
Quantization performance of LSFs in G.723.1

Started by koro in Speech Coding21 years ago 3 replies

Hi everyone: I am working on the quantization of LSFs in G.723.1. I found that sometimes G.723.1 introduces a quite large ...

Hi everyone: I am working on the quantization of LSFs in G.723.1. I found that sometimes G.723.1 introduces a quite large percentage of outliers in the range of 2-4dB, for example, over 10%. So G.723.1 does not satisfy the transparent quantization? Is this correct? Could anyone

multi-stage vector quantization

Started by madrid_k in Speech Coding21 years ago

dear list, im doing my thesis on quantization of speech parameters. i need more information on multi-stage vector quantization....

dear list, im doing my thesis on quantization of speech parameters. i need more information on multi-stage vector quantization. aside from the paper by LeBlanc, et.al (which i found difficult to understand esp. the training part), does anybody know of other resources on the jo

About Mean-removed LSF vector and quantization of LSF coefficient in CELP coding

Started by cherrymata in Speech Coding21 years ago

Dear All, I have some difficulties in understanding CELP coding process, one of them is about Mean-removed LSF vector and...

Dear All, I have some difficulties in understanding CELP coding process, one of them is about Mean-removed LSF vector and quantization of LSF coefficient (ETSI 06.09). For 7.95 kbps mode, the residual LSF is quantified using split vector quantization (SVQ). The re

Split Matrix Quantization

Started by SARAT CHANDRA in Speech Coding21 years ago

Hi guys, can anyone point to resources (papers etc.) on "Spilt Vector Quantization" / Algorithms ?? thanx Sarat ...

Hi guys, can anyone point to resources (papers etc.) on "Spilt Vector Quantization" / Algorithms ?? thanx Sarat

AMR LSP quantization

Started by subrata chatterjee in Speech Coding23 years ago 1 reply

hi all, Anybody experienced in AMR speech coding can please tell something about LSP quantization. Actually i have tried to...

hi all, Anybody experienced in AMR speech coding can please tell something about LSP quantization. Actually i have tried to understand it from the standard but i think it's not sufficient. So, please tell me address of any site from where i can collect some informations and

Regarding non uniform quantization problem

Started by mahesh mudela in Speech Coding20 years ago 1 reply

Dear friends I am facing a problem regarding implemenatation of non uniform quantization. problem is: A parameter...

Dear friends I am facing a problem regarding implemenatation of non uniform quantization. problem is: A parameter wohose range is between -12 to 66 units I have to convert it into five bit information with following restrrictions

Vector Quantization

Started by sita rama in Speech Coding22 years ago 2 replies

hi friends can any one suggest me a good material to understand and implement "Vector Quantization".. waiting for u r...

hi friends can any one suggest me a good material to understand and implement "Vector Quantization".. waiting for u r suggestion.... thanx in advance ramu

;( help me. (MELP) ( multi stage vector quantization)

Started by mojtaba mahdavi in Speech Coding21 years ago 5 replies

Hi dear all. I am doing a project on MELP. Now I want to undrestand Multi Stage Vector quantization. But I cant find a...

Hi dear all. I am doing a project on MELP. Now I want to undrestand Multi Stage Vector quantization. But I cant find a good text on it. Does any body know any resource for it. Any response is appriciated. yours sincerely.

Subvector Shape Only VQ --- Speex

Started by fai_abdullah in Speech Coding21 years ago

Hi I am working on Speex and it uses Subvector Shape Only VQ for innovation quantization. If any body knows the exact algorithm...

Hi I am working on Speex and it uses Subvector Shape Only VQ for innovation quantization. If any body knows the exact algorithm and any good source (paper/website) for understanding sub vector Quantization and the code book structures , kindly let me know. Also any body know ho

About MSVQ design codebook

Started by mouloud Djamah in Speech Coding17 years ago

Hi =20 I have questions and I hope that someone will reply me.=20 - I Know that for SVQ (Split vector quantization) design codebook for LSF...

Hi =20 I have questions and I hope that someone will reply me.=20 - I Know that for SVQ (Split vector quantization) design codebook for LSF = (line spectral frequencies) quantization, the centroid of each cell is calc= ulated as the mean of all vectors (belong to this cell) even if the weighte= d Euclidean distance is used while designing the codebook. This is to ensur= e that the LSF para...

