Forums Search for: McBSP
Trigger multiple DMA\'s off same event?
inIs it possible to trigger 2 DMA\'s off the same McBSP event? Eg. McBSP codec receive event triggers a receive DMA which reads data from...
Is it possible to trigger 2 DMA\'s off the same McBSP event? Eg. McBSP codec receive event triggers a receive DMA which reads data from that McBSP. Same receive event triggers a different DMA that writes to a different McBSP\'s transmit register. Can this be done? Thanks, Brian -- --------------
MCBSP UART not working after CSL upgrade ( sprc090 installation )
inI'm using CCS 2.21 to develop programs for TMS320C6713. I was using CSL and DDK 1.11. I was using files...
I'm using CCS 2.21 to develop programs for TMS320C6713. I was using CSL and DDK 1.11. I was using files uartmd...; uarthw_c6x1x_mcbsp ... to use MCBSP for serial communication with no problem. After upgrading CSL to serial communication is no more working. I checked differences between CSL source codes and there are minor changes in MCBSP stuff except this one: ...
EDMA McBSP example
Hello! I was trying out the EDMA-McBSP example provided by TI which takes an audio input and outputs the same by using EDMA...
Hello! I was trying out the EDMA-McBSP example provided by TI which takes an audio input and outputs the same by using EDMA transfers for the McBSP0 of the 6211 DSK... when i try to load ALL the code offchip instead of onchip (as in the original example), including the vector descr
Program the C5402 DSK's codec at McBSP
Dear all, I am using the C5402DSK in a project. Could anyone has some ideas on how to program the TLC320AD50 codec ...
Dear all, I am using the C5402DSK in a project. Could anyone has some ideas on how to program the TLC320AD50 codec and also the McBSP of C5402 ? A library file was given in TI's package, however no source code was given. Thank you very
McBSP programming!!
Hi to everybody again, I have been collecting information about programming c6713 peripherals. The project I am doing uses...
Hi to everybody again, I have been collecting information about programming c6713 peripherals. The project I am doing uses McBSP to send information between two c6713 targets. I am going to do it with DSP/BIOS, because it seems to be very easy. I have reviewed some examples and the configuration has no problems, but as I am only simulating, I want to use a loop to send and re...
C6211 Interrupts McBSP & Timer1
inHi I'm in the process of updating my code to use interrupts rather than polling and waiting. I need to used Ext_Int4 for...
Hi I'm in the process of updating my code to use interrupts rather than polling and waiting. I need to used Ext_Int4 for the McBSP Hardware interrupt and also Timer1, to send a signal every 6000 bit clock cycles. My code looks something like this:
RTDX and Visual C++ without CCS
Hi all, I am using TMS320C6711 DSK with Code Composer v1.23. I wrote a program using Code Composer to send number stored in an...
Hi all, I am using TMS320C6711 DSK with Code Composer v1.23. I wrote a program using Code Composer to send number stored in an array to McBSP, using interrupt-driven method (XINT1). That was working fine as I can see the bit patterns (1s and 0s) of the number sent to McBSP
Bug in simulating McBSP with CCS v3.1.0 ??????
Hi, I have tried to simulate McBSP0 for TMS320vc5502 with CCS 3.1. But When I start simulation and open "tools -> c55x peripheral registers ->...
Hi, I have tried to simulate McBSP0 for TMS320vc5502 with CCS 3.1. But When I start simulation and open "tools -> c55x peripheral registers -> mcbsp" menu, I saw that fields of SPCR1 (such as RRST, RRDY, ...) is replaced with fields of SPCR2 and vice versa. So when I would like to check RRDY for checking any word reception, XRDY is checked. I am wondering if anyone has seen such a problem an
software arhcitecture for bus CAN, McBSP , acquisition implementation
Hye, I d like to use 4 DSPs TMS320F28xx, using McBSP serial port to communicate between the DSPs, using ADC acquisition and...
Hye, I d like to use 4 DSPs TMS320F28xx, using McBSP serial port to communicate between the DSPs, using ADC acquisition and bus CAn . Is there any idea for the software architecture? ty
I am having trouble with the McBsp0 port. I want to build a FSK modulator using the A/D, but i allways have that 4 Mhz sine wave...
I am having trouble with the McBsp0 port. I want to build a FSK modulator using the A/D, but i allways have that 4 Mhz sine wave with my 1 Khz. I looked in the A/D specs but i cant figure why i'm getting this. I'm also looking for documents about the McBsp port. Thanks Philip.
<bsl.h>, <codec.h>, <mcbsp.h> missing :o( ... Please help
Hi all, I am new to this group and new to DSP programming. I hope it will be fun to be a part of such a group where we all...
Hi all, I am new to this group and new to DSP programming. I hope it will be fun to be a part of such a group where we all share common interests and goals. I have a little problem here, I have TMS320-C6711 DSK board which came with CCS v2.10. But surprisingly TI has no
CC Code examples
Hello. Does anyone know where I can find source code or examples of C code for the code composer, for things like to initialise...
Hello. Does anyone know where I can find source code or examples of C code for the code composer, for things like to initialise the McBSP ports on the C6x. Thanks.. Garfay
Sourcefile dev6x.src wanted !!!
inMy problem: I want to emulate an UART by means of the McBSP of a TMS320C6211 DSK. The necessary source code for the program is ...
My problem: I want to emulate an UART by means of the McBSP of a TMS320C6211 DSK. The necessary source code for the program is described in the TI Application Report SPRA633. There are some header files from the TMS320C6x Pheripheral Support Libary needed, but the Lib-files of my cur
C code explanation
inHi to everyone, I have found an example program which uses McBSP and although I know quite well how to program in C, I can't...
Hi to everyone, I have found an example program which uses McBSP and although I know quite well how to program in C, I can't understand what these lines below mean: ------------------------------------------------------------ void mcbsp0_init() { *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_SPCR = 0; *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_PCR = 0; *(unsigned volatile i...