
how the software interrupt work?

Started by hao_wu40 in TMS320c54x20 years ago

how the software interrupt work? we can see many interrupt vectors table programs like this: sint17 .space 4*16 sint18 .space 4*16 ...

how the software interrupt work? we can see many interrupt vectors table programs like this: sint17 .space 4*16 sint18 .space 4*16 sint19 .space 4*16 . . . . . . . . . i think the software interrupt is triggered by add some software interrupt instructions in the program, when cpu executs the program,meet this interrupt instr

nmi and brint0 interrupt

Started by Roberto Espinosa in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hello, I am using the c5402 When is a brint0 interrupt executed? I want a interrupt that will be executed when I receive data...

Hello, I am using the c5402 When is a brint0 interrupt executed? I want a interrupt that will be executed when I receive data in the Mcbsp0 port (register drr10). Sometimes, my program goes to nmi interrupt. What makes a nmi interrupt be executed? Tha

TMS32VC5416:Issue in Interrupt Handling

Started by WAISER MEHMOOD in TMS320c54x13 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am working with TMS320VC5416, Code composer studio V3.3 and XDS510 usb emulator. I am working with external interrupt INT0, INT1,...

Hi, I am working with TMS320VC5416, Code composer studio V3.3 and XDS510 usb emulator. I am working with external interrupt INT0, INT1, INT2. My code work fine on simulator. On interrupt the cursor jumps to Interrupt Service routine and execute successfully (Setting the interrupt by writing 1 on specific bit of IFR from memory window). When I switch to Emulator and trying to run same ...

interrupt routine in c

Started by N VINODH RATHNA in TMS320c54x23 years ago 2 replies

Subject: interrupt routine in c ** Proprietary ** hi can anyone tell me how to write an interrupt service routine in c ...

Subject: interrupt routine in c ** Proprietary ** hi can anyone tell me how to write an interrupt service routine in c like i tried cc help but it is not very clear suppose if i want to handle int0 then interrupt void int0() { }


Started by Micah Caudle in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

This statement from spru131g pg 6-27 about the IFR confuses me: "A 1 in any IFR bit indicates a pending interrupt. To clear...

This statement from spru131g pg 6-27 about the IFR confuses me: "A 1 in any IFR bit indicates a pending interrupt. To clear an interrupt, write a 1 to the interrupt's corresponding bit in the IFR." It seems like if a 1 means an interrupt is pending,

Interrupt Servicing

Started by Leigh Wells in TMS320c54x26 years ago

Hi all: I am using the '5410 eval board from Spectrum Digital and the TI emulator. I have a question about Interrupt Service...

Hi all: I am using the '5410 eval board from Spectrum Digital and the TI emulator. I have a question about Interrupt Service Routines. I am using mnemonic assembly language only. The way I understand it, when the CPU receives an interrupt from the DMA, it jumps to

Missed INT0 Interrupt?

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Has anyone seen a case where the '5416 could miss an interrupt? I'm grasping at straws here I know. I've got this SPI interface...

Has anyone seen a case where the '5416 could miss an interrupt? I'm grasping at straws here I know. I've got this SPI interface that uses a couple of interrupt lines to control the flow of the data, and it works most of the time :> But after running for a bit (seconds to a

scheduling general question

Started by Lucy Jordan in TMS320c54x22 years ago

If I post a software interrupt and a higher priority interrupt pre- empts it does the program return to the pre-empted interrupt to ...

If I post a software interrupt and a higher priority interrupt pre- empts it does the program return to the pre-empted interrupt to complete its execution?

Setting interrupt vector on TI CCS/5402 DSK

Started by Ben Bradley in TMS320c54x24 years ago 1 reply

Posted to comp.dsp and I've read through everything I can find on Code Composer Studio, and can't get an interrupt function...

Posted to comp.dsp and I've read through everything I can find on Code Composer Studio, and can't get an interrupt function to be called. It's a C function and has the proper #pragma INTERRUPT (func); before the definition. The documentation seems to not show how

McBSP reset during MCBSP receive interrupt

Started by Ismail Uzun in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, Is it possible to reset/set McBSP_0 during McBSP receive or transmit interrupt in C5410A wit CCS1.2? I implemented an...