Vector quantization of speech

Started by abhisheksgumadi in Speech Coding19 years ago

Hi, I am working on low bit rate speech coding. I have efficiently quantized the lpc coefficients using vector quantization methods. I am...

Hi, I am working on low bit rate speech coding. I have efficiently quantized the lpc coefficients using vector quantization methods. I am looking at an efficient way of quantizing the residue signal which is an important by product of the lpc analysis. Can anyone suggest e a good method of quantizing the residue signals? With Regards, Abhishek S

Split matrix and split vector quantization in CELP

Started by mata mata in Speech Coding21 years ago

Dear all, I have builded matlab functions over split matrix (SMQ) and split vector quantization (SVQ) in CELP but I am not so...

Dear all, I have builded matlab functions over split matrix (SMQ) and split vector quantization (SVQ) in CELP but I am not so sure about the results.... would you examine my works...please... my works is in the attachment thx alot, arida

Bit-rate: wideband & narrowband

Started by #ARIJIT BISWAS# in Speech Coding19 years ago

Dear List: I was reading the book, "Speech Coding and Synthesis" by Kleijn & Paliwal. In page 445, from the table we see that for scalar...

Dear List: I was reading the book, "Speech Coding and Synthesis" by Kleijn & Paliwal. In page 445, from the table we see that for scalar quantization of the reflection coefficients, it costs 4 bits per parameter for 1 dB distortion. Similarly, in page 447, from the table we see that for LAR scalar quantization, it costs 3.2 bits per parameter for 1 dB distortion. The above numbers are for ...

G.729 Codebook search for gain quantization and decoding

Started by Saloni Shah in Speech Coding19 years ago

My query is regarding the pre selection process done for quantization of gains in section 3.9.2 of ITU-T...

My query is regarding the pre selection process done for quantization of gains in section 3.9.2 of ITU-T recommendation for G.729 speech codec standa

Gain Quantization ??

Started by Eris Ristemena in Speech Coding26 years ago

hi, can anyone help me how to quantize gain in LPC 10 coding scheme? thanks Eris

hi, can anyone help me how to quantize gain in LPC 10 coding scheme? thanks Eris

Information About MELP

Started by gw8912 in Speech Coding23 years ago

Hi...all Does anyone research this kind of codec? I can't understand the part of multi-quantization Can any one have standard or...

Hi...all Does anyone research this kind of codec? I can't understand the part of multi-quantization Can any one have standard or reports of the MELP? Thank you very much...

implementation of average distortion

Started by gomzzk in Speech Coding22 years ago

Hai, I want to know how the probability density function(in average distortion computation) required in determining the optimum...

Hai, I want to know how the probability density function(in average distortion computation) required in determining the optimum codebook in channel optimized vector quantization be implemented in C? Kindly answer me as early as possible. Regards, Gomathi

G729 quantization of the gains

Started by shabnamso in Speech Coding21 years ago 1 reply

Hello I would be thankful if anybody who has tested the G729A source code by ITU can tell me if the QUA_GAIN function has been...

Hello I would be thankful if anybody who has tested the G729A source code by ITU can tell me if the QUA_GAIN function has been implemented exactly as the algorithm. I try to run it on Code Composer Studio C6000 simulator with various ITU test vectors and everytime I

centroid calculation for weighted Euclidian distance

Started by Biundo Giuseppina in Speech Coding24 years ago

Dear all, I would like to train a dictionary for vector quantization of LSFs for speech coding. At every iteration, the...

Dear all, I would like to train a dictionary for vector quantization of LSFs for speech coding. At every iteration, the new centroid is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the vectors allocated to one cell, if we use Eucledian distance as distortion measure.

Moving average Prediction Filter - G.729

Started by pchakre in Speech Coding23 years ago

Hello, In the Section 3.2.4 - Quantization of the LSP coefficients (Pg. 12) in ITU-T Recommendation G.729 documentation, we have...

Hello, In the Section 3.2.4 - Quantization of the LSP coefficients (Pg. 12) in ITU-T Recommendation G.729 documentation, we have to use two switched 4th order MA prediction filters to predict tha LSF coefficients. Can anyone please help me out as to which type of MA predictors