
c5407 bootloader

Started by Lucy Jordan in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi, Is the c5407 bootloader the same as the c5402 bootloader? I was looking for documentation for it on TI's webpage. ...

Hi, Is the c5407 bootloader the same as the c5402 bootloader? I was looking for documentation for it on TI's webpage.

c5402 bootloader problem

Started by piyush desai in TMS320c54x21 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I have designed a board using TMS320VC5402 DSP. I am using HPI bootloader. I am also using parallel port bootloader to...

Hi, I have designed a board using TMS320VC5402 DSP. I am using HPI bootloader. I am also using parallel port bootloader to load code from 8 bit parallel EEPROM. Initially both the bootloaders were working fine. I could load the code to internal DARAM and execute it.

Bootloader & PLL - tms320c549

Started by ramt...@yahoo.com in TMS320c54x18 years ago

I use tms320vc549, I have some problems in bootloader and PLL mode,, my problems are: 1- In spru131 ? part 8.5 ? table 8.15 (Clock mode): when I...

I use tms320vc549, I have some problems in bootloader and PLL mode,, my problems are: 1- In spru131 ? part 8.5 ? table 8.15 (Clock mode): when I use crystal for clocking, which of ?with external source? or ?with oscillator enabled? is true? And Does my DSP act by ?Option 1? or ?Option2?? 2- In spru288 (bootloader): when I use 16-bit parallel boot in data space, to boot my in

Running programs with emulator and bootloader.

Started by "mario.imaguire" in TMS320c54x17 years ago

Its a very simple question: if a program runs very well with the emulator (XDS510) it will also run in bootloader mode ? Mario

Its a very simple question: if a program runs very well with the emulator (XDS510) it will also run in bootloader mode ? Mario

c549 bootloader

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x24 years ago 1 reply

Could anyone let me know where i can found c54x bootloader as soon as possible? Regards machd mucefi ...

Could anyone let me know where i can found c54x bootloader as soon as possible? Regards machd mucefi

C5416 Bootloader

Started by Rodrigo Rivas in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi all ! I hope that you can help me with this. I'm facing now the problem of download the code proyect to our prototype...

Hi all ! I hope that you can help me with this. I'm facing now the problem of download the code proyect to our prototype board. The problem is that after read SPRA602 (TMS320VC5416 Bootloader) i have more questions ... In that document appears that the Bootl

FW: Bootloader in C541

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x24 years ago 2 replies

Dear All, We are developing a project based on TMS320c541 .We wanted to know the memory location at which the bootloader...

Dear All, We are developing a project based on TMS320c541 .We wanted to know the memory location at which the bootloader code in c541 is written ,and whether it is factory programmed or we will have to get it programmed through TI depending on our Boot Mode. I wi

C5402 Bootloader

Started by Jean Viljoen in TMS320c54x22 years ago 2 replies

Dear Group I am doing a hardware design with a TMS320VC5402. The processor needs to load the program from flash memory on my...

Dear Group I am doing a hardware design with a TMS320VC5402. The processor needs to load the program from flash memory on my board. I do not understand from what address in memory the bootloader starts to load the program. I see from the documentation that it reads a word from

using "Flex2Flash"

Started by me_a...@yahoo.com in TMS320c54x17 years ago

Dear all, My objective is using Flex2Flash(from Spirit) in order to have a parallel bootloader over EVM54CST. In the documents of...

Dear all, My objective is using Flex2Flash(from Spirit) in order to have a parallel bootloader over EVM54CST. In the documents of Flex2Flash we can see: - Reading the program memory and writing to flash (flash.c) - Reading the Flash(bootload) (fl_flash.c) How can I place this packet among my main project (activating the bootloader) ? Appreciate any help, Mehdi Abolfathi

I have some problems in Bootloader And PLL (tms320vc549)

Started by ramtin rabiee in TMS320c54x18 years ago 1 reply

I use tms320vc549, I have some problems in bootloader and PLL mode, my=20 problems are: 1- In spru131 =E2=80" part 8.5 =E2=80" table 8.15 (Clock...

I use tms320vc549, I have some problems in bootloader and PLL mode, my=20 problems are: 1- In spru131 =E2=80" part 8.5 =E2=80" table 8.15 (Clock mode): when I use = crystal=20 for clocking, which of =E2=80=9Cwith external source=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9Cw= ith oscillator=20 enabled=E2=80=9D is true? And Does my DSP act by =E2=80=9COption 1=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9COption2=E2=80= =9D? 2- In spru28...