Hi, Is it possible to reset/set McBSP_0 during McBSP receive or transmit interrupt in C5410A wit CCS1.2? I implemented an interrupt service routine acting after McBSP receive interrupt. I have to reset/set the McBSP during this time? It is easy to reset/set

need help: timer interrupt generation

Started by nirajsuthar in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi, i've written a simple timer0 interrupt prpgram in asm. language. timer counter is working alright but i'm not getting any...

hi, i've written a simple timer0 interrupt prpgram in asm. language. timer counter is working alright but i'm not getting any timer interrupt. below is my program and vector file. ******************************************** TIMER.ASM ************************

Why my DMA interrupt is not processed?

Started by Jane Shen in TMS320c54x24 years ago

Hi, all, I'm stuck at this: on a 5402DSK board, transfer the data from internal memory by DMA channel 5 to McBSP DXR1_0 and send...

Hi, all, I'm stuck at this: on a 5402DSK board, transfer the data from internal memory by DMA channel 5 to McBSP DXR1_0 and send them out. the DMA runs in multiframe mode with a configuration of interrupt when block transfer completed. I could see the interrupt has been g

Toggling XF pin inside interrupt

Started by Prince, Sebastien in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi All I want to know if there is trick to toggle the XF pin inside an interrupt. The XF bit is located inside status register...

Hi All I want to know if there is trick to toggle the XF pin inside an interrupt. The XF bit is located inside status register 1 and this register is pushed-poped on the stack inside the interrupt so I'm unable to change it state. Thanks _____________

Interrupt HPI in non-multiplex mode

Started by LindaHYang in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi there, I am trying to find out how to interrupt DSP Host-Port-Interface in non-multiplex mode for C542x DSPs. HPIC is...

Hi there, I am trying to find out how to interrupt DSP Host-Port-Interface in non-multiplex mode for C542x DSPs. HPIC is memory-mapped to address 2C. In non-multiplex mode, is it possible to read and/or write to HPIC or there is some other way to cause interrupt?

how to find the interrupt latency period

Started by kandi sudheendra in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Friends, I would like to know the method to find the interrupt latency for my algorithm. Actually, we have developed the vocoder...

Friends, I would like to know the method to find the interrupt latency for my algorithm. Actually, we have developed the vocoder algorithm and we are making it to be compliant with the eXpress DSP algorithm standard, and in the standard it is mentioned that the worst case interrupt l

C5402 DMA Events [Urgent]

Started by Computeraddict2002 in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I have a doubt if DMA EVENTS of C5402 take any of the cpu time. Like when Mbsp Receive Interrupt or Eternal Interrupt...

Hi, I have a doubt if DMA EVENTS of C5402 take any of the cpu time. Like when Mbsp Receive Interrupt or Eternal Interrupt (INT 3) are assigned as DMA Events, DO they interrupt the cpu . Can any one give me some clues or where to find the info. I tr

relocating interrupt vector table on C5402 DSK

Started by freesampleic in TMS320c54x22 years ago

In microprocesser mode, the 5402 places its interrupt vector table in external memory. Since external memory is very slow, I am ...

In microprocesser mode, the 5402 places its interrupt vector table in external memory. Since external memory is very slow, I am considering relocting the interrupt vectors to internal DARAM. The documantation mentioned that this can be done by setting the IPTR bits in the PMST regist

uart interrupt trouble in C5407

Started by endy_dsp in TMS320c54x20 years ago

Hello, In polling mode uart works fine but when I try to use Uart interrupts in C5407 theres something wrong while reading...

Hello, In polling mode uart works fine but when I try to use Uart interrupts in C5407 theres something wrong while reading data. I do this way: 1) I set up the register IER (interrupt enable register) and enable receive interrupt (IER=1) 2) I don't u

TI 5471

Started by "Sharath, Malve (IE10)" in TMS320c54x18 years ago

Hi, If possible please provide simulation C code , giving the usage of Hardware timer/DMA present in TI 5471 and declaration of...

Hi, If possible please provide simulation C code , giving the usage of Hardware timer/DMA present in TI 5471 and declaration of interrupt vector table such that whenever a timer interrupt comes, corresponding timer ISR should handle that. And whenever a DMA interrupt comes, DMA ISR should handle that. Please provide ASAP. -Sharath

External interrupt pulse width required for C5402 DSK External Daughter Board Interrupts

Started by Todd Goldsmith in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello, I am using the C5402 DSK board and we want to use an external interrupt to the DSP from the daughter board interface...

Hello, I am using the C5402 DSK board and we want to use an external interrupt to the DSP from the daughter board interface (X_INT0#) which maps to INT0# on the DSP in the Interrupt Flag Register (IFR). After going though all of the documentation for the timing of the interrup