High-Speed Applications for Digital Closed-Loop Controllers ?

My own pet application for electrical interface emulation does require complex and flexible controller characteristics with very low latency at 2Msps and up, but I'm assuming such demanding applications are rare ?


Hi David, Thanks for those thoughts. As you suggest, anything with a bit of mechanical inertia is likely to need much lower rates. Like anyone, I can get to work with Google, but it's always good to have input from practitioners who know about the more obscure real-world applications. Perhaps there is some application in the ultrasound industry ?

As I have also written on another forum.
After a bit of research (Googling), and questions on Forums, I have concluded :-a) High-bandwidth, Low-latency controllers of say < 100ns, are out of the mainstream of feedback controller designs.
b) Applications are rather niche but do appear in the fields of physics experimentation, MEMs systems, Electrical circuit emulation and other fast all- electronic applications such as SMPS.
It looks like this is an interesting area for research, even if current applications are few and far between.

I have done work on high speed PMSM motor control. For motors with high number of poles rotating at high speeds the control loops benefit from very high rates. I ran some motors at 100s of kHz (which is well below 2MHz) but I could imagine smaller motors running at 100K+ RPM might need control loops at 2MHz.

Hi Andrew, thank you for the insight into that application. I am working on all-electronic applications at present, but I am sure I will get around to some proper surveys of Physics, Ultrasonics, MEMs and other fast mechanical application areas later.