Hi, all, Got a c5402 HPI timing question: I am trying to interface to HPI at 100MHz bit/s data rate(12.5MHz byte/s). I am acting as a host ONLY SENDING data to HPI. The control signals used are HBIL/HRDY/HDS1/R_W/HCNTL0_1. From the c5402 spec(page 63, SPRS079E) I could not figure out the timing between the HDS and HRDY. When sending the first byte, the HDS could only go high after the HRDY goes high or HDS could always go high even though the HRDY is still low? The bottom line is: is there any timing constraint here between the HDS and HRDY(in case of only write to the HPI)? The spec doesn't say a thing, but TI's other doc says that you have to wait the HRDY goes high. I don't know if TI implement a FIFO or a double buffer between the HPI data reg and the internal memory. This is critical to me cuz we also have 6 DMA channels running all the time after power on. This HRDY will be kept low for a significant time period(106ns) while all the DMA channels are running. Is there anybody here having the experience of interfacing HPI at high speed? Any suggestion or comment will be very much appreciated. Thank you all in advance. Best wishes janes |
c5402 HPI timing question
Started by ●December 1, 2001