
Question about TMS470 JTAG ....

Started by deep_genie in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi2u I'm new in this message board, and my interest is a JTAG interfce! I have some questions to all that have more experiance...

Hi2u I'm new in this message board, and my interest is a JTAG interfce! I have some questions to all that have more experiance with jtag: The TDO,TDI,TMS,TCK and optional TRST is a standart jtag pins, but i have MCU that have other 3 pins - nEMU0, nEMU1 and nBSCAN....(M


Started by Brian C. Lane in TMS320c54x20 years ago

Jerry [Signum] wrote: > Brian, Amin ... > > You should be able to put many JTAG devices on the same chain, as long > as the...

Jerry [Signum] wrote: > Brian, Amin ... > > You should be able to put many JTAG devices on the same chain, as long > as the debuggers or programmers can put the other devices in the by-pass > mode. > As far as JTAG pricing, you can buy JTAGjet emu


Started by Morteza Alizadeh in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Dear Amin, JTAG is a standard port and has a standard protocol that each vendor use it for programming their chips and hardware....

Dear Amin, JTAG is a standard port and has a standard protocol that each vendor use it for programming their chips and hardware. TI gives you a capability with its Code Composer Studio to program your TI's DSP chips directly from its environment. I've never use my FPGA JTAG for programming my DS

Programming FPGA with DSP over JTAG Interface

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, does anyone know if it is possible to program a PLD (FPGA) e.g from Altera or Xilinx with the JTAG Interface of the...

Hi all, does anyone know if it is possible to program a PLD (FPGA) e.g from Altera or Xilinx with the JTAG Interface of the C5402? Im using the DSK Kit with the C5402. I'm developing a test board and want to program the PLD over the JTAG interface. If

Stopping the master clock and its effect on JTAG

Started by lolo_mk1 in TMS320c54x19 years ago

Hello, Just wondering if anyone has looked at this before. If I stop the crystal driving the DSP will JTAG still be able to dump the...

Hello, Just wondering if anyone has looked at this before. If I stop the crystal driving the DSP will JTAG still be able to dump the memory snapshot in the dsp? Cheers, Aaron

Cable for programming via JTAG, 5407

Started by the_believer_1976 in TMS320c54x22 years ago 5 replies

Hi all, could anyone give me a good reference on how to build the cable to program my DSP via JTAG? How do I connect to the PC...

Hi all, could anyone give me a good reference on how to build the cable to program my DSP via JTAG? How do I connect to the PC and do the programming? Tks, Believer


Started by Vasudev Nayak in TMS320c54x20 years ago 4 replies

Mike, JTAG is IEEE 1149.1 for further reference. Emulator is opposed to simulator. Simulator simulates the processor, whereas...

Mike, JTAG is IEEE 1149.1 for further reference. Emulator is opposed to simulator. Simulator simulates the processor, whereas the emulator enables the debugger to display the actual register values etc. Vasudev >Can someone explain exactly what an emulato

Looking for simple JTAG TMS320VC5XXXX interface (Newbie)

Started by in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hi all, I'm looking for simple JTAG interface (schematic) for TI DSP's, compatybile with CCS. What can i use instead of...

Hi all, I'm looking for simple JTAG interface (schematic) for TI DSP's, compatybile with CCS. What can i use instead of oryginal TI's interface? Kris

JTAG interface/emulator

Started by mdl8736 in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Can someone explain exactly what an emulator does. I am working with the 5402 DSK and haven't availed myself of this feature out of ...

Can someone explain exactly what an emulator does. I am working with the 5402 DSK and haven't availed myself of this feature out of ignorance. I can't find a good explanation of it's function. Also, is the JTAG interface just another interface specification, like RS- 232 and IEEE 139

C54X File I/O newbie

Started by cp_1919 in TMS320c54x22 years ago

I'm trying to write a dll which will load a COFF file onto board (via JTAG), and start the code, and send data to and from the...

I'm trying to write a dll which will load a COFF file onto board (via JTAG), and start the code, and send data to and from the parallel port/JTAG/board. It would seem that everything that I want to do is available in the evmdsk54x.dll. But I can't get it to work. I'm pretty su

Re: [c6x] DSK6711 - Parallel port programming

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Eduard, Jean-Michel- > It is likely you won't be able to do it. > > The // interface on the DSK is connected to a on-board ...

