
Re: [Fwd: about McBSP] + secondary comm. for TI codecs

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Pegasus Byron- > Thank you for your reply. I checked the archives > yestoday, and indeed, I found the asm file that you >...

Pegasus Byron- > Thank you for your reply. I checked the archives > yestoday, and indeed, I found the asm file that you > posted. But the source code for the second > communication is the style of hardware, not software. > Do you have the experiences that


Started by fraizzer in TMS320c54x22 years ago 2 replies

Hello I have a 5402 DSK, and want to use the McBSP1 as a small GPIO port. Could anyone help me with a short C example on how to...

Hello I have a 5402 DSK, and want to use the McBSP1 as a small GPIO port. Could anyone help me with a short C example on how to setup the McBSP1 as GPIO and how to control some of the pins as Output's. Best Regards Jacob

Mcbsp 0/1 transmit example - DSK 5416

Started by Yuri_Feigin in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Dear All ! Does someone have an example (project) that performs transmitting digital data through McBsp0/McBsp1 (DSK 5416)...

Dear All ! Does someone have an example (project) that performs transmitting digital data through McBsp0/McBsp1 (DSK 5416) (using DSP BIOs or NOT) ? It would be a real help for me. Thanks a Lot.

Regarding Interupts

Started by abhaykant23 in TMS320c54x23 years ago

HI, I am new using interupts. i am using TMS320C6711 dsk board. For communication i am using codec which is connected...

HI, I am new using interupts. i am using TMS320C6711 dsk board. For communication i am using codec which is connected internally with Mcbsp0. For data transfer and all i want to use EDMA. How to use EDMA and again Mcbsp generates events (like interuptsREVT and XEVT). How

I2S on 5416?

Started by djohn_w in TMS320c54x22 years ago

I'm sure I can't be the first to want to attach an I2S DAC (the CS4341 in particular) to a 5416. Before my brain melts completely ...

I'm sure I can't be the first to want to attach an I2S DAC (the CS4341 in particular) to a 5416. Before my brain melts completely from reading too much of the McBSP spec, has anyone already written a setup that I can steal? This is my first DSP experience. It's quite overwhelm

5402/DSK5416 Basics

Started by reebil in TMS320c54x21 years ago 2 replies

Hi, 1. I would like to drive a standard 20x2 LCD in 4 bit mode using the DSK (obviously as part of a greater project). I want to...

Hi, 1. I would like to drive a standard 20x2 LCD in 4 bit mode using the DSK (obviously as part of a greater project). I want to use the expansion peripheral interface for this purpose, using some of the MCBSP pins. As a test program, I am trying to turn the LEDs on and off wit

Hello VIKRHAM, Help required

Started by eagl...@gmail.com in TMS320c54x18 years ago 3 replies

I'm a third yr student I'm working with the Kit dskC5416... I need to get the audio sample from the port available n i need to process on...

I'm a third yr student I'm working with the Kit dskC5416... I need to get the audio sample from the port available n i need to process on those samples... Can u help me in this...!! I saw a post from u about interfacing with the PC so, u must be knowing how to get the real valued samples from McBSP I've only a months time to finish my project on audio processing, so now working on the ...

DMA interrupts

Started by hakpax in TMS320c54x22 years ago 2 replies

hi there! im using the TMS230C5402 DSK my goal is to process a large amount of audio sampels which comes from the McBSP. i...

hi there! im using the TMS230C5402 DSK my goal is to process a large amount of audio sampels which comes from the McBSP. i decided to use the DMA cause the memory is not big enough. i have managed to use the dma to seperate the input to frames and i enabled the interrupt

Re: Re: Still problems booting the 5402

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x18 years ago

Denis- Thanks a lot for posting that. I remember that "a few initial clock pulses" were needed to get the McBSP state machine going if you...

Denis- Thanks a lot for posting that. I remember that "a few initial clock pulses" were needed to get the McBSP state machine going if you wanted the first word to be correct (i.e. not something like an ADC or other continuous transmit). I guess that applies to bootloading also. -Jeff z...@mail.ru wrote: > > Hi > > > > We have solved the problem. The serial clock has to run before t

DSK5416 PCM Player

Started by clayd in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'd like to load a PCM file to the on-board memory and then play it through the PCM3002 codec on the DSK5416. I'm...

