Forums Search for: Dmad
Re: 'dmad' - fundamental question to specialists
Objection. Please note that when you use dmad there is a 16-bit data memory address encoded in the instruction, not "7 offset bits...
Objection. Please note that when you use dmad there is a 16-bit data memory address encoded in the instruction, not "7 offset bits put into instruction opcode and segment 9 bits assumed zero." You can see this from page 1-2 of SPRU172C where 'dmad' is defined. Then yo
Re: 'dmad' - fundamental question to specialists
inThey lied to you. dmad is used in Absolute Addressing not in Immediate Addressing. And, furthermore, immediate addressing does not...
They lied to you. dmad is used in Absolute Addressing not in Immediate Addressing. And, furthermore, immediate addressing does not have anything to do with DP, CPL or SP anyway. The DP, CPL and SP stuff is involved in Direct Addressing. Everything you need to know is located in
Re: 'dmad' - fundamental question to specialists
Ilya- I think: -dmad == direct memory address -yes DP is ignored -MVMM specifies a short mem address(es) and/or...
Ilya- I think: -dmad == direct memory address -yes DP is ignored -MVMM specifies a short mem address(es) and/or short constant values *inside* the op-code; e.g. a memory-mapped register So I think when you say MVDM ARn,ARm you are "
Re: Re: 'dmad' - fundamental question to specialists
inIlya Druker- > I think you mistakes. By "immediate addressing" TI means many things, > for example > 1. ld #num,A - the...
Ilya Druker- > I think you mistakes. By "immediate addressing" TI means many things, > for example > 1. ld #num,A - the immediate-addressed number num is included in > the instruction opcode > 2. ld *(x),A - the immediate-addressed address x is i