RC Filter Analysis
Referring again to Fig.E.1, let's perform an impedance analysis of the simple RC lowpass filter.
Driving Point Impedance
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of Eq.(E.1) gives
Transfer Function
Since the input and output signals are defined as and , respectively, the transfer function of this analog filter is given by, using voltage divider rule,
Impulse Response
In the same way that the impulse response of a digital filter is given by the inverse z transform of its transfer function, the impulse response of an analog filter is given by the inverse Laplace transform of its transfer function, viz.,
In more complicated situations, any rational (ratio of polynomials in ) may be expanded into first-order terms by means of a partial fraction expansion (see §6.8) and each term in the expansion inverted by inspection as above.
The Continuous-Time Impulse
The continuous-time impulse response was derived above as the inverse-Laplace transform of the transfer function. In this section, we look at how the impulse itself must be defined in the continuous-time case.
An impulse in continuous time may be loosely defined as any ``generalized function'' having ``zero width'' and unit area under it. A simple valid definition is
More generally, an impulse can be defined as the limit of any pulse shape which maintains unit area and approaches zero width at time 0. As a result, the impulse under every definition has the so-called sifting property under integration,
provided is continuous at . This is often taken as the defining property of an impulse, allowing it to be defined in terms of non-vanishing function limits such as
Poles and Zeros
In the simple RC-filter example of §E.4.3, the transfer function is
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RLC Filter Analysis
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