
would you please help about McBSP

Started by ahmadagha23 in TMS320c54x16 years ago

Hi, 1-As I know in SPI mode there is not the feature to program FPER in McBSP. I want to read 16-bit samples every 125us in SPI mode. (it is...

Hi, 1-As I know in SPI mode there is not the feature to program FPER in McBSP. I want to read 16-bit samples every 125us in SPI mode. (it is compulsory). I want to use DMA and not add any checking or time consuming code to my project. 2- If my cpu internal clk is 120 MHz and the CLKGDV field of my SRGR is 8 bits, how can I use mcbsp(in SPI mode) with internal clk source and with 100KHz...

Use McBSP as RS-232?

Started by bsd_mike in TMS320c54x19 years ago 3 replies

How hard is it to use an McBSP as an RS-232 serial port? I understand I would need a level converter, but how complicated is the software to...

How hard is it to use an McBSP as an RS-232 serial port? I understand I would need a level converter, but how complicated is the software to write? Is there any free code from TI which will do this? -Mike

more mcbsp questions

Started by bsd_mike in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

I am using the TI sample code for the MCBSP described in their T1 interface book. I am getting receive interrupts for...

I am using the TI sample code for the MCBSP described in their T1 interface book. I am getting receive interrupts for every frame, but no transmit interrupts. I am using MCBSP0 and DMA channels 0 and 1. Anybody have any good guesses of what I should

McBSP for multi-SPI

Started by jrobillart in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi, How can I connect many components with SPI interface on the same McBSP port of a TMS320C5416 ? Thanks, Jerome ...

Hi, How can I connect many components with SPI interface on the same McBSP port of a TMS320C5416 ? Thanks, Jerome

mcbsp xrdy/rrdy

Started by Lucy Jordan in TMS320c54x22 years ago

I am using the mcbsp to control a spi device. i have the following functions: unsigned char spi_Receive () { ...

I am using the mcbsp to control a spi device. i have the following functions: unsigned char spi_Receive () { MCBSP_start(hMcbsp0,MCBSP_RCV_START|MCBSP_SRGR_START|MCBSP_SRGR_FRAMESYNC,MCBSP_\ SAMPLE_RATE_DELAY_DEFAULT); while (!MCBSP_rrdy(hMcbsp0)); //(****)


Started by Andrew Ness in TMS320c54x19 years ago

Hi, I've followed the directions in SPRA661 to implement a software UART using the McBSP port 0. I am using a C5416 device and modified the...

Hi, I've followed the directions in SPRA661 to implement a software UART using the McBSP port 0. I am using a C5416 device and modified the included assembly slightly to allow for using a far memory model. Things work okay for the most part, but I am experiencing parity and framing errors every now and then when transmitting to the DSP. Sometimes I can transmit 100 or more characters wi...

MCBSP & T1/E1 on DSK5402

Started by Vladimir Poucki in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello Everyone! We are having problems with T1/E1 streams on McBSP using DSK5402. Our application should extract data from one...

Hello Everyone! We are having problems with T1/E1 streams on McBSP using DSK5402. Our application should extract data from one channel (64kbit/s) of E1 stream, do some signal processing, and resend that PCM samples. Though we've written our own code for this, we wanted to veri

5416/320AD77 Interfacing???

Started by Geoffrey Wang in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hi, I've been having a terrible time just trying to program a McBSP to produce any output on any line (I'm attempting to...

Hi, I've been having a terrible time just trying to program a McBSP to produce any output on any line (I'm attempting to interface a 5416 with a TL320AD77 via a McBSP in SPI Master mode). It must be something very obvious... #define ADC_BSP hMcbsp1 MCBSP_st

McBSP in C5409

Started by Li Hao in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello, everyone. I have a question about C54xx's McBSP specifically for C5409. When it is done with transmitting data, Does DX pin...

Hello, everyone. I have a question about C54xx's McBSP specifically for C5409. When it is done with transmitting data, Does DX pin go into hi-Z state or stay in the last bit state waiting for the next frame sync? I know I can just hook up the scope and look, but thought I might get a quick

interfacing to a TI AIC23 codec.

Started by jmmtk in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, i've been trying to figure out how to interface the AIC23 codec, to the 5402 dsp. Can it really be true that i need to use one...