Hi, I'd like to load a PCM file to the on-board memory and then play it through the PCM3002 codec on the DSK5416. I'm stumped with trying to configure the McBSP for the frequency and bit length of the sample I've loaded. Does anyone have any pointers to how

Help on McBSP on 5409 a

Started by phil black in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Anyone I have a problem thats making me nuts. I have McBSP2 set to Clockstop mode (As a SPI MASTER) to talk to a Ramtrom serial...

Anyone I have a problem thats making me nuts. I have McBSP2 set to Clockstop mode (As a SPI MASTER) to talk to a Ramtrom serial Ram. I can clock data out to it ( Waveforms on the scope look perfect ). I have a very simple routine to read the port, just polling the

54x DMA Initialization

Started by Leigh Wells in TMS320c54x26 years ago 1 reply

Hi, all. I'm setting up the DMA for use with the McBSP on the '5410. I have set it up similar to how it is illustrated in...

Hi, all. I'm setting up the DMA for use with the McBSP on the '5410. I have set it up similar to how it is illustrated in SPRU302 pg. 3-50. Using the emulator and DMA channel 1, the DRR1_1 gets loaded with data from an A/D I have implemented, but I can't get the data to move f

MCBSP reset

Started by Krunoslav Sekovanic in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'm working with C5441 DSPs and C5402 DSK. Here is the situation and the problem: There is a 2 Mbps multichannel link...

Hi, I'm working with C5441 DSPs and C5402 DSK. Here is the situation and the problem: There is a 2 Mbps multichannel link connected to MCBSP0. Interrupts RINT and XINT are used for reading and writing. I have to select ch0 and ch1 for writing, all other channels m

Interrupt von DMA Channel 0

Started by T.Hupp in TMS320c54x24 years ago 3 replies

Hi there, I'm just implementing a DMA transfer in ABU Mode from the McBSP to internal Memory. Everything works correct,...

Hi there, I'm just implementing a DMA transfer in ABU Mode from the McBSP to internal Memory. Everything works correct, but - when I use DMA Channel 0 I was never able to get an IR from the DMA. I have tried the same (with the same code) for DMA chann

Burst Mode On McBSP

Started by denis rouvre in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'm migrating from 'C549 to 'C5409, Does anyone know if it's possbible to make it work in burst mode (FSM bit ob 'C549). ...

Hi, I'm migrating from 'C549 to 'C5409, Does anyone know if it's possbible to make it work in burst mode (FSM bit ob 'C549). Thanks. Denis

Trouble with DMA

Started by Jean Viljoen in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Dear group I am using the C5402DSK and AIC10 EVM populated with 8 CODECS. I am using CCS 1.21 with XDS510PP JTAG emulator. To...

Dear group I am using the C5402DSK and AIC10 EVM populated with 8 CODECS. I am using CCS 1.21 with XDS510PP JTAG emulator. To transfer data between CODECS and DSP an can use either DMA, or interrupts and then transmit over MCBSP. I find that when I use the DMA, I need t

c5409 interrupt.

Started by rk_appan in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

Hello All, I am using c5409 on my target board. I am not able to configure interrupts for MCBSP. I used the vectors.asm and...

Hello All, I am using c5409 on my target board. I am not able to configure interrupts for MCBSP. I used the vectors.asm and added the ISR name in RINT0, XINT0 labels. In my command file I have mapped the vectors to 0x7f80. Emulators gives memory map error when I try to l

Rerouting McBSP on the 5402

Started by garymfriedman in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi, I have a question about the McBSPs on the 5402. My problem is this. I have been given the 5402 to use for image ...

Hi, I have a question about the McBSPs on the 5402. My problem is this. I have been given the 5402 to use for image processing. I know the sampling rate of 16kHz is too slow however i don't have the liberty of buying a new board with a better sampling rate.

CCS File -> Load Progam

Started by chris durkin in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello, I was wondering if you can help me, I have a c5402 DSK and I am trying to run the audio program supplied with the board ...

Hello, I was wondering if you can help me, I have a c5402 DSK and I am trying to run the audio program supplied with the board (c:\ti\c5400\examples\bios\audio ). I have successfully re-written the DSS_init function to setup and enable the AD50 codec and McBSP port. The

Sign extension

Started by Leigh Wells in TMS320c54x26 years ago

Can anyone tell me the fastest way to sign extend a value in data memory? I need to sign extend every piece of data that comes in...

Can anyone tell me the fastest way to sign extend a value in data memory? I need to sign extend every piece of data that comes in through the McBSP using the DMA on '5410. Thanks, Leigh Wells Electrical Engineer Acoustic Positioning Research