20 BPF? where to find doc's that talk about that?

Started by dsp_man_c54 in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

HI Doni and All, Where did you find the infomation about the 8 bit serial (non spi) stating a 20 BPF rate? I have read all the...

HI Doni and All, Where did you find the infomation about the 8 bit serial (non spi) stating a 20 BPF rate? I have read all the doc's on C54x, bootloader, and any other referance I could find. the only thing I have seen about that is the bootloader doc states a min 40 cpu

Booting 5410 from flash

Started by Santosh M Nadig in TMS320c54x23 years ago 2 replies

Hello all, I have a problem with booting 5410 from Flash (two 8-bit flash. one for upper 8 bits and other for the lower 8...

Hello all, I have a problem with booting 5410 from Flash (two 8-bit flash. one for upper 8 bits and other for the lower 8 bits). The bootloader document says that the bootloader reads 0FFFF location of I/O or Data memory to find a valid keyword (10AA or 08AA). But, When I use

a doubtful question about 5402 dsk bootloader !!

Started by tjuantiangel in TMS320c54x21 years ago 2 replies

from lots of pdfs about 5402 of the web of ti,i found that the bootloader address is from 8000h to ffffh, which make the total...

from lots of pdfs about 5402 of the web of ti,i found that the bootloader address is from 8000h to ffffh, which make the total memoty size is 32k,but my flash is 256K*16,my question is whether my flash wasted? if my program is larger than 32k,how can i do? my english is

When I compile the 5409 Bootloader(Ti example code), I get an error.

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x24 years ago

When I compile the 5409 Bootloader(Ti example code), I get an error "Can't open file ./boot5409.o54 for input". Who can help me?...

When I compile the 5409 Bootloader(Ti example code), I get an error "Can't open file ./boot5409.o54 for input". Who can help me? TIA.

C5402 bootloader

Started by Jean Viljoen in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Dear Group I have a STMicro M29W010B 8-bit wide Flash memory module connected to a C5402 on a custom board. The bootloader must...

Dear Group I have a STMicro M29W010B 8-bit wide Flash memory module connected to a C5402 on a custom board. The bootloader must load the program in flash to onboard memory and start executing the program. The start of the stored program is at address 0x4000. According t

c5409 bootloader

Started by ZiP HE in TMS320c54x24 years ago

Dear all, can anyone tell me how can I set the bootload wait time to 14 instruction-cycle instead of 7? Thanx, ZiP ...

Dear all, can anyone tell me how can I set the bootload wait time to 14 instruction-cycle instead of 7? Thanx, ZiP


Started by ali rezaiye in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

hi all. can i use external flash memory in microcomputer mode by C5402 and in microprocessor mode, should i write it's...

hi all. can i use external flash memory in microcomputer mode by C5402 and in microprocessor mode, should i write it's bootloader program myself? thank you. __________________________________

Re: Re: Problem in CCS

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x18 years ago 1 reply

Vijay- > didnt even watch the 'To' dropbox! for last 2 times....apologies for that. > > I dont have a debugger :( (programming is thru...

Vijay- > didnt even watch the 'To' dropbox! for last 2 times....apologies for that. > > I dont have a debugger :( (programming is thru SPI bootloader)and > simulaur is not helpful in this matter... > > so i am planning to inspect the example files and thier disassembly > > lets see.... Your manager (or Prof) has to get you a JTAG emulator. There's no way you can be assigned to de


Started by joel in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Does anyone have any experience using the flash.h functions on the 5402 DSK as far as I figure it I have everything from 0x10000 up...

Does anyone have any experience using the flash.h functions on the 5402 DSK as far as I figure it I have everything from 0x10000 up to use even after I have stored my program in the bootloader (assuming i only use on chip ram). I've tried things like flash_write, and flash_read, but

C5402 Interrupts

Started by ajmassa in TMS320c54x21 years ago

I am using a Spectrum Digital evaluation board with the 5402. I have my emulator connected. I am trying to get interrupts working...

I am using a Spectrum Digital evaluation board with the 5402. I have my emulator connected. I am trying to get interrupts working when I boot with the bootloader from external flash memory. I can see my program run, however, I am not able to get interrupts operating properly.