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Re: regarding sweep generator
inOn Mon, 16 Jan 2006 abhishek.nema@abhi... wrote: > hello > > i am facing one problem regarding the sweep waves generation from the...
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 abhishek.nema@abhi... wrote: > hello > > i am facing one problem regarding the sweep waves generation from the sine generator. > actually the sweep waves are continous sine wave with varing frequencies. > > but the problem is when the frequency changes the amplitude also changes. Do you have a filter
CAN Bit Timing for 125kbd on 56f8345
inHi all, did anybody get the Flexcan running with 125 kbit and and has anybody the correct bittiming? i tried to transfer the Flexcan...
Hi all, did anybody get the Flexcan running with 125 kbit and and has anybody the correct bittiming? i tried to transfer the Flexcan example from Freescale but i?cant get it running. Thansk in advance Yves
DRAM to DSP56364, best route?
inHello I need to interface 4MB of DRAM to a motorola DSP56364 and want to do it as cheaply as possible with the minimal amount of...
Hello I need to interface 4MB of DRAM to a motorola DSP56364 and want to do it as cheaply as possible with the minimal amount of components. My first idea was to use an off the shelf (surplus) 4MB 30 pinn simm that you can pick up for a few bucks. The socket takes up minimal PCB real estate. The problem is they are 5V and the 56364 is 3.3V Any suggestions
How to config for IOSCTL register on Processor Expert Bean for Freescale 56F801?
inIn processer expert bean, I have tried to find where I can config for register IOSCTL using for trimming internal oscillator, but I couldn't...
In processer expert bean, I have tried to find where I can config for register IOSCTL using for trimming internal oscillator, but I couldn't found it. Anyone can tell me the answer? Please... Thanks you very much. Pitchaya V.
How to change the Baud Rate in CodeWarior for DSP56F801 Demo Serial Bootloader?
Dear who concern I have tried to load DSP56F801F80 Serial Bootloader from CodeWarior Processor Expert Stationary Example into my developed...
Dear who concern I have tried to load DSP56F801F80 Serial Bootloader from CodeWarior Processor Expert Stationary Example into my developed board with DSP56F801, 80MHz. The result that had no problem for this demo SDK to connect a hardware through PC serial port (That I have used Hyperterminal) . However, the specification to use this Demo Serial Bootlo
Problems with linker.cmd
inI have a nasty problem where when I emulate everything works great but when I run out of flash it blows up. I've narrowed the problem...
I have a nasty problem where when I emulate everything works great but when I run out of flash it blows up. I've narrowed the problem down to some .asm files I have included in the project from the MSL. I need to do some right shifting and I included the .asm files from C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior5.1\M56800 Support\msl\MSL_C\DS
8013 PWM clock rate
inHi: I am developing a software using 8013 by using the CodeWarrior 7.2. I need to set the PWM clock rate to 3 times of the system...
Hi: I am developing a software using 8013 by using the CodeWarrior 7.2. I need to set the PWM clock rate to 3 times of the system clock in order to increase the output bandwidth/resolution. I know that this has to be done by setting the PCR bit in SIM_GPS register. However, I can't find a place anywhere in the bean inspector to make such
Production Programing in ICT: JTAG?
Hello, I'm preparing for production line of boards with DSPF826/7, aroung 2K boards of each device. The boards are tested with ICT...
Hello, I'm preparing for production line of boards with DSPF826/7, aroung 2K boards of each device. The boards are tested with ICT - bed of nails. I want to program the FLASH on board, using the ICT. There are two (2) sw in each device: the bootloader and the application. I think the simple way will be to use the JTAG interface,
56f8356 reception of spurious message frames
hi all it seems that i have a similar problem like Peter. I have 32 nodes on a CAN bus. Every 50ms each of them sends a message frame...
hi all it seems that i have a similar problem like Peter. I have 32 nodes on a CAN bus. Every 50ms each of them sends a message frame with an ID in a range from 10000 to 15000. This happens synchronously. So there is quite a long phase where the nodes are struggling for the bus. I've set the global acceptance mask register to allow message frames with
Download to flash with Codewarrior
inHello people, I am downloading my software with the debug button in codewarrior. The target is a 56F800DEMO board (56F801). ...
Hello people, I am downloading my software with the debug button in codewarrior. The target is a 56F800DEMO board (56F801). Codewarrior indicates 782 bytes of code and 7 bytes of data, but downloads 1300 bytes (as shown in dialog). What are these extra bytes going to the DSP? Thanks Mariano
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