The BiQuad Section
The term ``biquad'' is short for ``bi-quadratic'', and is a common name for a two-pole, two-zero digital filter. The transfer function of the biquad can be defined as

As derived in §B.1.3, for real second-order polynomials having
complex roots, it is often convenient to express the polynomial
coefficients in terms of the radius and angle
of the
positive-frequency pole. For example, denoting the denominator
polynomial by
, we have

As discussed on page , a common setting for the zeros when
making a resonator is to place one at
(dc) and the other at
(half the sampling rate), i.e.,
(B.8) above
This zero placement normalizes the peak gain of the resonator if it is
swept using the
Using the shift theorem for z transforms, the difference equation for the biquad can be written by inspection of the transfer function as

where denotes the input signal sample at time
, and
is the output signal. This is the form that is typically implemented
in software. It is essentially the direct-form I implementation. (To obtain the official
direct-form I structure, the overall gain
must be not be pulled
out separately, resulting in feedforward coefficients
instead. See Chapter 9 for more about
filter implementation forms.)
Next Section:
Biquad Software Implementations
Previous Section:
Complex Resonator