
DSK6711 basic help

Started by h rafique February 15, 2005

hi ,
i am new to DSK6711, i know how 2 install it, check it and make prjs. i have run some programs too, but i need some basic kinda experiments in C, so that I can learn how to operate it. actually the thing that I have to do is" to get sound input via microphone, to process it, and to listen it...all three tasks from DSK. can any one guide me how i shud start.



there should be some C code examples here:



h rafique wrote:

> hi , i am new to DSK6711, i know how 2 install it, check it and make
> prjs. i have run some programs too, but i need some basic kinda
> experiments in C, so that I can learn how to operate it. actually the
> thing that I have to do is" to get sound input via microphone, to
> process it, and to listen it...all three tasks from DSK. can any one
> guide me how i shud start. regards
> humera >
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just check these 2 examples:Audio example (c:\ti/examples) & TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Demonstration Application (SPRU361D, search the doc @ ti.com)

h rafique <> wrote: hi ,
i am new to DSK6711, i know how 2 install it, check it and make prjs. i have run some programs too, but i need some basic kinda experiments in C, so that I can learn how to operate it. actually the thing that I have to do is" to get sound input via microphone, to process it, and to listen it...all three tasks from DSK. can any one guide me how i shud start.
