
Sigmoid function

Started by andrewstanfordjason 2 years ago8 replieslatest reply 2 years ago411 views

Hello I am looking to implement a sigmoid function as an activation function for ML(I do know that there is now a ML Related). I need to implement this is a fixed point fashion with a 16 bit signed input, likely something like Q2.13 to Q3.12 and an output of Q0.15.

For those who are unfamiliar with a sigmoid the function is given by:

Sigmoid(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))

Alternatively: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_function

Any recommendations or tricks I can use would be greatly appreciated. 

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Reply by TreefarmerFebruary 10, 2023

It looks like you are trying to classify several things into categories. What problem are you trying to solve? This is usually an output function to show the probability of the classification.

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Reply by andrewstanfordjasonFebruary 10, 2023

The problem I am trying to solve is to implement a sigmoid function as part of a library intended to be used to implement ML graphs. It is there fore reasonable for me to assume an input to the sigmoid in the range of [-6, +6] represented by 16 bits and an output between [0, 1] at 16 or 8 bits.

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Reply by napiermFebruary 10, 2023

Think I would 2nd the suggestion of a look up table.  I would also look at interpolation to keep the table size reasonable.  See if there isn't something like a taylor approximation or some other series function that could be used as an interpolation between points.

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Reply by jtp_1960February 10, 2023

Do you actually need LUT if you use interpolation ? 

Here's an example, I made, of approximation of the Sigmoid -function using Krogh's interpolation algorithm:


There 4-point interpolation is done for equally spaced points in range [0,6]. 
y = f(|x|)           | x {0, 6}
y = 1 - f(|x|)       | x {-6, 0} 

Dunno if this type of method is too slow when coded using ML language (OP maybe don't want to use exp(), I assume math is not well handled by ML compiler).

With different location of reference points and different interpolation method one could try improve the accuracy and also simplify the calculation process.

Example: Approximate Sigmoid -function using polynomial got from 4-point Neville's interpolation algorithm: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/5pu0qnel2a

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Reply by schmitzbitsFebruary 10, 2023

I would use a look up table with interpolation. If you have the space you can save the interpolation and just go for a full 64k table.

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Reply by kazFebruary 10, 2023

16 bits signed output requires +32k/-32K lut.

lut can be reduced to +/-16k or less if resolution ok.

There is also anti-symmetry if offset added.

For 8 bit output you need small lut anyway

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Reply by chalilFebruary 10, 2023

Hi, a combination of LUT with newton-raphson will help.

the basic idea is keep a very course LUT. then increment the xr by small factor (dx) to reach the actual x. then find yr. 

y(n+1) = y(n) + y'[n]*dx 

dy = the dy/dx ay point xr. for sigmoid it is =  yr * (1 - yr) 

so the C code will look some like this : 

        idx = floor(x) - GSA_LUT_MATH_SOFT_CLIP_MIN - 1;    
        yr = gsa_lut_math_soft_clip[idx].yr;    // y0
        dy = gsa_lut_math_soft_clip[idx].dy;    // y'
        xr = florr(x) - 1.0f;   
        while (xr < x)
            yr += dy * dx;
            dy = yr * (1 - yr);
            xr += dx;
        y = yr;

hope it helps.


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Reply by jtp_1960February 10, 2023

Do you see 1/(1+exp(-x)) is slow path? 

What is the accuracy you need in your implementation?