems. Most of the approaches have focussed on the development of robust algorithms with special attention being paid to the derivation and study of noise robust features and decision rules. The different VAD methods include those based on energy thresholds, pitch detection, spectrum analysis, zero-crossing rate, periodicity measure, higher order statistics in the LPC residual domain or combinations of different features. This chapter shows a comprehensive approximation to the main challenges in voice activity detection, the different solutions that have been reported in a complete review of the state of the art and the evaluation frameworks that are normally used. The application of VADs for speech coding, speech enhancement and robust speech recognition systems is shown and discussed. Three different VAD methods are described and compared to standardized and recently reported strategies by assessing the speech/non-speech discrimination accuracy and the robustness of speech recognition systems.
A delayless structure targeted for low-resource implementation is proposed to eliminate filterbank processing delays in subband adaptive filters (SAFs). Rather than using direct IFFT or polyphase filterbanks to transform the SAFs back into the time-domain, the proposed method utilizes a weighted overlap-add (WOLA) synthesis. Low-resource real-time implementations are targeted and as such do not involve long (as long as the echo plant) FFT or IFFT operations. Also, the proposed approach facilitates time distribution of the adaptive filter reconstruction calculations crucial for efficient real-time and hardware implementation. The method is implemented on an oversampled WOLA filterbank employed as part of an echo cancellation application. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed implementation outperforms conventional SAF systems since the signals used in actual adaptive filtering are not distorted by filterbank aliasing. The method is a good match for partial update adaptive algorithms since segments of the time-domain adaptive filter are sequentially reconstructed and updated.
Correlation and Power Spectrum
In the signals and systems course and in the first course in digital signal processing, a signal is, most often, characterized by its amplitude spectrum in the frequency-domain and its amplitude profile in the time-domain. So much a student gets used to this type of characterization, that the student finds it difficult to appreciate, when encountered in the ensuing statistical signal processing course, the fact that a signal can also be characterized by its autocorrelation function in the time-domain and the corresponding power spectrum in the frequency-domain and that the amplitude characterization is not available. In this article, the characterization of a signal by its autocorrelation function in the time-domain and the corresponding power spectrum in the frequency-domain is described. Cross-correlation of two signals is also presented.
Efficient Digital Fiilters
What would you do in the following situation? Let ’ s say you are diagnosing a DSP system problem in the field. You have your trusty laptop with your development system and an emulator. You figure out that there was a problem with the system specifications and a symmetric FIR filter in the software won ’ t do the job; it needs reduced passband ripple, or maybe more stopband attenuation. You then realize you don ’ t have any filter design software on the laptop, and the customer is getting angry. The answer is easy: You can take the existing filter and sharpen it. Simply stated, filter sharpening is a technique for creating a new filter from an old one [1] – [3] . While the technique is almost 30 years old, it is not generally known by DSP engineers nor is it mentioned in most DSP textbooks.