
Benoit BOUCHEZ (@BEBSynthesizers)

Co-founder and technical manager of KissBox company (Netherlands) Founder of BEB company (France). BEB is designing hardware DSP based systems for musical applications Author of two books related to DSP (for audio and musical applications)


Reply posted 1 year ago (04/30/2023)
Subject ? Title ?It seems that this message is a reply to something, so it has nothing be here as a new topic

Re: math/money reasoning issue, Not a spam Please

Reply posted 2 years ago (11/11/2022)
The only problem is that your story misses one thing (and probably what you are missing too) : the hotel owner is a thief !The man visiting the room NEVER gave him...

Re: Using noise to increase resolution of ADC

Reply posted 3 years ago (11/22/2021)
Hi MaxMax,it is not just adding noise. Just adding noise to something makes this thing noisier, not better.You have add noise, oversample and perform averaging on...
I don't really understand what you call a "commercially available DSP". SigmaDSP are commercially available since 15 years and SigmaStudio was created specifically...

Re: CRC field in the middle of a packet

Reply posted 3 years ago (07/28/2021)
Hi Jon,yes it is feasible and reasonable. There are even some communication protocols who uses "middle" CRC. It is typically the case of MVB (Multifunction Vehicle...
An IIR filter output can be larger than the input, like with an analog filter by the way. Everything depends on the gain you apply for fo (also called resonance...

Re: DC Motor control system sampling rate

Reply posted 4 years ago (10/28/2020)
First of all, when you speak of 1st order, what are you talking about ? Only the motor ? The system driven by the motor ? Everything together ?Second question :...

Re: Low cost audio DSP Exploration

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/23/2019)
Hi Cedron,I don't agree with you if the original poster wants to learn how to DSP as chips (I mean Digital Signal Processors, not Digital Signal Processing)Programming...
Hi,the question is mainly : what kind of effect do you want to implement? There are hundreds if not thousands of analog effects, with totally different algorithms...

Re: visual DSP++ generated .ldr file bootup issue

Reply posted 5 years ago (02/07/2019)
What do you mean by "I am able to flash the .ldr file into the board" ?You say just after that when you flash the pre-compiled .ldr, board is able to run it but...

Re: Low cost SigmaDSPs

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/21/2019)
Hi Miguelwhat I read from you confirms this situation : it is IMPOSSIBLE for any programmer to add their module themselves in SigmaStudio or even code anything directly...

Re: Low cost SigmaDSPs

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/20/2019)
Hello Miguel,what I read here is a bit disturbing. I use SigmaDSPs since years, and the main issue was that ADI *never* wanted to publish any detail about the assembly...

Re: C++ Package for DSP

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/18/2018)
What is your application? Audio? Video? Anything else? For which target? Without these information, it will be hard to recommend you anything.

Re: DSP board selection

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/13/2018)
What type of DSP are you looking for? Fixed point or floating point? How much computing power do you need ? And about ADC and DAC : what type do you need ? Sigma...

Re: DSP diagramming software?

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/14/2018)
Hi Audiomath,I use Open Office Draw for "technical" drawing (when I have a lot of text boxes and symbols to place), and Open Office Calc when I need graphs made...

Re: C5505 eZdsp - reproducing wav file

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/29/2017)
Signed / unsigned ?Big endian / little endian ?Do you mean Q1.15 ? Is it the format expected by the codec on output ?It's very hard to tell from the information...

Re: ADSP-2181 using variable between functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/18/2017)
Hi Jesper,that's rather weird. I should make a quick test here to see better what explains that. I do not work anymore on the ADSP218x (I use only SHARC and Sigma...

Re: ADSP-2181 using variable between functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/13/2017)
Hello,you declare tph as a .CONST, it should be a .VAR located in DM.Right now, your code is assembled in a way you are probably not expecting.For example, if you...

Re: Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/06/2017)
Hi,passing from floating point to fixed is no more, no less than scaling numbers.But in all cases, the VERY FIRST question when you come to fixed point is : what...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hi Nelsona,the noises you are describing as random are most of the time highly predictive, because they have a fixed frequency. They appear to our ears as noises,...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/19/2017)
I have never made any serious research in that field, so I just give my opinion after a transverse reading of your proposal.I would not use an audio signal coming...

Re: An Oddball Electrical Engineering Question

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/12/2017)
Hi Rick,don't worry, you did not loose your mind : that's a correct approximation of the electric field met in integrated circuits.And by the way, those electrical...

Re: Writing DSP routines in C or assembly?

Reply posted 7 years ago (08/01/2017)
Hi Dandikain,simply said : there is currently *no* C compiler able to optimize DSP code as efficiently as native assembly programming. And simply forget C++, it...

Re: TMS320C6748: Read/Write NAND Flash Memory Problems

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/18/2017)
I am sorry, but I do not understand at all what you mean.

Re: TMS320C6748: Read/Write NAND Flash Memory Problems

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/18/2017)
Hi,are you sure that the Flash has been programmed successfully?0xFF can come from the Flash itself (this is the value you get when the Flash is formatted), but...


Reply posted 7 years ago (02/22/2017)
RS485 is half duplex in your case (you have connected /RE and DE). So you either transmit or receive, but you can't try to echo yourself to check if it works.The...

Re: TMS320C6000: read/write Flash Memory from Host PCI

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/09/2017)
Are you sure your Flash memory contains something?A Flash which has been erased contains 0xFF in all bytes, so you are maybe reading this part of the Flash.Now,...
I don't understand your way of working. First, can you explain what kind of system you are designing *precisely*? What are the preliminary requisites?Simply said,...

Re: Steepest-slope 2nd-order resonant filter?

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/15/2016)
Hi Michael,something is not clear in your request. The order of a filter is directly to its slope (and vice versa). A second order filter is -12dB/octave, no more,...

Re: Implement 2nd order IIR filter

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/15/2016)
You have to consider two things : the data width and the format. For example, for 32 bits width, you can have Q1.31, Q2.30, Q3.29, etc...The more fractional bits...

Re: SigmaDSP assembly code analysis

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/31/2016)
Hi Geoff,the chips I am using are the SigmaDSP. The problem is not that I do not know how to program in assembly (I do that since a very long time on SHARC and 21XX)The...

Re: SigmaDSP assembly code analysis

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/31/2016)
Hi Crandles,what do you call the Sigma200? I only know the ADAU14XX and ADAU17XX or the AD19XXX series from AD, I don't think there are other models.The method you...

Re: SigmaDSP assembly code analysis

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/30/2016)
Hi Dr Mike,thank you for your proposal, but the SigmaDSP are completely different processors. They are fixed point (Q5.23), and they even differ from the 21XX.And...

Re: SigmaDSP assembly code analysis

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/30/2016)
There are multiple reasons : - there is no SHARC with integrated ADC/DAC- there is no SHARC in a similar price range- ADSP-21XX are only 16 bits, while the Sigma...

SigmaDSP assembly code analysis

New thread started 8 years ago
Hello all,I have started to work on a crazy project: reversing the SigmaDSP assembly code. I really like these DSP, but I am really pissed off by the "SigmaStudio...

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