
Help finding textbook for introductory DSP courses

Started by KPLomholdt 1 year ago7 replieslatest reply 1 year ago265 views

Hi there!

I teach two introductory courses i Digital Signal Processing, 3rd and 4th semester electronics bachelor students. For several years, I've been using Understanding Digital Signal Processing (UDSP) by Lyons, which I think is still the best book on the subject. However, the current 3rd edition dates back to 2010, and because of that, it could seem a bit outdated to some students. 

I'm planning next year courses, and I'm looking for a new textbook. I really like Lyons practical approach with low math, lots and lots of tricks and real-life examples, so the best choise would be a future 4th edition of UDSP... Anyone knows, if that is on the way?.. I've also looked at Tan&Jiang, Digital Signal Processing, 3rd ed., which also have many practical examples, but it doesn't cover as much as Lyons'.

Help finding a new textbook would be highly appreciated :-)

Kind regards, 

Kristian Lomholdt

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Reply by Rick LyonsFebruary 4, 2023

Hello Kristian. I just now saw your post.

Thank you for your kind words regarding my Understanding Digital Signal Processing textbook. I can tell you that there will not be a 4th edition.

My book covers the "fundamentals" of DSP and that sort of material retains its value as the years go by. Having said that I must say I'm a big fan of Steven Smith's book.

Good Luck Kristain.

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Reply by JoergHFebruary 4, 2023

What about

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing

by Steven W. Smith

It's available at: http://www.dspguide.com/

And it's free to read online or even to download. Could be a great benefit for students.

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Reply by ZinoviyFebruary 4, 2023

I'm not sure if my suggestion will be a good choice for you.

I'm a second-year undergraduate in Maths, and I found that DSP first, McClealan et al works amazingly well for me. The content is clear, the companion website is jampacked with Matlab simulations and hundreds of additional exercises. All and all, I find it as a very good textbook, but I'm not sure if it's suitable to be taught in your course.

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Reply by CrandlesFebruary 4, 2023

I second this. I was first introduced to DSP via Oppenheim/Schafer. However after being exposed to DSP First, I feel as they give a much more intuitive introduction to some of the concepts and how the the more esoteric mathematical ideas apply (esoteric used in a relative sense to non-DSP folk).

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Reply by neiroberFebruary 4, 2023

I thought I would take a look at DSP First, since the previous repliers recommend it.  But I got sticker shock when I looked on Amazon:  $236.54 (!)


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Reply by omersayliFebruary 4, 2023
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Reply by tmarcinFebruary 4, 2023

Introduction to Signal Processing

Sophocles J. Orfanidis
