
MCBSP UART not working after CSL upgrade ( sprc090 installation )

Started by gregor6713 in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago 1 reply

I'm using CCS 2.21 to develop programs for TMS320C6713. I was using CSL and DDK 1.11. I was using files...

I'm using CCS 2.21 to develop programs for TMS320C6713. I was using CSL and DDK 1.11. I was using files uartmd...; uarthw_c6x1x_mcbsp ... to use MCBSP for serial communication with no problem. After upgrading CSL to serial communication is no more working. I checked differences between CSL source codes and there are minor changes in MCBSP stuff except this one: ...

Parameter passed incorrectly

Started by Philip Coveney in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago

Hello, I have recently taken over a F2812 DSP project from a colleague who has recently left for another job, and I am stumbling right out...

Hello, I have recently taken over a F2812 DSP project from a colleague who has recently left for another job, and I am stumbling right out of the gate. I am hopeful someone will have an insight into the issue I am encountering. I have an SWI that is making a function call during initialization. The function takes two parameters. When I step into the called function, I can see that...

C code explanation

Started by sord...@hotmail.com in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago 3 replies

Hi to everyone, I have found an example program which uses McBSP and although I know quite well how to program in C, I can't...

Hi to everyone, I have found an example program which uses McBSP and although I know quite well how to program in C, I can't understand what these lines below mean: ------------------------------------------------------------ void mcbsp0_init() { *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_SPCR = 0; *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_PCR = 0; *(unsigned volatile i...


Started by p_sa...@yahoo.co.in in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago 1 reply

HI to all, When i use DSP starter KIT C6711,Port=378,we load the program in dsp.its no problem.but i use dsp/bios..this error is...

HI to all, When i use DSP starter KIT C6711,Port=378,we load the program in dsp.its no problem.but i use dsp/bios..this error is coming.. Error 1 Data Verification failed at addres 0x8000000 please verify target memory and memory map.. Error 2: Error 0x80000200/-122 Fatal error during execution This error was generated by TI's USCFI driver A bad parameter value was detected with...

Control Code Request

Started by pang...@ece.ucsb.edu in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago

Hello All, I am research student looking for control code for embedded processors/microcontrollers that use PID or LQR closed-loop...

Hello All, I am research student looking for control code for embedded processors/microcontrollers that use PID or LQR closed-loop feedback control. My group and I want to perform some runtime analysis on the code that we are able to stockpile to see where the majority of the processor's time is spent during normal operation. From this we hope to find some trend(s) that we can then use to ...

Questions regarding DSPLIB rfft/cfft

Started by rsmithuf in Code-Composer Studio18 years ago

Hello, Background: I'm designing a FMCW radar with an embedded C5509A DSP. The radar produces a ramped FM signal, which corresponds to beat...

Hello, Background: I'm designing a FMCW radar with an embedded C5509A DSP. The radar produces a ramped FM signal, which corresponds to beat frequencies and thus range. The ramped FM signal is sampled 128 times per period, and I take 64 periods. Thus I'm left with a 64x128 (8192 words) of sampled data. Where rfft/cfft come into play: I need to perform a 2D FFT on the data so I can e...

2 problems on c64xx cpu cycle accurate simulator on ccs3.1

Started by dexi...@gmail.com in Code-Composer Studio19 years ago

Hi all, I am a student on VLSI design and I want to get some profiling informations such as cpu cycles and instruction counts of a small...

Hi all, I am a student on VLSI design and I want to get some profiling informations such as cpu cycles and instruction counts of a small application in C on TMS320C64xx dsp. Sorry this is the first time I use the Code Composer Studio and there are 2 problems that make me confused. 1. I can compile, build and load the programme but when it begins to run, it never stops except that I use the "Ha...

More questions about DSP/BIOS!!

Started by sord...@hotmail.com in Code-Composer Studio19 years ago 1 reply

Thanks Tien, > > I have been reviewing the information you recommend to me but it seems that programming peripherals without...

Thanks Tien, > > I have been reviewing the information you recommend to me but it seems that programming peripherals without DSP/BIOS is very difficult, because you have to set the handler and all those parameters. Therefore, is better the usage of DSP/BIOS for programming peripherals instead of the usage of CSL library?? > I also thought that CSL and DSP/BIOS were the same

Linux on TI Innovator Kit for OMAP1510

Started by Debi Das in Code-Composer Studio19 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am working on TI innovator kit for OMAP 1510. We have XDS510 Emulator and CCS2.2 for this purpose. I could successfully download the...

Hi, I am working on TI innovator kit for OMAP 1510. We have XDS510 Emulator and CCS2.2 for this purpose. I could successfully download the iBoot OS "iUSBLoader.out" through CCS and emulator to the kit and it is successfully running. However, when I tried to develop the linux boot loader (rrload) and the OS (Kernel 2.4) using the TI doc (linux_swpa011.pdf), I am not successful. I complie...

DSP/BIOS help!!

Started by Pablo Luis in Code-Composer Studio19 years ago 1 reply

Hi,=20 My name is Pablo Luis Sordo Mart=EDnez and I am doing my Final=20 Degree Project with a Texas Instruments DSP (TSM320C6713)....

Hi,=20 My name is Pablo Luis Sordo Mart=EDnez and I am doing my Final=20 Degree Project with a Texas Instruments DSP (TSM320C6713). I have=20 many questions about it because I am learning by myself as much as I=20 can. My project consists in connecting two DSPs between them and=20 sending signals one to each other and monitorize that that occurs=20 properly. I know I have to use ...

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