
An implementation of 20-points fft

Started by abhu...@yahoo.com in DSP & FPGA14 years ago 3 replies

Hello, I'm new in the dsp world. I am doing a project that is about an implememtation of 20-points fft in vhdl. ** where I have decomposed...

Hello, I'm new in the dsp world. I am doing a project that is about an implememtation of 20-points fft in vhdl. ** where I have decomposed N=2*2*5. I have already written radix-2 processor in vhdl but now I'm facing the problem when it is about N=5 in vhdl. I have searched a lot on google but not satisfied. Please help me how to write code in vhdl for N=5. Thanks

Butterworth function vs. Bessel function

Started by needtolearnca in DSP & FPGA14 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am a logic designer new to the DSP area and I have a few basic questions regarding FIR/IIR filters. Any help/pointers is appreciated. ...

Hi, I am a logic designer new to the DSP area and I have a few basic questions regarding FIR/IIR filters. Any help/pointers is appreciated. I read that FIR filters have no poles , it has only zeroes. In that case, how can I design a 4-pole FIR filter? Does 4-pole, 4-tap, and 4th order filters all mean the same thing? I used an online tool to come up with the coeffiencts for a 4-pole filt...

cic filter and cic compensation filter

Started by liux...@yahoo.cn in DSP & FPGA14 years ago 1 reply

Hello All: I am designing cic filter and compensation filter. Fs is the signal sample rate and R is the down sample rate with cic filter.I search...

Hello All: I am designing cic filter and compensation filter. Fs is the signal sample rate and R is the down sample rate with cic filter.I search most of articles about cic+compensation filter design. And most of Amplitude to Frequence feature for cic+compensation filter is shown in the Fs frequency but not Fs/R. In my understanding of cic+compensation filter, the Amplitude to Frequence feature ...

noise of DDC/DUC implemented by CIC and FIR

Started by grac...@yahoo.com.cn in DSP & FPGA14 years ago 1 reply

Hi! can anyone give me some hints on how to handle with the noise of DDC/DUC design implemented by CIC and FIR? I have realized the function of...

Hi! can anyone give me some hints on how to handle with the noise of DDC/DUC design implemented by CIC and FIR? I have realized the function of DDC/DUC,but it comes out that the noise power is too high for my machine,and the noise analyzed in freq has a peak in the centre of each carrier.can anyone pls help me? thanks!

vcd file generation with vhdl testbench reading I/o as input

Started by taya...@gmail.com in DSP & FPGA15 years ago

Hi, I am working on power analysis of general purpose applications in Quartus-II 9.1. The Model sim was invoked for testbench simulation after...

Hi, I am working on power analysis of general purpose applications in Quartus-II 9.1. The Model sim was invoked for testbench simulation after compilation of the project in Quartuss-II by using a do script file. The vcd file was generated with do file script as shown below but when I tried to generate vcd file with testbench that reads input from input.txt and put output into output.txt file t...

Half band interpolating by 2 FIR not appropriate?

Started by alek...@gmail.com in DSP & FPGA15 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am trying to design Half Band Interpolating by 2 FIR, something that should be straight forward, however, I came across the problem that...

Hi, I am trying to design Half Band Interpolating by 2 FIR, something that should be straight forward, however, I came across the problem that raises suspicion. Since the filter I am going to use is half-band, every second coefficient is 0, and in order to perform interpolation by 2, I am adding 0's on every second place. For number of coefficients of 9, coefficients 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are non-ze...

FIR Filter Implementation in Verilog HDL

Started by engi...@yahoo.com in DSP & FPGA15 years ago 3 replies

1) I need a simple to code in Verilog HDL for implementing a FIR Filter. Filter equation is as under : y[n] = 1/3(x[n] + x [n-1] + x[n-2] 2)...

1) I need a simple to code in Verilog HDL for implementing a FIR Filter. Filter equation is as under : y[n] = 1/3(x[n] + x [n-1] + x[n-2] 2) Is there any book availaible for implementing DSPs in Verilog HDL.. Thanks

Spartan 3A DSP 3400 CLOCK

Started by flash7gold in DSP & FPGA15 years ago

Hello ! I am beginner with FPGA. I started with ISE 11 Web pack and Spartan 3A Dsp 3400. I try to make some simple projects but i...

Hello ! I am beginner with FPGA. I started with ISE 11 Web pack and Spartan 3A Dsp 3400. I try to make some simple projects but i realized that I have problems with clock signals. At the beginning I used Single DCM_SP from IP CORES to create clock signal named CLOCK. Then I prepared short simple module : module main_core(XCLK,LED); input XCLK; output LED; assign LED=XCLK; ...

unwanted phase difference on custome filter design

Started by qrep...@yahoo.com.au in DSP & FPGA15 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I a newbie and also to DSP... Heres my question.. I have successfull implemented a custom bandpass filter design that will process a rpm...

Hi, I a newbie and also to DSP... Heres my question.. I have successfull implemented a custom bandpass filter design that will process a rpm signal (cranking 150rpm 100mVpp ~ high rev 2600rpm 2.2Vpp) to have a constant gain at the rpm range mentioned. The problem I seeing now is the phase difference of input to output of the filter around 30 to 60 degrees... Everything is perfect except for th...

System generator model

Started by aliu...@hotmail.com in DSP & FPGA15 years ago 4 replies

Hi, can anybody kindly suggest me from where i can get FM receiver (demodulator) models to implement on SFF SDR Development platform....please...

Hi, can anybody kindly suggest me from where i can get FM receiver (demodulator) models to implement on SFF SDR Development platform....please help

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