Hi, i've been trying to figure out how to interface the AIC23 codec, to the 5402 dsp. Can it really be true that i need to use one of the MCBSP for the control interface, and then use the other MCBSP for sending the digital audio data?

C5409 McBSP and DMA

Started by Hew How Chee in TMS320c54x25 years ago

Hi, We are in the process of upgrading our DSP from C549 to C5409 and have a few questions that we need to sort out first...

Hi, We are in the process of upgrading our DSP from C549 to C5409 and have a few questions that we need to sort out first before starting the design. i) Can the 5409 DMA transfer data from external memory between 8000h to FFFFh to the McBSP serial port (tx and rx)

mcbsp2 and DMA

Started by bsd_mike in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Can anybody point me to the document that talks about the MCBSP's and DMA? I understand that only some of the DMA channels...

Can anybody point me to the document that talks about the MCBSP's and DMA? I understand that only some of the DMA channels are available to certain MCBSP's...but I can't find a document that talks about that. Thanks in advance. -Mike

Help on McBSP on 5409 a ( Oops file got dropped )

Started by phil black in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Help on McBSP on 5409 a Anyone I have a problem thats making me nuts. I have McBSP2 set to Clockstop mode (As a SPI...

Help on McBSP on 5409 a Anyone I have a problem thats making me nuts. I have McBSP2 set to Clockstop mode (As a SPI MASTER) to talk to a Ramtrom serial Ram. I can clock data out to it ( Waveforms on the scope look perfect ). I have a very simple routi

CCS Graphical configuration of McBSP

Started by joeblogss84 in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hello all, Is this a known issue? I have looked for info on it but with no success. Using CCS 2.10 targetting a '5416. ...

Hello all, Is this a known issue? I have looked for info on it but with no success. Using CCS 2.10 targetting a '5416. I find that the graphical configuration of McBSP pins used as GPIO is not very sticky. Making changes in the configuration of other


Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Has anyone ever used the MCBSP Chip support library functions in CCS 2.0? Would you be willing to share some source code? TIA, ...

Has anyone ever used the MCBSP Chip support library functions in CCS 2.0? Would you be willing to share some source code? TIA, Carl Chipman Nomadics, Inc. http://www.nomadics.com --- Outgoing m


Started by G.Sateesh Kumar in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hi, I am working with XDS510pp board.How can I configure the MCBSP as GPIO Pins.The hardware contains adc/dac as TLV320AIC10...

Hi, I am working with XDS510pp board.How can I configure the MCBSP as GPIO Pins.The hardware contains adc/dac as TLV320AIC10 codecs.Is there any chance to configure I2c setup for this board?Already i configured the codec to the McBsp with dcsi configurration.Is it posible to do

migration problem about McBSP;

Started by Halil Ibrahim Cuce in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi; i used c549 in the privious version of my design and i decided to use c5416 in the current design.There are burst and...

hi; i used c549 in the privious version of my design and i decided to use c5416 in the current design.There are burst and continuous mode configuration on serial ports of c549 but i don't find how i configure McBSP as a continous mode. thanks.......!

DMA with auto initialization

Started by eli_zarka in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi all, I am using a DMA channel with autoinitialization. I have a frame of 4 16-bit words. My question is how I have to...

Hi all, I am using a DMA channel with autoinitialization. I have a frame of 4 16-bit words. My question is how I have to configure the DMA and the McBSP in order to synchronize the DMA to the frame sync signal. The problem is that the McBSP gives an event every 16-bit wo

DMA interrupt issue ...

Started by haideralibaig in TMS320c54x19 years ago

I am currently working on the C54CST version of the DSP and am having issues with configuring a DMA channel. What I am trying to do is...

I am currently working on the C54CST version of the DSP and am having issues with configuring a DMA channel. What I am trying to do is capture(recieve) the DATA coming in on MCBSP 0 and just simply store the data in memory to read it later (basically I am testing part of the functionality of the DMA). MCBSP 0 is connected to an ST-BUS device (TP3071 CODEC) and the clock and frame sync are

C5409 DMA configuration

Started by rk_appan in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hello All, I am using C5409 for a audio application. When I configure McBSP with CPU interrupts(XINT0,RIN0) I am able to play...

Hello All, I am using C5409 for a audio application. When I configure McBSP with CPU interrupts(XINT0,RIN0) I am able to play audio properly. I want DMA to be implemented for processing the audio data. I have configured both McBSP and DMA0(syncd on Transmit Event) and D