Correlation Analysis
Correlation analysis applies only to stationary stochastic processes (§C.1.5).
Definition: The cross-correlation of two signals
may be defined by
(C.24) |
I.e., it is the expected value (§C.1.6) of the lagged products in random signals and .
Cross-Power Spectral Density
The DTFT of the cross-correlation is called the cross-power spectral density, or ``cross-spectral density,'' ``cross-power spectrum,'' or even simply ``cross-spectrum.''
The cross-correlation of a signal with itself gives the autocorrelation function of that signal:
(C.25) |
Note that the autocorrelation function is Hermitian:
When is real, its autocorrelation is symmetric. More specifically, it is real and even.
Sample Autocorrelation
See §6.4.
Power Spectral Density
The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function is called the power spectral density (PSD), or power spectrum, and may be denoted
When the signal is real, its PSD is real and even, like its autocorrelation function.
Sample Power Spectral Density
See §6.5.
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