Eduard, Jean-Michel- > It is likely you won't be able to do it. > > The // interface on the DSK is connected to a on-board > JTAG emulator (SMSC34C60 convert the // port interface > is something similar to an ISA bus and ACT8990 is the > JTAG cont

Re: Error Number -2600 Error Address -3

Started by path...@yahoo.com in TMS320c54x18 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I got same the error. But i am running in simulator. Is it because of .cmd file? Expecting solution for this. Regards, gnanavelu > ...

Hi, I got same the error. But i am running in simulator. Is it because of .cmd file? Expecting solution for this. Regards, gnanavelu > > > > > hi, > > 1) check that connection between dsp and jtag is > proper. > 2) check that jtag is getting power > 3) run the emulator diagnostics to see that emulator > detects the device correctly. > 4) try switch off and sw

JTAG Bypass

Started by Matthew Singer in TMS320c54x24 years ago

Can anyone tell me the length of the JTAG instruction register for the C54 (C5416)? thank you -- Matthew R. Singer ...

Can anyone tell me the length of the JTAG instruction register for the C54 (C5416)? thank you -- Matthew R. Singer Real Time Systems Engineer Voice: 954-924-7052 Florida Atlantic University Fax : 954-924-7007 Seatech Research

Unable to load code to extended memory using JTAG! Help!

Started by lindahyang in TMS320c54x22 years ago 2 replies

I have code that is compiled in far mode, and when I try to download the code through JTAG Emulator, Code Composer fail to load the...

I have code that is compiled in far mode, and when I try to download the code through JTAG Emulator, Code Composer fail to load the code in the far sections. Please let me know you have any suggestions. Is there some setting that I am missing. In c5416.gel, I set PMST_VAL to 0

JTAG Program Loading on C5409 ; MP/MC = 0

Started by denis rouvre in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, My problem is that I cannot load correctly my program into program memory (mapped 0x00C000 - length : 0x 003EFF) by...

Hi all, My problem is that I cannot load correctly my program into program memory (mapped 0x00C000 - length : 0x 003EFF) by JTAG way. I Just can Find a bit of code in 0x0080, reserved for data. It does not seems to load it into the on-chip memory. Thanks,


Started by Brian C. Lane in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Has anyone used the XDS510 USB JTAG pod from Spectrum Digital? How is your experience with it? I'm currently using the XDS510PP and...

Has anyone used the XDS510 USB JTAG pod from Spectrum Digital? How is your experience with it? I'm currently using the XDS510PP and have had various amounts of trouble with it and parallel ports. With USB based tools it 'should' be easier to host multiple devices at the sam

JTAG on 'c5402 DSK

Started by Les Newell in TMS320c54x22 years ago 2 replies

Hi, Is it possible to use the C5402 DSK to debug an external C5402 via JTAG? I have an application that can't be fully tested on...

Hi, Is it possible to use the C5402 DSK to debug an external C5402 via JTAG? I have an application that can't be fully tested on the DSK so I need to be able to debug a 'c5402 running on another board. Thanks, Les

Flash a FLASH ROM though the JTAG DSP ?

Started by Julien Boudias in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to flash a Flash ROM though the Jtag Dsp. I 'm using a C5402 dsp , a parallel FLASH type...

Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to flash a Flash ROM though the Jtag Dsp. I 'm using a C5402 dsp , a parallel FLASH type M29W200 or AM29VL200 and CCS1.2 Any help would be appreciated, regards, julien Boudias.

Re: Re: Unable to load code to extended memory using JTAG! Help!

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x13 years ago

Waiser- > Thanks for your response. > > 1. The emulation connection are OK. > 2. Yes. I can view memory and can make read/write. > 3....

Waiser- > Thanks for your response. > > 1. The emulation connection are OK. > 2. Yes. I can view memory and can make read/write. > 3. Yes. The values of PMST, BSCR etc are changed after loading GEL file. > > Looking for your response. It sounds more likely the problem is related to software build and not system/JTAG. Suggest to look in your .map file and verify there is *no* code or

Digital Spectrum VC5410 EVM - HPI (Newbie)

Started by nadhje in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hi everyone! I was looking around for some help with a problem i have know. We have a Digital Spectrum VC5410 EVM. It normally...

Hi everyone! I was looking around for some help with a problem i have know. We have a Digital Spectrum VC5410 EVM. It normally comes with a XDSPLUSPLUS JTAG emulator for debbuging and code loading. The problem is that the JTAG emulator doesn't exist anymore and I've arrived to