
Krasin Georgiev (@krasin)

May be the imput signal is the key - here is a spectrogram of the signal    load test_data_3569.txt    x = complex(test_data_3569(:,1), test_data_3569(:,2)); ...
It looks like only this part of the spectrum is preserved in the first part of the signal:    plot(abs(fftshift(fft(x(1:8000), 15000))));    hold on    plot(abs(fftshift(fft(x(8000:end),...

Re: PSD estimation when I have oversampled data

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/20/2019)
The Welch method is not the same as downsampling and averaging. Welch will keep the bandwidth and increase the width of the frequency bins. Downsampling and averaging...
Signals:u = [u1, u2, u3, u4]v = [v1, v2, v3]u can be represented as a matrixA = [u1, 0, 0 u2, u1, 0u3, u2, u1u4, u3, u20, u4, u30, 0, u4]Sou * v = A v
LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft but I don't think they are scanning third party emails. Any other connections?

Re: Reverberation rejection filter

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/04/2017)
Yes, the matched filter should be modified. The same way you are filtering the signal you need to filter the waveform used to create the matched filter. May be...

Re: Reverberation rejection filter

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/28/2017)
Have you modified the matched filter also?

Re: Verification of range resolution using simulations

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/24/2017)
Hi Naumankalia,To produce a delayed chirp (with whatever delay you want) you need to:Delay the chirp, e g. instead of  chirp(t, f0, T, f1)   you need  chirp(t...

Re: Verification of range resolution using simulations

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/22/2017)
Hi,Is the question about how to produce two delayed chirps or how to matched filter them or how to decide if the second chirp can be resolved?At small delays the...

Re: How to calculate time delay estimation?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Normally cross-correlation (matched filter) is enough to get the delays: cx = xcorr(x_rx, x_tx); cx = cx(length(x_rx):end); plot(db(cx)),  ymax = max(db(cx)),  ylim([ymax-40,...

Re: 3D fft Matlab

Reply posted 8 years ago (12/15/2016)
In Matlab you have build in function for N-D FFT. The algorithm for the 2-D case is also described in Ch24 of The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal...

Re: Window-presum FFT problem

Reply posted 8 years ago (08/16/2016)
Thanks Dr. mike for the intuitive explanation. Still it should work if the signal is split into more than 4 blocks in which case the combination will not look so...

Re: Window-presum FFT problem

Reply posted 8 years ago (08/16/2016)
But there are no shifted sinks - just a single sinc that multiplies the whole sequence before chopping. Now I see that it will modify the spectrum of the signal...

Re: Window-presum FFT problem

Reply posted 8 years ago (08/16/2016)
Thanks for the link Steve. Krasin

Re: Window-presum FFT problem

Reply posted 8 years ago (08/16/2016)
Hi Lyons! In which section of your DSP book, chapter 13, I can find more information about WOLA? I can't discover such abbreviation there. The algorithm described...

Re: Coherent Sampling (Very Brief and Simple)

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/22/2016)
Why M and N should be mutually prime? I can see some explanation in chipmuenk post but I still can't get it.

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