Correlation Analysis
The correlation operator (defined in §7.2.5) plays a major role in statistical signal processing. For a proper development, see, e.g., [27,33,65]. This section introduces only some of the most basic elements of statistical signal processing in a simplified manner, with emphasis on illustrating applications of the DFT.
Definition: The circular cross-correlation of two signals and
in may be defined by
The term ``cross-correlation'' comes from statistics, and what we have defined here is more properly called a ``sample cross-correlation.'' That is, is an estimator8.8 of the true cross-correlation which is an assumed statistical property of the signal itself. This definition of a sample cross-correlation is only valid for stationary stochastic processes, e.g., ``steady noises'' that sound unchanged over time. The statistics of a stationary stochastic process are by definition time invariant, thereby allowing time-averages to be used for estimating statistics such as cross-correlations. For brevity below, we will typically not include ``sample'' qualifier, because all computational methods discussed will be sample-based methods intended for use on stationary data segments.
The DFT of the cross-correlation may be called the cross-spectral density, or ``cross-power spectrum,'' or even simply ``cross-spectrum'':
Unbiased Cross-Correlation
Recall that the cross-correlation operator is cyclic (circular) since is interpreted modulo . In practice, we are normally interested in estimating the acyclic cross-correlation between two signals. For this (more realistic) case, we may define instead the unbiased cross-correlation
An unbiased acyclic cross-correlation may be computed faster via DFT (FFT) methods using zero padding:
Note that and belong to while and belong to . The zero-padding may be causal (as defined in §7.2.8) because the signals are assumed to be be stationary, in which case all signal statistics are time-invariant. As usual when embedding acyclic correlation (or convolution) within the cyclic variant given by the DFT, sufficient zero-padding is provided so that only zeros are ``time aliased'' (wrapped around in time) by modulo indexing.
Cross-correlation is used extensively in audio signal processing for applications such as time scale modification, pitch shifting, click removal, and many others.
The cross-correlation of a signal with itself gives its autocorrelation:
The unbiased cross-correlation similarly reduces to an unbiased autocorrelation when :
The DFT of the true autocorrelation function is the (sampled) power spectral density (PSD), or power spectrum, and may be denoted
At lag zero, the autocorrelation function reduces to the average power (mean square) which we defined in §5.8:
Replacing ``correlation'' with ``covariance'' in the above definitions gives corresponding zero-mean versions. For example, we may define the sample circular cross-covariance as
Matched Filtering
The cross-correlation function is used extensively in pattern recognition and signal detection. We know from Chapter 5 that projecting one signal onto another is a means of measuring how much of the second signal is present in the first. This can be used to ``detect'' the presence of known signals as components of more complicated signals. As a simple example, suppose we record which we think consists of a signal that we are looking for plus some additive measurement noise . That is, we assume the signal model . Then the projection of onto is (recalling §5.9.9)
In the same way that FFT convolution is faster than direct convolution (see Table 7.1), cross-correlation and matched filtering are generally carried out most efficiently using an FFT algorithm (Appendix A).
FIR System Identification
Estimating an impulse response from input-output measurements is called system identification, and a large literature exists on this topic (e.g., [39]).
Cross-correlation can be used to compute the impulse response of a filter from the cross-correlation of its input and output signals and , respectively. To see this, note that, by the correlation theorem,
% sidex.m - Demonstration of the use of FFT cross- % correlation to compute the impulse response % of a filter given its input and output. % This is called "FIR system identification". Nx = 32; % input signal length Nh = 10; % filter length Ny = Nx+Nh-1; % max output signal length % FFT size to accommodate cross-correlation: Nfft = 2^nextpow2(Ny); % FFT wants power of 2 x = rand(1,Nx); % input signal = noise %x = 1:Nx; % input signal = ramp h = [1:Nh]; % the filter xzp = [x,zeros(1,Nfft-Nx)]; % zero-padded input yzp = filter(h,1,xzp); % apply the filter X = fft(xzp); % input spectrum Y = fft(yzp); % output spectrum Rxx = conj(X) .* X; % energy spectrum of x Rxy = conj(X) .* Y; % cross-energy spectrum Hxy = Rxy ./ Rxx; % should be the freq. response hxy = ifft(Hxy); % should be the imp. response hxy(1:Nh) % print estimated impulse response freqz(hxy,1,Nfft); % plot estimated freq response err = norm(hxy - [h,zeros(1,Nfft-Nh)])/norm(h); disp(sprintf(['Impulse Response Error = ',... '%0.14f%%'],100*err)); err = norm(Hxy-fft([h,zeros(1,Nfft-Nh)]))/norm(h); disp(sprintf(['Frequency Response Error = ',... '%0.14f%%'],100*err)); |
Next Section:
Power Spectral Density Estimation
Previous Section:
Filters and Convolution